eating because of being BORED.

Next month my baby will be a year and I STILL have not lost the weight. Mostly because I benj (however you spell it) eat. I will do really well then will eat A TON and I am not even hungry.. It just tastes good. I keep trying and keep giving up I feel like everyday I go to bed get up and TRY again only to fail. So frustrated... Any ideas?


  • Raina0512
    Raina0512 Posts: 216
    I'm interested in hearing responses to this... I also do well for a week or so and then I'll scarf down 2 candy bars like it's my first time eating candy. :/ Let me know if you find something that helps! :)
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I think the food diary aspect of this website helps a lot. It allows you to see how many calories are going down the gullet, and makes you more aware of the numbers of potential calories you are considering when you binge eat. I would take the "keeping track of food" part really seriously and log what you eat as frequently as possible (I do it immediately before or after I stick something in my mouth, all day long).

    I too used to go on benders when I just wanted to eat all night long. It has pretty much stopped since I started using this website. If I should happen to feel like eating a bunch of less healthy stuff, I know that I need to work out that much harder to earn it so I can balance out my food diary for the day. I've decided it's impossible to be good EVERY day, but it definitely curbs those big binges for me!
  • hadassah86
    hadassah86 Posts: 9 Member
    giirl I know what you mean. I do well when I have accountability but I have not had much of that. And summer is coming... can't my summer maternity clothes can't wear my pre prego clothes those dont fit yay.
  • TonyaR
    TonyaR Posts: 78 Member
    When you feel a binge coming on, brush your teeth! Seriously it helps! You get that toothpaste heavy mint in your mouth and NO ONE likes to eat or drink flavored stuff, after they've brushed hteir teeth!
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Work out!! When you're bored, get up and move. We have ALL binged. I did it this weekend in fact ... and laid in bed wanting to die ... but when you're eating because you're bored, get up and move. No matter where you work, they will let you get up to go to the bathroom. So get up and take the long way. If you're a SAHM, get up, put that baby in a stroller and go for a walk! Even if you've already had 5 walks today :smile: It'll help. And you'll see results!
  • workoutqueen628
    I agree with kristin!! Don't give yourself time to grab a candy bar or two!! RUN out the door, pop a piece of gum in your mouth, and get moving!! Exercise helps reduce cravings!
  • workoutqueen628
  • hadassah86
    hadassah86 Posts: 9 Member
    good ideas. I think I just need to get up and do something instead of thinking about it.
  • mommyuphold
    I am the same why and my youngest just turned 2. I feel like its easier to just eat a snack than to do anything else. I am always tired, because my kids and husband all sleep on different schedules. I have found that the weeks I do use this site to count my calories and keep track that I actually lose weight, but I haven't used it in quite some time, so I have gained about 6lbs on top of what I already weighed!!ugh...feeling a little down today...I also think the show Biggest Loser does a lot to help me get motivated sometimes. Been watching it all morning, getting ready to take the kids outside in a bit.