Boston Terrier Lovers Unite!

brandydelight Posts: 16 Member
edited September 2024 in Introduce Yourself
Crazy about Bostons? I have 2 and a Boston /Pug mix. Lets all be friends and support one another on this crazy journey! You would think, having dogs with so much energy would sure burn the calories...Any dog lovers are welcome! Show me your pooch love!


  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    I love my Boston!!!! she has her own little story to tell.
    When I lived in TN I bought a Boston a year before from a breeder who was also a farmer. When I was ready to get another one I went back to the same breeder so they would be sisters..right! Well when I got there they had sold all of them. I was heart broken. They did say they had a runt of the litter they didn't think would make it so they had THROWN it out to the pigs...meaning the pigs could eat it. We went out there and the mommy pig had been nursing the Boston for a few weeks or so and the boston thought it was a PIG. When she would walk she would grunt and root in the dirt like the pigs.
    My heart strings were pulled so I brought her home and for over 1 yr this dog still would grunt when she walked and still wanted to root under things. To this day when she gets excited or upset about something she will start to grunt!!!

    She is my little Opal of Essences!!
  • mccoym15
    mccoym15 Posts: 2
    I have a boston and love him to death.....his name is Bubba. If you saw him you would agree with the name. I hope to add another one day always wanted a seal female.
  • brandydelight
    brandydelight Posts: 16 Member
    That story is great! Made my heart smile! My first three I named after "pigs" because even though, unlike yours who was raised by a pig, mine always reminded me of pigs. I had Piggyback, Porkchop and Petunia Pigdog...Now I have Booger, Bugsy, and Morticia...They are the dog version of a tornado, but I love em! Bubba is a perfect boston name!
  • christinagriffith
    christinagriffith Posts: 32 Member
    I have a 12 yo Boston named Cookie Louise whom my husband and I love like a child. I found her when I was a sophomore in HS and it was love at first sight. Later that evening we found her "owners" putting signs up and we told them we thought we had their dog. Well they said she was just too much trouble and that we could keep her and that we did! This was a BIG deal people as before this moment I was not even allowed to own a beta fish much less an inside dog. Just proves how awesome Bostons are!!
  • brandydelight
    brandydelight Posts: 16 Member
  • Ozzyboy
    Ozzyboy Posts: 3
    Our Boston is the king of the house!! We love him soooooo much and he provides us with everday laughter and love. His registered name is Crackerjack Prince Oswald, but he is known as Ozzy and I call him Ozzyboy! He loves to be taken on walks down our road and explore. Every day is a new adventure for him! He is such a sweetie! I would love to have a houseful of them, but what a handful that would be!! (btw......did you notice my username? hahaha)
  • christinagriffith
    christinagriffith Posts: 32 Member
    Well being young and not very original I thought she looked like and oreo and thought Cookie was more original than oreo... the Louise is my favorite great aunts name. If you knew Aunt Louise she was fiesty and had an infectious laugh... my mom was going to give her namesake to me as a middle name then decided against it so I passed it down to Cookie!
  • brandydelight
    brandydelight Posts: 16 Member
    They do look like Oreos....! Cookie and Ozzy , welcome! I love all these silly names and the stories behind them. What fun! And Ozzy, king of the house..Hmmmmmm, howd he get that way? Ha! We spoil them dont we...Mine are rotten to the core..
  • I have a 6 year old Boston named Caleigh. My family has had them all of my life!

    I just love them to pieces! :heart:
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I have a little Boston Terror....oops I mean Terrier. His name is Grandpa Lou. My boyfriend thought it would be super funny to name him Grandpa Lou so he could stand in the yard and yell things like "Grandpa Lou stop eating garbage!" and "Grandpa Lou don't poop in the flower bed!" LOL. I think bostons are the best breed. I love that they don't shed and their little eyes are so expressive!! Here's my little guy....

  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I've had Boston Terriers all my life, but I don't have one right now. :cry:

    They're so funny and crazy and expressive! They can't just plop down on the floor...oh no, they need a blanket to sit on and they'll fuss and kick it around and then sit on it, decide it's not good enough then mush the blanket around again, nope still not good enough, more fussing and mushing, finally - just right. :drinker:

    They're so sweet, I can't wait to have one again. My brother's Boston Terrier just had puppies after mating with a Shih Tzu...I'll see if I can get the pictures posted. The Mommy is the one that's in my picture over there. <
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I have a little Boston Terror....oops I mean Terrier. His name is Grandpa Lou. My boyfriend thought it would be super funny to name him Grandpa Lou so he could stand in the yard and yell things like "Grandpa Lou stop eating garbage!" and "Grandpa Lou don't poop in the flower bed!" LOL. I think bostons are the best breed. I love that they don't shed and their little eyes are so expressive!! Here's my little guy....


    I love that face!!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member


  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I want to put #3 in between two slices of of bread and eat him up he's so cute!!!!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I think #3 is the only one that's been adopted so far, the other two are still waiting to find a family. They stil have a few more weeks before they could go anywhere though, theyr'e only about a month old.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I know there are more Boston Terrier lovers out there...there are lots of you on my friends list!
  • modernsoul
    modernsoul Posts: 148 Member
    I know this thread is old, but I'm new to MFP and just had to respond. I have two bostons girls, Marley and Joni and a male boston/pug mix (bugg) named Louie. This past weekend we went to a fund raiser put on by a BT rescue group, the Boston Tea Party. There are a few pics on my profile. Go check themout.
  • This is the thread for me and my Paddy O'Malley. He is here with me at work. he come with me everyday. 3 years old, 27 pounds of pure love. doesn't bark unless we are playing tug-of-anything. He rocks. he loves to hike. been up to 13,000 feet with us. an 8 mile hike is a piece of cake for him as long as there is some shade. hiking will be so much easier once i am down the rest of my weight.
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