Bleeding Gums - help!



  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    So as everyone has mentioned definitely see a dentist but also what about your vitamin C?

    I had the same problem about a year and a half ago and no matter what I did it wouldn't stop. No gum disease, gingivitis, no gum issues other than bleeding.

    I started researching and found that vitamin C plays a major roll in gum tissue health. I was already getting my RDA of vitamin C but I thought what the hell I'll up it because nothing else is working. I got a supplement at Whole Foods which was about 1600% of your RDA on top of what I was already consuming. Within two weeks my gums stopped bleeding. I got really sick over the holidays and didn't supplement for a few weeks and I noticed towards the end of my sickness they started to mildly bleed when I'd floss. Once I got back on the vitamin C it stopped.

    Now before I get nipped at, see your dentist, upping vitamin C will not work for all, see your doctor about changing supplements............fill in whatever might get me in trouble.

    Keep in mind that the RDA is the lowest amount of a vitamin or mineral you need to prevent you from getting sick but all bodies work differently. I have Crohns disease I have a harder time absorbing certain vitamins and minerals so I've been advised medically to up my supplements. Worth a shot if your dentist rules out other mouth issues.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    you need that checked out, could be because of something underlying ....also baking soda and hydrogen peroxide does work very well for bleeding gums , but still get it checked out
  • alexanderdgray
    Can't believe no one has mentioned this. Yes, keep flossing, see a dentist, but also...


    You'll see improvement in a matter of days.
  • brewedtea
    brewedtea Posts: 19 Member
    I went to school for dental assisting, and while it can be numerous different things, the most basic reason is that you're not flossing. I have the same problem and in the beginning it will make your gums bleed more but if you are consistent the bleeding will get less and less. Even if I miss just a few days of flossing, they will bleed again. Try using the Oral-B Glide floss, which I think makes flossing easier compared to a regular floss.