Tricks for getting exercise in early.



  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    Agree with some who have said sleep in your gym clothes. I sleep in my sports bra the night before a run (at 445 in the morning D: ).

    I, too, think about working off breakfast, and what a wonderful breakfast it can be, when I run first thing.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Put the alarm clock in another room. No tricks for motivation though, you just need to do it.

    Haha. You can by novelty alarms for people that love the snooze button - I used to have a helicopter that would lift up and fly round the room, and the alarm wouldn't stop going off until you had caught it and put it back. That used to get me up no problem.
  • bigbird1979
    bigbird1979 Posts: 17 Member
    I have this problem too. I say every night I going to get up early and go workout. Well the baby wakes at 3. I get up and give him a bottle and then I go back to bed and at 5 he wakes up for good. But at this time his dad gets up with him and I still sleep. I am so tired and can't dare to even think of working out. I hate it. I should just suck if up and go. I wake up at this time but stay in bed. I guess I am so lazy. I have been able to get up and go sometimes but not all the time. I go to bed at 9. So thats pretty early.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Sleep in your workout clothes and go to bed early:)

    This is what I do. It really makes it easy to just get up, lace up the shoes, and roll out.
  • glubben
    glubben Posts: 45 Member
    I get up everymorning at 4:50 and head to the gym. THe biggest thing for me is having everything I need ready the night before and going to bed earlier. Sad to say. I'm 31 years old but usually in bed on week nights by 8:30
  • I put my stuff out the night before (work out clothes, protein powder, heart rate monitor) and then I put my alarm AWAY from my bed. In that way, I actually have to get out of bed to turn it off, so I don't disturb my roommate. Then I'll make myself stand for a minute or so, go pee, and then I'm pretty awake. Sometimes the bed is so cozy though....tehe.
  • Haha. You can by novelty alarms for people that love the snooze button - I used to have a helicopter that would lift up and fly round the room, and the alarm wouldn't stop going off until you had caught it and put it back. That used to get me up no problem.

    HA HA HA i need to get me one of those sounds like fun :)
  • khemory
    khemory Posts: 47 Member
    I moved my work outs to 5:15 am as well. My boyfriend and my 2 year are still in the bed, so I still have to get him ready and out the door as well as myself ready for work all before 8am. I love the early work outs though! I feel like its a great start to my day and also I know that by the time 5:30 comes and I have to go home and make dinner, give my son a bath ect. I will not be motivated to work out. I did not think I would be able to stay awake after getting up and exercising but I actually have more energy and feel better throughout the day. Hope you find what works best for you :)
  • linubie
    linubie Posts: 4 Member
    Do you guys eat before you do your early morning workouts/runs? I've tried to workout early morning on an empty stomach but it doesn't work for me. I get all woozy and light-headed. But if I eat something and then work out right away I feel nauseated. Neither are really conducive to a good work-out.

    Someone recommended that I wait 20-30 minutes after eating before I work out, but come on, seriously? Who has time for that in the morning, when time is at a premium to begin with?
  • Jribeiro86
    Jribeiro86 Posts: 108 Member
    Okay, this may sound dorky, but it was suggested to me recently, so I'm paying it forward-- log how you feel about working out in the morning (i.e., thoughts, impressions, rewards, etc.). It doesn't have to be as involved as journaling or anything like that-- Even if you just leave a brief status message here on MFP, you will be forcing yourself to really analyze the benefits of getting up so early for fitness. If it truly matters to you and pays off enough in your mind, you'll make a point to go. It's as simple as that. :smile:
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    Have you ever thought about doing home workouts instead of going to the gym?


    I'm not sure what type of workouts you favor or how much room you have. Home equipment is likely less expensive than the gym. Unless you are looking for advanced training options you should be able to set yourself up at home and save that prep and commute time. An extra 1/2 hour to sleep can really help your motivation.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I get up some mornings to run at 4:00am, I go to bed at 9:00pm most of the time.

    It is simple, if the pain of not changing is greater than actually working to make the change, you will make it important to you.
  • Post on MFP or Facebook that you're going to the gym in the morning, or tell somebody that you're going. If you know you can be held accountable, you'll be less likely to back out. I set my gym clothes out ready to go so when 5:45AM hits I have everything ready to get out the door by 6.

