What ONE food habit... would you go back in time to stop.



  • Sweets, eating because I love food, and I could just go on and on.
  • galenofedgewood
    galenofedgewood Posts: 146 Member
    Honestly? I would have tried to not let myself drink hardly anything caffeinated. I grew up drinking easily a gallon plus of tea by myself. We drank soda from time to time as well, but it was mostly tea. I'm still working on dropping my intake to 1-2 drinks a day. Definitely didn't work today. Had a Monster Rehab (Rojo Tea) and finishing off my second cup of tea (slightly sweetened with .25 cup of Silk Vanilla, quite tasty btw).
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Oh god, this is so shameful but when I was a kid, I used to mix Lipton Iced Tea powder, like a couple tablespoons of it, with enough water to make a paste, and then I'd eat it with a spoon. I would usually get a stomach ache after a few spoonfuls of the iced tea paste.

    So. Much. Sugar. :sick:
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
  • I would change the fact that every time I go to Target I always head to the junk food isle and buy junk food. Just yesterday I went to Target and got Mint Oreos, Smores Poptarts, Peanut butter M&M's, and Reese's cups. That is just crazy! I felt so disappointed in myself after eating two Oreos that I took it all to school today and gave it away. That was one of the best decisions I have made regarding food in a long while. I just felt so good afterwards. I'm so glad I didn't mess up my diet.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    Giant serving sizes.
    I don't know why, to me, an adequate serving of pizza was not 2 or 3 slices, but 6 or 7. A normal serving of quesadillas included 5 tortillas and 5 oz of cheese. I'd even have 2 or 3 whole sandwiches!

    I realize some people need more food and that's fine, but I'm a 5'8 female. There is no reason for me to eat 3 sandwiches in one sitting, when I already had breakfast and I knew I'd get to have dinner later.

    Just ridiculous.
  • RUSHED EATING. Eating fast after having my second kid. To keep up with him to be "Ready" in case he cried or anything. For some reason I was like ON DUTY all the time with him, maybe cause he was in the NICU after being born I felt like I had to be ready for anything and plus I was nursing so I just barely allowed myself time to eat. I nursed with the first one, but the second one seemed more fragile or vulnerable it had me on eggshells.

    As he got older and mobile I continued this habit to be ready to catch him or predict accidents. He seriously was more active than my 1st kid but I don't think I needed to start out this way and it wouldn't have gotten so out of hand. There was a time when he was about 3 when hubby asked me, "did you even taste that?" and that's the first time I realized I was doing it. "why HAVE you been doing that lately?" he asked and it all came out. I got over it during the following year as he outgrew his terrible two's but I wish I'd never gotten in the habit of rushed eating because I think I could have lost some of the baby weight naturally if I hadn't eaten that way for so long. I think I'd have about half the weight to lose right now than I currently do.

    I don't understand how eating fast would result in more weight gain. It's impossible.

    rushed eating can cause weight gain because it takes a persons body approx. 20 to register that its full... if you are rushing then it is easier to over eat, leading to possible weight gain.... also it can lead to not feeling satisfied if one does not take the time to enjoy and taste their food, which could lead to eating more food just to feel satisfied, which could lead to weight gain... so yes it is possible.
  • kaylinn9
    kaylinn9 Posts: 112
    Eating until I was way too full.
    Eating too fast.
    Eating in big bites.
    Not chewing my food entirely when I had braces as a young teenager.
    Craving chocolate and satisfying that craving whenever I saw appropriate. Which is like always.
  • subconscious_ink
    subconscious_ink Posts: 194 Member
    Oh this is good! I wouldnt have let my fear of ridicule stop my from doing sports in high school....Learned that I didnt have to gorge on food because food would have been in the house....I would have got counseling for my emotional issues.

    Um, yes to all of these.
    Also, I would have refused all of those trips to Mcdonalds, Hardees, and Burger King my great-grandmother "rewarded" me with when I was a well-behaved little kid (not to mention eating an entire Tostinos pizza by myself - used to love to do that - or drinking soda all day). I started packing on the pounds bit by bit from 3rd grade on-wards. Then later, I used those same nostalgic "reward" foods as comfort foods, and for convenience.

    Oh well. Time to fix it now :) I can't get my non-stretch marked skin back, or the youth I wasted being chubby and awkward, but I can start taking steps forward from here.
  • i would change my lack of open mindedness toward different foods... it has taken me 27 years to be willing to try a variety of foods, prepared a variety of ways... for example, I have always loved raw veggies such as broccoli and cauliflower but once you would cook them I wouldnt touch them because of the smell and the mushy texture and lack of taste. I have now discovered oven roasting said veggies... AMAZING :)
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    Mine was when I was 16 and had live with my aunt. Her rule was you finish everything on your plate.. Till this day that has always stuck with me.
  • Charmainedelaney
    Charmainedelaney Posts: 46 Member
    Hmm for me it would have to be reaching for those chocies & wine when stressed. I would like to change it & reach for the walking shoes then I would not need to loose the weight I need to loose. Everything is easier in hind site so we learn & move on in the right direction.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    you can't leave the table unless your plate is clean
  • QuietRain
    QuietRain Posts: 157
    The two-liter ginger ale and salt n' vinegar chips... 'snack' when I was a teen.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,912 Member
    Fortunately for me NONE. What's great about learning how to control calories is that you can eat whatever you want.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    you can't leave the table unless your plate is clean
    exactly.. bad bad line..
  • Thrasherbabe
    Thrasherbabe Posts: 68 Member
    When I used to go to Starbucks/other coffee joints I always felt like I needed a pastry... usually a scone.. YUM! I have broken this habit by no longer buying coffee... Which in turn is great for my pocket. =]
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Eating too fast - not savouring the moment. A habit I'm still working on fixing today.

    ^^THIS as well as "clean your plate" which carried into my adult life as I never made my children clean their plate but would often eat anything that was left on theirs after finishing my own.
  • Easy - fast food! I used to have half day on Wednesdays in grammar school and I would go to McDonalds and get a number one medium with a diet coke and on my way home stop at dunkin donuts for a nice chocolate frosted donut for dessert. Back then I didn't really gain weight so I saw nothing wrong with it. Fast food be became a no big deal food with soda. Now I need to apologize to my organs because they are just not made for this kind of thing! Habits form young and die hard!
  • jjmnet
    jjmnet Posts: 110
    Don't eat a box of Turtles in the same day......it was soooo hard to get off the sugar!!!!