Lose 5lbs+ in January!!! YES WE CAN (CLOSED GROUP)



  • aqua_zumba_fan
    aqua_zumba_fan Posts: 383 Member
    Name/ real name: aqua_zumba_fan/ Tam

    Goal weight on January 31: 128

    1/1: 133

    1/7: 134 (oh dear - better luck next week!)

    1/14: 132 (weighing in early as away today to Thurs)

    1/21: 132 (not going to make my goal, especially as away next weekend for anniversary but feeling fitter and healthier which is what counts!)

    1/28: 131 (After a weekend away for anniversary I'll definitely take that!)

  • MoniMoni2u
    MoniMoni2u Posts: 211 Member

    Goal weight on January 31: 205

    1/1: 213.8

    1/7: 213.6

    1/14: 208.8

    1/21: 206

    1/28: 204

  • julest25
    julest25 Posts: 140 Member
    Name/ real name: Julest25/Julie

    Goal weight on January 31: 133

    1/1: 138

    1/7: 137

    1/14: 136

    1/21: 137

    1/28: 135

  • BigG59
    BigG59 Posts: 396 Member
    Name/ real name: BigG59

    Goal weight on January 31: 199 which would be the goal I set myself when I started this journey back in July 2012 for early Feb 2013.

    1/1: 204
    1/7: 201
    1/14: 199
    1/21: 197
    1/28: 198
  • TMusumeche
    TMusumeche Posts: 180 Member

    Goal weight on January 31: 142

    1/1: 146.8

    1/7: 147.2 (SCREAMING....UGHHHHHH)

    1/14: 147.2

    1/21: 144.4 (FINALLY )

    1/28: 141.8 (YIPPIE)


    Good Luck Everyone! :-)
  • Name/ real name: Christina

    Goal weight on January 31: 144

    1/1: 149

    1/7: 148

    1/14: 146

    1/21: 145.2 (so weird...I know I weighed in last week!!)

    1/28: 143.9

  • Sweetpickles99/ Wanda

    Goal weight on January 31 is 295

    1/1: 304.8

    1/7: 298.4

    1/14: 295.6

    1/21: 294.8

    1/28: 293.

  • Name/ real name: melanogaster

    Goal weight on January 31: 212

    1/1: 217

    1/7: 217

    1/14: 214.6

    1/21: 214.2

    1/28: 212!!! :drinker:
  • Name/ real name: foodie99 / Lauren

    Goal weight on January 31: 165

    1/1: 171

    1/7: 171.... just coming off a weekend at my in-laws with limited food choices and no time for exercise, I'll take it!

    1/14: 170.5... wow, slow going this month. Have had very little time to get to the gym.

    1/21: 168.5... oh yeah, now we're moving!

    1/28: 168

  • Name/ real name: melanogaster

    Goal weight on January 31: 212

    1/28: 212!!! :drinker:

  • Was out of town last week and wasn't able to post. Sorry


    Goal weight on January 31: 183

    1/1: 188.2

    1/7: 186.8

    1/14: 185.6

    1/21: 187.00

    1/28: 185.0

  • Name/ real name: Christina

    Goal weight on January 31: 144

    1/28: 143.9


  • emcdonie
    emcdonie Posts: 190 Member
    Name/ real name: ELeanor McDonie

    Goal weight on January 31: 279.8 (or hopefully less)

    1/1: 284.8
    1/7: 284.2
    1/13: 283.8
    1/21: 282.2
    1/28: 280.4
  • clhardy5
    clhardy5 Posts: 68 Member
    Name/Real Name: clhardy5/Carrie

    Goal weight on January 31: 141
    1/1: 146.8
    1/7: 145.2
    1/14: 144.8
    1/21: 143
    1/28: 141 :love:
  • txwildfire/cissy

    Jan. 31 goal weight : 188 or less

    1/1: 193.6

    1/7: 190.6

    1/14: 189.4

    1/21: 189.6

    1/28: 191.0 ARRGH...this always happens when I start exercising!!! I hate it.....it started creepin' last week :(
  • erinpooh/Erin
    Goal weight on Jan 31: 158
    1/1: 163

    1/7: 159.8

    1/14: 160.4 (water retention!)

    1/21: ??--will be travelling overseas.

    1/28: 167.8 (water gain from trip overseas)


    Believe it or not, I gained 13 lbs when I was overseas. I think most of it has to be water retention, because I was only gone a week. I did eat more than usual, but I exercised every day. And I'm losing rapidly now--lost 4 lbs, then 2, then one every day since I got back. At this rate I'll be happy to get back to 163 by Thursday! But I'll take it! Overseas travel ALWAYS makes me retain water. I think it's a combination of not getting enough water (I don't trust tap water in Thailand), sitting around in meetings, sitting immobilized on planes for hours on end, missing workouts, and eating crappy airplane food. When I got back, I was too jetlagged to work out for about two days.
  • zena92
    zena92 Posts: 128 Member
    Name/ real name: zena92/zena

    Goal weight on January 31: 140

    1/1: 145

    1/7: 147 (TOM)

    1/14: 144

    1/21: 143

    1/28: 141.5

  • Name: Kaci

    Goal weight on January 31: 145

    1/1: 149.2

    1/7: 148.8

    1/14: 150.4

    1/21: 148.4

    1/28: 151.2 (apparently I have a trend of losing, gaining, losing....)

  • Name/ real name: Christina

    Goal weight on January 31: 144

    1/28: 143.9



    Thanks, chica!! You're doing amazing, too!! :)
  • se3po
    se3po Posts: 12
    Name/ real name: Se3po

    Goal weight on January 31: 165

    1/1: 170.4

    1/7: 169.4


    Yikes, bad week.

    1/28: 167.8
