Any good suggestions to curb the hunger pains



  • tam_ham
    tam_ham Posts: 2 Member
    I'd watch it with the almonds. They are super high in calories. About an 1/8 cup is 80 - 100. That is maybe 10 - 12 almonds. Water helps, yes, but protein helps me feel full for longer. I also think halving every week or so to 1500 might be easier, unless you were drinking most of those 5000 calories with beer or sugary soda. By the way, I cut out all alcohol because I'd rather be able to eat calories than get boozy.
    The point isn't to lose as much as weight as possible, it's to lose it and keep it off. Don't get discouraged and good luck.
  • maybabier
    maybabier Posts: 32 Member
    EAT when you're hungry, not when you're bored. Always listen to your body.
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    If you're really hungry, then you need to eat something. Just pick something healthy like a low fat yogurt, fresh veggies, string cheese, almonds. It's silly to deprive yourself (if you're legitimately hungry) just because you don't think it's "time" to eat yet. Your body will tell you what it needs. As long as you are making "good" choices, you'll be just fine. Another thing to consider: Are you getting enough protein? I notice that on the days where I'm feeling extra hungry, it's usually because my protein intake has been on the low side. Veggies are great and can be filling, but it doesn't usually stick with you very long. Protein seems to hold me over a little better.
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    I've never felt "hunger pains" per say. I cut down from a diet that had to have been upwards 3500 a day to 1750 a day. It's hard. I get hungry. But never unbearably. When I first feel like I'm hungry I drink a glass of water and wait 20 minutes to make sure I'm not tricking myself into thinking I'm hungry when I'm really bored. A lot of times, this helps clear the issue up. If I still find myself hungry then I get a snack. I keep a lot of things in my desk at work for this occasion. But honestly, it doesn't happen that often once you learn to tell the difference between hungry and bored/thirsty/tired/etc.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    "Embracing the hunger is an important part of dealing with hardship of dieting"


    Dieting is not a hardship if done correctly. To me, that's the wrong mentality. If you go at it as a hardship, you're setting yourself up for failure.
  • Lilyyy7
    Lilyyy7 Posts: 41
    When you go from eating 5000 calories a day to 1500 calories a day it's going to be quite the adjustment.

    What I do is try to drink a lot of water before my meal and throughout the day. Like, a lot!

    Try eating veggies before you meal, and chew them up really nice. Maybe even take a brake for a minute, and start eating again. It takes a while for your metabolism to kick in, so give it some time. It really doesn't take too much food to fill you up. It's a matter of how fast you eat. If you eat too fast, you'll eat everything, and be hungry again later. If you eat slow, you may get full faster. In my experience anyway. Make sure you are eating breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. One thing that keeps my hunger under control is eating foods with tons of protein.

    Hope all works out! :)
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    "Embracing the hunger is an important part of dealing with hardship of dieting"


    Dieting is not a hardship if done correctly. To me, that's the wrong mentality. If you go at it as a hardship, you're setting yourself up for failure.

  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    Eat more.
  • GoTeamMeaghan
    GoTeamMeaghan Posts: 347 Member
    Embracing the hunger is an important part of dealing with hardship of dieting. Understand that it is your body's way of telling you it is in calorie deficit, and embrace the feeling as ongoing progress, as long as you are following through with your eating plan.

    I keep a bag of almonds at my desk and dole them out 1/4 cup at a time when the hunger gets to be too much. I typically do this twice each day.

    On the weekends, when I'm less busy and more likely to snack, I'll take a serving of sugar free metamucil along with a couple fish oil pills up to three times a day. It doesn't satisfy, but at least helps to feel a bit more full.

    Late at night I snack on dill pickles. This is another mental trick for myself, because I hate dill, but I won't let myself have anything else. Some nights I sit staring at a bowl of dill pickle spears, munching on one or two, with my wife laughing at this weird display of masochistic dieting. But it works as long as I have something in front of me I won't eat.

    Diets are temporary. If long term weight loss is your goal, then you need to change your lifestyle, not just "diet to lose weight". I eat close to 2,000 calories a day and continue to lose weight. You have to give your body enough fuel to run on. If you're hungry, then eat. Space your meals out into 5 or 6 smaller meals so you're eating more often.

    I would definitely agree with other posters that 5000 to 1500 is a big jump. I suggest you calculate your BMR and Total Daily Calorie Needs (I like the calculators at, then just subtract 20% or 500 calories per day instead of just picking a random number of 1500.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    "Embracing the hunger is an important part of dealing with hardship of dieting"


    Dieting is not a hardship if done correctly. To me, that's the wrong mentality. If you go at it as a hardship, you're setting yourself up for failure.

    I never "embraced any hardships" and I lost 60lbs....Never hungry...If you are really hungry and not just craving something, eat...And as a 40 year old man you are probably starving on 1500 calories, so please eat more.....
  • PennStateChick
    PennStateChick Posts: 327 Member
    1. Make sure 1500 calories is what you should be eating to lose weight. I am not in the habit of telling people they are doing it wrong, but if you aren't confident of your 1500 goal, get some expert advice.

    2. If the 1500 is correct, then my suggestion is water and green tea.
  • jacalennejax
    jacalennejax Posts: 97 Member
    You really should not cut down that fast if your were upwards of 5000. Just not healthy for your body- You will shock it.

    I try to keep a 24oz insulated cup with a straw on my desk at all times with ICE water in it. The ice helps to replenish what I drink so my cup lasts for ever.

    Sometimes when i want something sweet and i cant cut my craving- I use a crack pack- One of the 10 calories water flavoring packets? It's not the best thing in the world for you- but it's ten calories, and it helps since it's really sweet, usually once i drink about half of my 24 oz cup- im done with my sweet craving.

    Try one of the 100 calorie packs of popcorn and split it in half. eat it kernel by kernel.

    Soup- Soup- Soup. Make a low calorie broth based soup every week and keep it in the fridge for when you need a little pick me up. I can make a soup for 60 calories a serving with brother and veggies or tomato based with veggies. I can have a cup of soup slowly and it low calorie and keeps me full because it's hot and my mind thinks its having a big meal.