Too Much Sugar!

I joined MFP last year, took a break, and now I'm back. Both in the last go around and this time I have been monitoring my sugar and always go over. I eat fairly clean and in looking at my food diary most of food does not contain that much sugar.

I was eating flavored Greek yogurt until I saw how much sugar there was and have since switched to plain. Other than that, all the sugar is coming from fruit and honey in my morning tea with a little bit here and there throughout the day.

Again, I'm not eating processed foods. Should I be concerned by this? I usually have 3-4 servings of fruit and 1-2 tsp of honey per day and that pushes me over.


  • ashleym9925
    Fruit has a lot of sugar in it. If you want to decrease your sugar intake, you should cut your servings of fruit in half and try to eat more veggies.
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    Try tracking your fiber along with your carbs. Trying to max out your fiber while staying in your carb limit helps to make smarter carb choicies.
  • laurengaugler
    laurengaugler Posts: 45 Member
    Right, I know this. Last time I was here I was dating someone very health conscious and he told me that I shouldn't really worry too much about what the sugar levels say on here because what I am eating are natural/non processed sugars, and it's not like I'm eating a bushel of bananas every meal.

    I guess my question is not how do I lower my sugar intake. That's an obvious answer. My question is more how does sugar play a role in weight loss and overall health.
  • laurengaugler
    laurengaugler Posts: 45 Member
    Try tracking your fiber along with your carbs. Trying to max out your fiber while staying in your carb limit helps to make smarter carb choicies.
    I have fiber tracking, but I will pay closer attention to the ratio. Thanks!
  • ChristinaK69
    I would just avoid the table type sugar. Your body processes fruit sugar differently and you get some good natural vitamins with fruit