Pedometer, fitbit, bodybug?

I've had several people suggest to me recently that I should wear a fitbit or bodybug while at work so I can better gauge how many calories I'm actually burning. Some days I am MUCH more active than others so I've had a hard time figuring out how much I should or shouldn't eat on those days.

Anyway, after researching a little online it seems like those expensive monitors are just glorified pedometers. Is it really worth it to get a $100 weight loss accessory, or should I just go for the $15 pedometer? (preferably I would like to spend the least amount as possible)

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You certainly don't need any gadgets. A simple tdee calculator will get you in the ballpark .
  • mattyb1971
    ...but if a gadget helps to motivate you, go for it. I have a Fitbit, and love it because I like to look at numbers. The Fitbit synchs wirelessly with my PC/iPad throughout the day so I can track my progress. Ultimately I end up with day over day history of my steps, stairs, calories burned, etc. without having to remember to type it all in. I have months and months of data, and it is really interesting.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I can tell you that if you want a pedometer that's accurate, you're probably going to have to spend more than $15. The cheap ones aren't very accurate--my husband's cheap one used to log a bunch of "steps" when he was driving.

    I have a BodyMedia Fit and I love it because it allows me to do exactly why you think you need it-to match my eating to my activity. Some days my calorie burn is 1800, some days it's 2600.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Fitbit....totally worth it.... I got 3 of them ..... one for each family member & then got one for a friend on here as well. Without it...I'd sit down after working out. Now..... I'm walking ALL DAY. I mean ALL DAY. I'll walk 17km to get a light globe. Today I walked 16km to get garbage bags. I could have caught the bus but didnt. Last time I caught the bus was before I got my fitbit.

    It does NOT however give you an EXACT amount of cal burn that you do, nothing does that. But it does motivate you more than just a $15 pedometer. Fitbit is WAY more than a glorified one....way more.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    You certainly don't need any gadgets. A simple tdee calculator will get you in the ballpark .

    Ummm you do if what you are doing is over the norm. I do anywhere between 20000 steps & 40000 a day. Hardly normal considering I don't normally leave the house...well didnt till I got my 'gadget' & know how much more I burn. Can your TDEE work out how much dance walking for 16km burns?
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    I love my fitbit as it keeps me motivated to move more. I watch it through out the day and try to beat yesterdays steps. i love the fact that it syncs to my computer as well. I will tell you that fitbit and MFP do not show the same calories burned although they do show the same weight etc. Fitbit shows that I have burned 526 calories already this morning yet for those same steps MFP shows I have burned 26. Quite a difference but it really doesnt matter to me, its motivation to keep moving.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I've had several people suggest to me recently that I should wear a fitbit or bodybug while at work so I can better gauge how many calories I'm actually burning. Some days I am MUCH more active than others so I've had a hard time figuring out how much I should or shouldn't eat on those days.

    Anyway, after researching a little online it seems like those expensive monitors are just glorified pedometers. Is it really worth it to get a $100 weight loss accessory, or should I just go for the $15 pedometer? (preferably I would like to spend the least amount as possible)

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    the fitbit zip might be what you need--I don't think it does flights of steps or sleep, but it does do steps and distance, and show calories burned (BMR+activity) and sync with MFP. It is $60.

    Another compelling argument for the fitbit is their amazing customer support. I have had mine since May. About 10 days ago I looked down and a chunk of the plastic had chipped off my fitbit. I don't remember bumping into anything that could have damaged it ( I keep it on the center of my bra). I emailed customer service a picture of the damage, and told them what happened. Within 22 hours I had an email telling me that my version is out of stock, but would I like for them to replace it with the next comparable model ( which is actually a slight step up). All they needed was a copy of my receipt and my shipping info. My friend washed hers, and she had similar service...
  • BDani
    BDani Posts: 17 Member
    ...but if a gadget helps to motivate you, go for it. I have a Fitbit, and love it because I like to look at numbers. The Fitbit synchs wirelessly with my PC/iPad throughout the day so I can track my progress. Ultimately I end up with day over day history of my steps, stairs, calories burned, etc. without having to remember to type it all in. I have months and months of data, and it is really interesting.

    Does it come with it's own program to track your progress? Or does it work with the MFP app? What kind did you get?
    Fitbit....totally worth it.... I got 3 of them ..... one for each family member & then got one for a friend on here as well. Without it...I'd sit down after working out. Now..... I'm walking ALL DAY. I mean ALL DAY. I'll walk 17km to get a light globe. Today I walked 16km to get garbage bags. I could have caught the bus but didnt. Last time I caught the bus was before I got my fitbit.

    It does NOT however give you an EXACT amount of cal burn that you do, nothing does that. But it does motivate you more than just a $15 pedometer. Fitbit is WAY more than a glorified one....way more.

    Which one did you get? Does it also track time in the sense of how long did you walk for?
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I love my fitbit as it keeps me motivated to move more. I watch it through out the day and try to beat yesterdays steps. i love the fact that it syncs to my computer as well. I will tell you that fitbit and MFP do not show the same calories burned although they do show the same weight etc. Fitbit shows that I have burned 526 calories already this morning yet for those same steps MFP shows I have burned 26. Quite a difference but it really doesnt matter to me, its motivation to keep moving.

    the discrepancy is because Fitbit shows BMR+ calorie burns. so 500 calories of that is BMR!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    ...but if a gadget helps to motivate you, go for it. I have a Fitbit, and love it because I like to look at numbers. The Fitbit synchs wirelessly with my PC/iPad throughout the day so I can track my progress. Ultimately I end up with day over day history of my steps, stairs, calories burned, etc. without having to remember to type it all in. I have months and months of data, and it is really interesting.

