Why did you choose to join MFP?



  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    I was searching for a recipe for something along the lines of a homemade Clif bar. Found a good recipe on this site, was intrigued by the forums, decided it looked like a community I'd like to be a part of.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I joined because I have never been able to stick to tracking my calories and exercise before, but because I can do this on my Iphone, it's like a game to track everything. I love playing on my Iphone anyway so this is a great thing for me. I think it's something I'll actually stick with.

    I don't even own a cell phone. I am an ooooold lady who took a long time to even accept the idea of a computer. I was just thinking about this yesterday. Kids in this new generation:

    - have never used a typewriter (Have they ever even seen a Smith-Corona or a Royal typewriter, or felt the power of shifting that carriage back to start a new line of type?)

    - don't know how to use 'white out' to make a correction on a page of typing paper (They would be horrified by carbon paper.)

    - couldn't imagine growing up in a house with only one phone that stayed in one place and was totally controlled by the parents (An egg timer to limit their time on the phone would kill them.)

    - and would never consider buying a huge set of encyclopedias for their library (They have more memory in their phones than a whole library of dust catching books. Of course, I love to hold a book in my hand...especially my Bible. That doesn't get dusty.) :wink:

    I am old enough to remember all those things and more.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I needed a way to track certain micro nutrients for medical reasons as well as lose some weight...also medical reasons but I'm also really liking the way my new body is shaping up too. MFP fit the bill.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I have been counting calories and fat and carbs off and on for years. It was alot of work and the closer I would get to my goal I got lazy about it. Then my friend told me about my fitness pal and it scans food labels.

    You're way ahead of me, Sis. Scanning food labels sounds like you are walking around with a special piece of equipment, but I am guessing that it must be in your phone...somehow.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I started the week before Thanksgiving (how crazy is that) and have lost 20#, so it has been a great site for me.

    I started right after Thanksgiving to actually work within a food plan, but I didn't join MFP until late in December.
  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    I was searching for a recipe for something along the lines of a homemade Clif bar.

    What is a Clif bar?
  • smgasch
    smgasch Posts: 14 Member
    well initially I joined to count the calories. Then as I was browsing the community I liked what I read and started asking to begin friendships! I love the support and motivation. Eventually I started exercising mainly becuase the pounds weren't coming fast enough. Haven't seen steady weight loss but I am seeing changes in the way my clothes fit. Now I just enjoy the community!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I only joined for the ticker. I didn't know what the site was. I had just joined a Couch to 5K forum and saw a bunch of members with MFP weight loss tickers in their sig lines, and wanted to keep track of any loss I might have. Then I discovered the rest of this site, and that the forums here were a lot more active than the C25K forum. I was a member about a week before I started using the site at all.

    That was over two years ago.
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    After having a second baby I knew I needed to get my body back and I was writing my calories down then a friend on babycenter told me about this site, and here I am. Best decision ever.
    I have lost 25 pounds thanks to this site.
  • MyViolet
    MyViolet Posts: 73 Member
    I joined because I was not sure if I was getting enough rounded nutrition (calcium and iron) I was gaining weight without eating much. Although I still want to lose a few pounds it really make me think what I put in my mouth and the consequences :) My results so far are a more stable blood sugar and some weight loss plus I am losing my taste for process food :)

    PS - I do not eat back my exercise calories.
  • ImmaZombie
    I joined because I was fat. I wanted my child to be proud of me. I don't want to be an embarrassment to her, as much as I am to myself. I thought this would be a great first step to changing all of me. I plan to make the other changes over the next year or two, but first my weight is a big issue. I joined because one of my clients lost 60 lbs in 8 months here just by counting his calories. He's an inspiration like so many others on this site. I'm not an exercise person, but I do get out and walk a few times a week and ride a bike even though I huff and puff and feel like I'm dying. I do it because I want to be better. I don't do it so I can eat more. Plus I am so glad I'm here now because I have some very motivating friends that I can support and who will support me.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I joined when I realized that I wasn't strong enough to do this "alone." I have a very black and white way of thinking. Seeing the numbers from logging helped me to understand it was time to STOP eating. When I joined, I ate until I couldn't move. I had no concept of what being "full" felt like. So, the diary got me too.

    Fast forward 1 yr+ and I don't really depend on the logging aspect as much any more. I know what I should be eating and I know when I'm full. What keeps me coming back to MFP is the source of inspiration and motivation I draw from it. The camaraderie amongst my friends list is unparalleled.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    Initially it was only to track what i'm eating each day to get an idea of how i was doing with protein. I had never heard of MFP before but saw it mentioned in a post on a weightlifting site. I thought, ok let me give it a try....I had no idea there are forums, groups, weight-loss tickers & and all this other nifty stuff. It has been helpful in tracking my food but also quite entertaining!
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I joined because I wanted to get fatter...jk! :laugh:

    I joined because of that claim: People who track their calorie intake eat x% less than people who don't.

    I tracked my food honestly for the first time in my life and it varied from 3500 to 4000 cals per day and I was not exercising at all. It was definitely a wake up call. Went a bit too far the other way for a while, but have a good balance now.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I was looking for a new place to log my food because SparkPeople kept freezing up on me, which required a re-start of my computer, which required logging into SP again. This didn't work for me because I do my job on the computer, too, and all those re-starts were really cutting into my production time.

    MFP works so much better. It has only glitched on me once.
  • MoizD68
    Hi, I just joined n Sunday. I really like how easy it is to keep a food diary. I hated looking up a calorie counter book, as it was time consuming and boring. I think this is a great tool that will help me lose the weight I need to loose (40 kgs!). Just a quick question, on some of your posts there are weight loss scales showing how much you have lost. How did you get them?
  • Bootjockey
    Bootjockey Posts: 208 Member
    I came here as a way to record my food intake/calorie intake, and to syncronize it with my exercise, and record my calorie burns by syncing it with a FitBit.

    Calorie intake is only one side of the equation. :-)

  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    To hold myself accountable. I've always been a fan of healthy foods but had never really paid attention to things like portion size or not going back for seconds or sometimes thirds. Seeing the nutritional aspect in front of me for every snack and meal really helps.

    Accountability....That's a good word. :happy:

    It makes me feel so grown up!
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    /loseit had a friend drive and I figured having a group to report to would really help, being able to support others as well. I was also ready to start my workout/dieting part of my fitness plan so it timed quite well.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    people in Costco asked when the baby was due. This lady was over 300 pounds also. hahaha.....