Advice, Motivation, Help!

So I started this three weeks ago - my boyfriend is doing it with me which helps a lot. But... he is a lot stricter than me (has more to lose though) and makes me feel guilty when I break.

I don't know what life style and goal I should do.

I'm a teacher so I am generally on my feet all day but it also means that at the moment I have little time for proper exercise - if that sounds like an excuse, during the week I am in school 6am till 6pm. I come home and need to work and, I'm exhausted. When the weather gets better and it gets lighter I will add more exercise in... I currently do two half hour fitness videos a week with another teacher.

I have lost 5kg since I started (three weeks ago) and we're eating REALLY healthily which is fine as I like fish and veg but in the last week I've had binge urges - some of which I've not controlled very well... (I ate a large bag of kettle chips in five mins last week/today had a massive pack of dates...)

I was on 1.5 pounds a week and lightly active at net 1440. I've just changed it to 1 pound a week which puts me up to 1600. I am not sure if I will actually lose weight this way - am I even lightly active?

I don't want to break this - I haven't been my (current) target weight for 14 years - since I was 15. I'm 5ft8 and much bigger on the bottom/legs than up top.

For the last couple of days I've read into the night all the new topics and they've been great but not specific to my problem so I'm writing. Can I ever reach 65kg anyway? Will my body be happy with that weight?

Help - motivation and advice needed... thank you, thank you... :sad:


  • popzta
    popzta Posts: 7 Member
    :frown: Oh - and although I am randomly eating about 30% carb and little more fat/protein, the only nutritional value I was worried about was the lack of iron - not quite sure why - I eat loads of greens/fish and a bit of meat - anyhow it was generally coming under 10% of my RDA so I've added an iron tablet to my day - not sure if this is actually healthy...
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Yes, you will still lose weight at the higher calories. When I upped my calories I found I was far less likely to binge because I was satisfied when I finished my meals.
  • popzta
    popzta Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you, I'll try it.