went over with carbs and always go over on protien

I'm getting really annoyed with myself as I keep going over on my protein because I'm on the slimfast diet. I have one main meal which is dinner. Today I'm having a jacket potato no butter but half a can of Asda's chosen by you chilli con carne. I have gone over on my carbs as well today by 13 points :(. What am I doing wrong?


  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I can't see your diary, but I'd ask this. Why do you think you're doing something wrong? If it's b/c the default settings on MFP are saying that you eat too much protein, then the answer is most likely that you're not doing anything wrong.

    The default settings here are a bit low for protein for the average person.

    If you want to experiment with your macronutrient ratios, you can change those settings. From the Homepage, click on the Goals sub nav item, Change Goals. and select custom. You'll be able to change the percentages of carbs, fats, and proteins. MFP's suggestions for macros shouldn't really be viewed as a one-size-fits all. We all have different preferences, goals, along with activity and performance concerns that may need to be accounted for.
  • jenicarroll
    jenicarroll Posts: 2 Member
    I go over on my protein, too!! Is that terribly bad?
  • kinkyvampire
    kinkyvampire Posts: 10 Member
    If I'm on the slimfast diet what would you recommend I have the settings at I will go make my plan public now x
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You need to manually set your macro goals (i.e. carb/protein/fat) MFP's defaults are pretty carb heavy and low protein. If you're going over on MFP's default carbs, you're probably just eating too many carbs and probably not getting enough heart healthy fats...you need to work in other nutrient dense foods that are lower in carbohydrates. In general, it really doesn't matter for weight loss...but too many carbs in the diet can lead to whacked out blood sugar levels as well as high levels of triglycerides. Too little protein in your diet while at a deficit results in lost lean body mass. Too little fat in the diet results in central nervous system issues and has shown to also increase depression and higher levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol in the blood. Heart healthy fats increase HDL (good cholesterol) in the blood.
  • kinkyvampire
    kinkyvampire Posts: 10 Member
    thank you for the info :3. This is the first time it's happened in carbs so hopefully this is the only time it happens xx. Normally I am low on everything else but high on protein xx I mean potatoes are good for you so the carbs in this should be good carbs so they should burn off pretty quickly..well I'm hoping anyway.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    how much do you weight?

    you should get 1lb of protein per lb of body weight...do you work out much?
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    First off...what works for me may not work for you.

    I like to keep things simple. I'm not concerned about ANYTHING but net calories for the week. I don't care how much carbohydrate, sugar, fat, or salt food has.....JUST CALORIES. It's a simple mathematical formula. If you burn more than you take in...YOU'LL LOSE WEIGHT. That way I can eat ANYTHING I want.

    Next....this is a SLOW LOSS PLAN. One MUST be patient. If you go by MFP's recommendation one pound/week loss is EXCELLENT!

    Just keep thinking that a year from now you'll weigh 52 POUNDS LESS!!!! You didn't gain all the weight overnight....you shouldn't try to lose it all overnight.

    Good luck!
  • kinkyvampire
    kinkyvampire Posts: 10 Member
    >///////////////< I currently weigh 13stone and 7 lb >___<.
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    how much do you weight?

    you should get 1lb of protein per lb of body weight...do you work out much?

    I think that should be per pound of LEAN body mass. But, I agree that protein is an important macro. Since I have upped mine I have been more satisfied, my hair stopped falling, and I feel better. I would suggest not being afraid to eat some more cals from whole nutritious foods. You need to make sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs to keep you healthy and your metabolism burning.
  • kinkyvampire
    kinkyvampire Posts: 10 Member
    First off...what works for me may not work for you.

    I like to keep things simple. I'm not concerned about ANYTHING but net calories for the week. I don't care how much carbohydrate, sugar, fat, or salt food has.....JUST CALORIES. It's a simple mathematical formula. If you burn more than you take in...YOU'LL LOSE WEIGHT. That way I can eat ANYTHING I want.