    And as far as getting out of bed, there's no better tool that "just do it". No excuses, just get out of bed. Simple! You ARE going to work out! So go do it! And if you've been doing it for a while, your results also are your motivation. I've been getting out of bed since November to do Insanity, and I feel my flat abs and say "yep, I'm going to get up!"
  • Adamanda5
    Adamanda5 Posts: 38 Member
    Getting up at about the same time every day helps, even on weekends. I have also started going to bed earlier. I sleep so much better when I stick to a schedule, and the better my sleep is, the easier it is to wake myself up early. Also, I sleep in a sports bra and workout clothes, and set my shoes, hairties, etc. out so that all I have to do is get up and go! I am using the silent alarm function on my fitbit so that I can train myself to stop hitting my regular alarm's snooze button. It's tough at first, but you get used to it! :)
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I set 10 alarms, they go off 2 minutes apart. My boyfriend really hates me for this but he can suck it.
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    I have tried going to the gym at 5AM before, I am normally really good for about a week and then I just stop! I have put so much pressure on myself and then I don't sleep very well knowing my alarm is going off at 4:45AM. However, I am trying it again. I am not forcing myself to get up early each and every day --but I have been forcing myself to get up early on the days that I know my afternoons are too busy to make it to the gym. It does feel great to get your workout over and done with before the day actually starts. Plus, it helps me eat healthier throughout the day. My body doesn't crave the sugar it does on the days I do not exercise very first thing. It is harder than hell on some mornings, but I just keep reminding myself that I will not reach my end goal without extra effort!

    Things to help!
    - go to bed early!
    - before bed:
    lay out your clothes (including shoes and socks)
    have your ipod charged and ready with your workout music
    figure out what you are going to do for breakfast (I have to eat something before working out or I get sick)
    make your water bottle and put it in the fridge for the morning
    write down one positive thing about tomorrow mornings workout!
    - set your alarm and say you will!
  • mollylookalike
    mollylookalike Posts: 60 Member
    I started the year off going to the gym early (4:30am)- and the only way I could do it was to shower before bed, put on my gym clothes (minus shoes / hoodie) and when my alarm went off (my dog starts barking and whining to get out of his crate), so I put my shoes by my bed in the path to his crate. It forced me to nearly trip over my shoes, but also to remind me "Hey!!! Wake up!!! Get your @$$ to the gym!!!"
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I am currently going through this, myself. :flowerforyou:

    I KNOW when I do my workouts first thing, I feel a LOT better all day, and then there is that added "I already got it out of the way" unless it's one of the days that I'm doing the C25K program.

    It's difficult for me to get up when I'm not thinking about working out and getting up 30 minutes earlier, since the hubs has this involuntary nerve thing going on that keeps him moving around most of the night on many nights, but I really have to get better about it.
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    I get up at 4:50 for my workouts. I have all my gym stuff laid out to make it easier. Just have to remind myself this is how it is and it is worth it. I also am asleep by 9:00 at the latest every night. What am I missing out on, watching TV? I'd rather sleep!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    I have tried going to the gym at 5AM before, I am normally really good for about a week and then I just stop! I have put so much pressure on myself and then I don't sleep very well knowing my alarm is going off at 4:45AM. However, I am trying it again. I am not forcing myself to get up early each and every day --but I have been forcing myself to get up early on the days that I know my afternoons are too busy to make it to the gym. It does feel great to get your workout over and done with before the day actually starts. Plus, it helps me eat healthier throughout the day. My body doesn't crave the sugar it does on the days I do not exercise very first thing. It is harder than hell on some mornings, but I just keep reminding myself that I will not reach my end goal without extra effort!

    Things to help!
    - go to bed early!
    - before bed:
    lay out your clothes (including shoes and socks)
    have your ipod charged and ready with your workout music
    figure out what you are going to do for breakfast (I have to eat something before working out or I get sick)
    make your water bottle and put it in the fridge for the morning
    write down one positive thing about tomorrow mornings workout!
    - set your alarm and say you will!

    ^^ This ^^ is great!!!!