    Does it come with it's own program to track your progress? Or does it work with the MFP app? What kind did you get?
    Fitbit....totally worth it.... I got 3 of them ..... one for each family member & then got one for a friend on here as well. Without it...I'd sit down after working out. Now..... I'm walking ALL DAY. I mean ALL DAY. I'll walk 17km to get a light globe. Today I walked 16km to get garbage bags. I could have caught the bus but didnt. Last time I caught the bus was before I got my fitbit.

    It does NOT however give you an EXACT amount of cal burn that you do, nothing does that. But it does motivate you more than just a $15 pedometer. Fitbit is WAY more than a glorified one....way more.

    Which one did you get? Does it also track time in the sense of how long did you walk for?

    I got the ONE. Yep it tells you how long you were sedentary, lightly active, fairly active & very active for. I love it. I don't take it off unless it's to shower or charge it.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member

    Does it come with it's own program to track your progress? Or does it work with the MFP app? What kind did you get?
    Both! The fitbit program is free and is designed to stand alone...but it does sync with MFP also. I haven't recorded exercise ( other than the fitbit adjustment) in easily 6 months.

    Which one did you get? Does it also track time in the sense of how long did you walk for?

    they have 3 models available right now, and a 4th one coming this spring.

    I personally have the Ultra ( no longer available) and am awaiting arrival of the One ( what replaced the ultra) because my Ultra chipped.

    it does not really sense the time, but you can use the 'activity timer' if you want to know how much you burned in a specific time period. it is meant to be worn during ALL waking hours
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    I have a FitBit One. It was a very thoughtful gift from my boyfriend though, I didn't actually spend the money on it. The One does run about $100, but the Zip is significantly less money at around $60. I really like mine. The first thing I do when I get to my computer in the morning is log my sleep from the night before. The website interface is really clean, it's super user friendly, and everything is right there, in full color. It tells me exactly what I've done that day.

    My suggestion, before you drop a bunch of cash, especially where it seems like you're fortunate enough to know some people with a few different products, is to ask them if you can see how the websites work, how the gadget itself works, and which one you feel the most comfortable with. If you're going to buy one, I'd say spend a coupe extra bucks and skip the cheap stuff. My FitBit is literally on my body 24/7, minus charging and shower times. For something that I used every minute of every day, I'm not opposed to coughing up a few dollars for the sake of quality.
  • WannaBLoser2013
    ...but if a gadget helps to motivate you, go for it. I have a Fitbit, and love it because I like to look at numbers. The Fitbit synchs wirelessly with my PC/iPad throughout the day so I can track my progress. Ultimately I end up with day over day history of my steps, stairs, calories burned, etc. without having to remember to type it all in. I have months and months of data, and it is really interesting.

    I recently bought a fitbit (the basic one for $59) and I love it for the same reasons stated above.
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    I have a fitbit ultra it's fantastic it motivates me every day to move more they are expensive but worth every penny
  • NavyMommy
    NavyMommy Posts: 102 Member
    I just went to Best Buy to get my BodyMedia Link (which I LOVE but have only had for 2 days so I can't speak to results yet), and they had a huge display of all the different products. Everything from HRMs to pedometers and all the different fit bits, BodyMedia products, ect. I went with the BodyMedia because some of the activities I do (like spinning) wouldn't really register as steps, but the BodyMedia should track the changes in my skin and give me some credit. Already I can see little spikes when I'm doing things like getting the kids dressed (lots of up and down stairs) and cooking dinner so I'm feeling like it's pretty accurate. Oh, and you get the first 6 months free for the website so you have some time to try it out. From what I see on EBay I figure if I hate it I can resell it and get a big chunk of the money back.
  • mattyb1971
    ...but if a gadget helps to motivate you, go for it. I have a Fitbit, and love it because I like to look at numbers. The Fitbit synchs wirelessly with my PC/iPad throughout the day so I can track my progress. Ultimately I end up with day over day history of my steps, stairs, calories burned, etc. without having to remember to type it all in. I have months and months of data, and it is really interesting.

    Does it come with it's own program to track your progress? Or does it work with the MFP app? What kind did you get?

    Fitbit....totally worth it.... I got 3 of them ..... one for each family member & then got one for a friend on here as well. Without it...I'd sit down after working out. Now..... I'm walking ALL DAY. I mean ALL DAY. I'll walk 17km to get a light globe. Today I walked 16km to get garbage bags. I could have caught the bus but didnt. Last time I caught the bus was before I got my fitbit.

    It does NOT however give you an EXACT amount of cal burn that you do, nothing does that. But it does motivate you more than just a $15 pedometer. Fitbit is WAY more than a glorified one....way more.

    Which one did you get? Does it also track time in the sense of how long did you walk for?

    I got the ONE. Yep it tells you how long you were sedentary, lightly active, fairly active & very active for. I love it. I don't take it off unless it's to shower or charge it.

    Also have the Fitbit One. It has its own tracking program (online) and you link to MFP and vice-versa. Pretty seamless.