    Next....this is a SLOW LOSS PLAN. One MUST be patient. If you go by MFP's recommendation one pound/week loss is EXCELLENT!

    Just keep thinking that a year from now you'll weigh 52 POUNDS LESS!!!! You didn't gain all the weight overnight....you shouldn't try to lose it all overnight.

    Good luck!

    I'm probably hoping for too much but I want to lose more then 1lb a week the first week I started my slimfast diet I lost 5 lb's Just seems I've hit the wall after starting from 14 stone 2lb and now at 13 stone 7lb >.<.
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    You're not getting near enough protein based on your diary!!

    You should be getting about 1-2g of protein per lean muscle mass. 56g of protein is very low. You're fine!!

    A good range, in my opinion, is carbs around 150g give or take on day and type of carb and at least 100g of protein (for starters and people new to the new "lifestyle").
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I'm getting really annoyed with myself as I keep going over on my protein because I'm on the slimfast diet. I have one main meal which is dinner. Today I'm having a jacket potato no butter but half a can of Asda's chosen by you chilli con carne. I have gone over on my carbs as well today by 13 points :(. What am I doing wrong?
    What is your protein set to and what kind of diet are you following?
    My protein is set to 30%, which is about 100 grams for me, and I usually meet that with no issue.
    Carbs are set to 50% and I never come close to that number, without really trying not to.
  • lovelillies
    Stick to your calories and everything should balance out:smile:
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    First off...what works for me may not work for you.

    I like to keep things simple. I'm not concerned about ANYTHING but net calories for the week. I don't care how much carbohydrate, sugar, fat, or salt food has.....JUST CALORIES. It's a simple mathematical formula. If you burn more than you take in...YOU'LL LOSE WEIGHT. That way I can eat ANYTHING I want.

    Next....this is a SLOW LOSS PLAN. One MUST be patient. If you go by MFP's recommendation one pound/week loss is EXCELLENT!

    Just keep thinking that a year from now you'll weigh 52 POUNDS LESS!!!! You didn't gain all the weight overnight....you shouldn't try to lose it all overnight.

    Good luck!

    But you need to worry about the macros too. Granted at the beginning Net calories is a great way to start. But as you start to lose your body will need the proper nutrients to keep losing fat and building lean muscle. You need protien to do that!! You also should not gorge on carbs or saturated fats. There is a science to it beyond net calories.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I always shoot for my protein as well as my fibre to go into the red, it doesn't always happen - but I aim for it.
  • breyn2004
    breyn2004 Posts: 162 Member
    After a quick glance at your diary, (my personal opinion...everyone's body is different) I would think you're not eating enough protein. I would work on meeting your calorie goal (at least 1200) and see how your protein looks. Going a little in the red on protein is not a bad thing. I get 150g plus/day (I lift 5 times/week). Protein will satisfy you longer and support your muscles. It seems that your calories are awfully low.

    That being said, everyone's body and goals are different.
  • Summer_Lunatic
    Summer_Lunatic Posts: 543 Member
    You had me @ Kinky Vampire. :bigsmile:
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    how much do you weight?

    you should get 1lb of protein per lb of body weight...do you work out much?

    So I should get 103 pounds of protein a day?:wink:
  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    I'm sorry, but I can't for a second trust a diet that is based on drinking a can of processed God-knows-what...

    I mean, really? I didn't even know they still MADE Slim-fast... Let's be honest - if that *kitten* really worked, we'd all know by now.

    Eat REAL food, and eat it the right way, and then we can try and help.
  • breyn2004
    breyn2004 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm sorry, but I can't for a second trust a diet that is based on drinking a can of processed God-knows-what...

    I mean, really? I didn't even know they still MADE Slim-fast... Let's be honest - if that *kitten* really worked, we'd all know by now.

    Eat REAL food, and eat it the right way, and then we can try and help.

    ^^ He makes a great point. It's the web, of course (everything on the web is true, right?!) so I don't know how accurate this is, but I thought it was a good explanation.... http://fitblogger.ca/slim-fast-ingredients/