Quick Low Calorie Breakfast Ideas

Anyone have any quick breakfast ideas that will hold me over to lunch? And my hubby?! We are doing this together but we leave at different times. I am wondering what quick breakfast ideas you may have. My friend mentioned wrapping egg, bacon and cheese in a tortilla so he can just pop in microwave before he leaves for work. Anything that simple that he'd be tempted to grab and go??


  • wisconsinboogie
    wisconsinboogie Posts: 127 Member
    When Im in a hurry, I take 2 hardboiled eggs, and of course...my louisianna hot sauce, and a piece of fruit.
  • Haniabebe
    Pre-cook steel cut oats, add mild or almond milk in the morning, mash banana or berries and some egg whites. Quick, healthy and you should be full till lunch time.
  • Princess_Lee2013
    Princess_Lee2013 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi! Here are some go to -s that I make for my fiancee and that keep him full until lunch with a mid morning fruit or cheese snack.

    Similar to the one below; I usually prepare breakfast wraps at night with eggs or egg whites (scrambled), some salsa, cheese, sometimes bacon, often avacado or peppers, whatever you have around. If you prep it the night before it's super easy to microwave the next morning, or pop in a toaster oven if he has at work.

    Another twist on this is a homemade egg mcmuffin - weight watchers has egg mcmuffins that are in the 150 cal range, you can pre make the egg/bacon an I put a bit of lite mayo on the muffin, top with onion and cheese and microwaved it is SO good.

    A low carb option I make for myself is baked egg muffins - put spinach, onion, cheese (or whatever else you like) in the bottom of a muffin tin and pour egg mixture over top. Bake in 350 degree oven for 20 ish minutes (quite obvious when they're done) and cool them; can be microwaved at any time.

    I always have pre portioned fruit salads for him to grab, as well as pre-portioned parfaits - greek yogurt with berries and granola. He sometimes will have this as his breaky and other times as mid morn snack.

    Something I am going to try tonight is slow cooker oatmeal, pouring milk over oats and apples and when you wake up in the morning the house supposedly smells delicious - you could both help yourself out of the slow cooker in the morning.

    When in a bind, CLIFF bars go around our house, as well as protein shakes.

    Hope this helps somewhat and goooood luck to both of you!
  • kaylinn9
    kaylinn9 Posts: 112
    Heat up some Fiber One pancakes
    Eggos ? :)
    Granola bars
    Cheese sticks
    Mini muffins - no chocolate chips
  • Rockstar_sister
    Rockstar_sister Posts: 65 Member
    thank you for all of the tips - I know I can't make him eat it, but I'm trying to help him out~ :)
  • Bootjockey
    Bootjockey Posts: 208 Member
    My regular breakfast is two hard-boiled eggs and a banana with peanut butter...it works for me.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    My usuals:

    1 slice high protein/ no carb bread with 2 T. almond butter

    2 hard boiled eggs, grapefruit

    Fage yogurt with 1/2 cup berries

    Sandwich Thin with egg whites, avocado, spinach, laughing cow light cheese
  • Artests
    Artests Posts: 26 Member
    I've been juicing vegetables for breakfast, its a great way to get in the daily requirement and its fast and usually holds me over until my first break at work. If Im in the mood for something sweet ill do a fruit smoothie and blend spinach in with it since you literally cant taste it! :drinker:
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    Check my log - brainless easy breakfast EVERY day ... low cal too ... I buy the three pound cascadia farms organic mixed (frozen) berries from Costco. 30 secs in the microwave or leave a bowl on the counter to defrost and i'm good to go. Totally delicious. If I need some protein I add one slice of nuked turkey bacon. The berries alone are 70 calories. Turkey bacon is either 40 or 60 calories depending on brand. Such strong sour and salty tastes are totally satisfying in the morning!
  • kusterer
    kusterer Posts: 90 Member
    Parfait to go: zap half cup frozen blueberries in a paper cup for 20 seconds, add half cup nonfat vanilla greek yogurt, stir with plastic spoon. Takes about 45 seconds.
    Omelet to go: saute whatever you like to have in an omelet a week's worth at a time. Busy a.m., take out some and put in small pan. While it warms, mix eggbeaters or one real egg with parmesan, pour on top of saute mix. Flip if you like to play shortorder cook, or not, serve in a 100-calorie sandwich round with paper towel wrap. Takes about 60-90 seconds.
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    oatmeal with cinnamon and a cut up banana!