Took a year off and need friends and motivation

Hey everybody. I started doing MFP 13 months ago but stopped after about 3 and a half because I got lazy and too satisfied with being in the middle of my goal. I'm about to turn 20 in March and have been overweight for the last 12 years. I got up to 206 and saw a picture of myself that made me say "good lord" and decided to make a change.

I found MFP and got really involved with it and lost 27 pounds, getting down to 179. I'm not muscular so my goal was about 165 (I'm 5'11") and then add some muscle. I stopped doing MFP in mid-March last year and am back up to 188. I keep trying to get back into it but I mess up. I started again 3 days ago but I REALLY want to make it last. It's so hard but I lost all of my MFP friends so I have nobody for motivation to keep me in shape and working at it.

I'm just looking for some friends to go through this with and to FINALLY get to where I want to be. All of my friends and family were amazed at how much I lost in such a small amount of time last year, and I'm ready to impress and feel good again. Please add me if you're looking for a new MFP friend.


  • eggsmilkbread
    eggsmilkbread Posts: 184 Member
    Hey, welcome back. I was kind of in your situation a few months ago, I got too comfy with being halfway or so to my goal and I just gave up and started eating cupcakes everyday. :p Now I'm pretty motivated now that I've found MFP again and actually got involved in the community! I'll definitely a friend request your way!
  • dobrien323
    dobrien323 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks a bunch. I've also found that having a lot of friends and motivation on here is a huge component to getting it done. I'm in college so nobody on my floor nor my friends here really care. It's great when you're going through it with other people. I've also found that weekly weigh-ins are a major motivation, and I stopped doing those because I was ashamed of stopping.
  • dobrien323
    dobrien323 Posts: 14 Member
    Bumping this to try to get some more friends.
  • Hey you can both add me! I currently weigh 226 and want to get down to 160! I love my fitness pal and am going to use it in conjunction with a fit bit! Hopefully I can do it this time too!
  • ree263
    ree263 Posts: 1
    Hi, I am starting over as well. I went for 80 days and saw much improvement in my weight lost. But 1200 calories is not for me. I continue to feel hungry and continue maintain at 1200. But this time I am going to stick with 1470 calories per day. I have more energy and not hungry late at night. GOOD LUCK with your goal.