Progress using fitness pal, herbalife and a little gym!

Hey everyone! Been using this app for a while and it helps keep me on track! Lost some weight through eating better and gym but i started using herbalife products nearly 3 weeks ago now! lost 5lb in the last 10 days... heres my progress pic


  • emzdiet
    emzdiet Posts: 22 Member
    What is herbal life? :)
  • vabchloser
    vabchloser Posts: 223 Member
    What is herbal life? :)
    Meal replacement.

    Good job, although, I'm not a fan of any meal replacement.

    You look super in the before pic too!
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    LOVE Herbalife! And congrats!!
  • Its a program designed to give your body what it needs nutritionally. I have two meal replacement shakes a day, a protein bar for a snack. I take their fibrebond, mutli vitamin tabs and fibre n herb tabs and have one healthy balanced meal in the evening!
    Loving it so far!
  • swebb1103
    swebb1103 Posts: 200 Member
    My husband is doing very well on Herbalife, he has lost 23 pounds since November. A friend of ours has lost something like 90 pounds since summer. I've tried the shakes but they are not for me - but for the right people, this does work.
  • thats amazing! yeah its really working for me! never had results this fast before and feel so much better! even my skin looks more glowing! HAHA!
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    Glad it's working for you.

    I was subjected to a Herbalife sales pitch a couple of weeks ago. Firstly they told us that you should consume a quarter of your daily calorie allowance for breakfast, to set you up for the day, but they followed this by trying to sell us a meal replacement shake for breakfast that would only provide 217 calories :noway: . 'fraid they lost my attention at tha point, I was too busy thinking about boiled egg and toast!
  • thats weird! they obv didnt know what they were talking about! haha
    I consume about 1100- 1200 cals. the shakes are just nutritionally well balanced and i dont get hungry or if i need to snack i just have a protein bar which works great!
  • I started the Herbalife program about 3 weeks ago and am loving it. I have only lost 2 pounds so far but I've noticed a difference in my energy level and the way my clothes are fitting me. I have a shake for breakfast and lunch, 1-2 snacks during the day and a balanced dinner. I do have a difficult time drinking as much water as I should but am getting better at that.
  • Ive now lost ANOTHER few pounds, it feels like its dropping off me now! nearly at my goal now!! Im a distributor too! :D i love helping others achieve what ive done myself now! EXCITING!
  • mayamagallanes
    mayamagallanes Posts: 85 Member
    I LOVE herbalife. I dont take the vitamins I just use a multi but when I can afford it I grab the shake!!! I was doing a shake every morning with 1 scoop (to make it last longer) and a banana. I watched my calories... well kinda haha and I had slowely lost weight!! I went from 180 to 168 in about a month. I will be buying some tomorrow so I can get back on track! My mechanic was taking the whole system and had lost 90lbs in 3.5 months. He was also working out pretty hard. He has kept it off for a few years and is no running marathons! My mom took it about 20 years ago and she said she had great results back then!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!
  • I started about 3 weeks ago with one shake a day for breakfast and lost about 6 pounds. Now i'm upping it to 2 shakes a day and added the total control and thermobond. I'll let y'all know how it goes. I have a vaca to Cali to see my Marine in about 3 weeks so that's my first mini goal. I've noticed though that even though I'm eating pretty healthy my sugar totals are through the roof. And I'm not eating junk. It's all from fruits (2 a day), veggies(2-3 day) , and milk (16oz day) . I've ordered Prolessa from Herbalife to try to cut the sugars from milk from my shakes. Has anyone tried Prolessa yet??
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