Realizing it's a Journey

I've only been on MFP since the New Year...but really am enjoying my time here. I have to be honest, as a young person I never had to worry about what I put into my mouth. I was always super active and had a good metabolism (thanks MOM, genetics!). But things change in your forties and suddenly I have to pay attention. Granted, I don't have a huge amount of weight to lose but we all have our unique challenges right?
I have been really good about logging my food. I have been diligent about sticking to my commitment to exercise for at least 60 minutes a day, six days a week. Last night I treated myself to pizza. Life is good! This morning I woke up and weighed myself and I gained two pounds this week. I was devastated. But guess what? I brushed my self off...and got going. I ate a sensible breakfast and hit the gym. Instead of being depressed about it I changed my way of looking at it. This is a journey. I'm not on a "DIET" per se. I'm living my life...healthy. I feel really gooooood!. And I figure, if I keep doing the right things...I will keep feeling good and a by product of all of that will be a few pounds will be shed in the process.
Just thought I would share my epiphany with all of you. Keep up the good work MFP friends!


  • Eightcosmo
    Thanks for the words of wisdom! I am 43 yrs old and turning 44 in April. I have never had a problem with my weight up until now. People say the woman's body goes through some odd changes in your 40's and a slowing of the metabolism is one of them.. Personally I have weighed the same weight for the past 6yrs. In October I ran my 4th 1/2 Marathon as I have been a serious runner for 7 yrs. That was my last race as I unfortunately fractured 2 metatarsals from over training all these yrs.
    I have since gained 13 lbs and everyday it just snowballed and as I became upset I just ate more.
    That was until today -- I found this web site and after reading your words of motivation I found myself over come with motivation. I did return to running Jan 11th but no where near the mileage I am use too. I find myself eating the same as I did running 10 miles a day, 6 days a week.. The calories have certainly added up !! I want too thank for sharing your message and to let you know you have helped someone find themselves again!!
    Beverley M:smile:
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member

    And I figure, if I keep doing the right things...I will keep feeling good and a by product of all of that will be a few pounds will be shed in the process.
    Just thought I would share my epiphany with all of you. Keep up the good work MFP friends!

    Did you learn that from people on your FL? That's my mantra lady-good for you for figuring it out so quickly!
  • solbchgal
    Yes Vitaminddd! Your words of wisdom are sinking in! Thanks for your support!
  • solbchgal
    Beverly Welcome!!! I'm glad what I said inspired you. I can't take all the credit though their are some amazing people on here as I am sure you will find out for yourself. Good luck to you!!!
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    YES! That's what it's all about. And I firmly believe that once you come to this realization you have "crossed over" to the other side. When you finally realize for yourself (and not just hear it from other people and try to believe it) that this is a lifestyle change and you start trading in your unhealthy habits for some healthy ones, you have increased the likelihood of being successful at keeping the weight off.

    For me it took a plateau that lasted months to come to this realization. I wasn't going to stop eating right and exercising just because I wasn't getting results. This is my life now. So I just kept plugging along...
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    OP, it is next to impossible to gain 2 lbs of fat overnight--even eating pizza. :laugh: Most likely water retention due to the high sodium levels in pizza. Weighing yourself every day will drive you nuts if you don't uderstand this concept, believe me. Better to weight weekly or monthly to get a true picture of weight loss. Also measurements. Your overall outlook is spot on!