Hating these love handles!

sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
My love handles are making me CRAZY! I want so badly to get rid of them. My mom says they're never going away, that it's just my body type, but I refuse to accept it. Therefore, I'm looking for some advice!
My stomach is in pretty good shape, it's mostly flat (except for the sides!) All the websites say it's all about cardio and eating right. Well, I run between 2 and 4 times a week, walk all over the place (i'm a college student), and have a pretty healthy diet, I think. I mean, I splurge sometimes like everyone else, but I'm pretty healthy for the most part.
What I need to know from you wonderful people is: Has anyone actually gotten rid of their love handles? How long did it take you? What exercises work the fastest? I'm so impatient, I wish I could just cut them off! I need to know the fastest way to get rid of these stupid love handles. help!


  • jahressa
    jahressa Posts: 7
    I have the same problem these damn love handle...i need the remedy lol
  • i thought mine would never go away either. i quit focusing on them, kept working out and eating right, and now they are gone. i don't know how long it took, or when it happened, i actually just noticed recently that i didn't hate them anymore, and then i realized that was bc i don't have them anymore. so just keep up the good work and they will go away!:smile:
  • eliblish
    eliblish Posts: 124 Member
    I would like to know too! They drive me CRAZY!!!
  • I did an 8 minute ab exercise. Basically you do an ab routine (sit ups, crunches, plank, superman, etc) for 45 seconds and rest for 15. For each minute you change the type of routine. I haven't gotten completely rid of mine, but it has definitely made a big difference in such a short time! Plus I can feel abs hiding under my tummy. It's very quick to accomplish daily and simple, you can start off with easy routines but it is fun to challenge yourself. For instance I am hoooorrible at the bike one (where you are on your back and pumping your legs as if on a bike and your elbows touch the opposite knee that comes down), but I practiced and it is catching on.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Focus on abs and alot of cardio and it should go away!!!

    There are side crunches that you can do and other excercises that works the side

    Cardio should do it....

    The stomach is usually the hardest to get slim....takes alot of work

    You can also try twisting your waist line and thats something you can do throughout the day

  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    When you are doing your core exercise do ones where you are kind of twisting. Those tend to work the outer abs. Examples are alternate hand toe touches, heel touches, russian twists, and sprinter sit-ups.
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    It will come in time... it really will in the mean time if you work the muscles under them it will help burn that blasted fat away.
    There are the old sidebends, bicycle crunches (flat on your back, knees bent 90* feet in the air, hands behind your head, crunch up bringing your right elbow to the left knee while simultaneously extending your right leg paralell with the ground. roll slowly back to center returning your right leg to the starting position. do the same thing with the opposite set of limbs. repeat)... sit ups with a medicine ball (Hold the medicine ball to your chest sit up pass the ball right then left around your knees sit back repeat). Just work your abs keep eating healthy and doing cardio they will go away. Belly dancing is a great way to do cardio and work your abs. :)
  • Tatsu2010
    Tatsu2010 Posts: 9 Member
    I think my favorite exercise for that area are side lifts, and side crunches... =)
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I did Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and No More Trouble Zones. Those helped mine disappear. In fact, I didn't even realize they were gone until one day I was walking with my husband and he put his arm around me and went to pinch my love handles (he loves to bug me that way :laugh: ) and commented that I no longer had anything left for him to pinch! That made me feel great :bigsmile:
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