*Nervous Newbie*

Hey everyone. My names Amanda. I'm here because I need to shed a FEW (120LBS) pounds. I am a shy person and feel very self conscious about how I look. I've known for quite sometime that I need to get healthier. Its starting to take its toll on my over all health.

I LOVE food and have no will power or self control. Im starting today. Im finally going to take control back :)


  • dbhughes
    Congrats to you! You should be proud of yourself for making the first step to a healthier lifestyle and well being :smile:
    I recently joined myfitnesspal to motivate people to stay healthy and keep pushing towards success. Feel free to add me as a friend.
    You can also follow me (and my company) on facebook for health tips/healthy recipes/and success stories of other women like you.

  • olsondre
    olsondre Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Getting over the lack of will power and self control is hard work and will require planning, but this site will definitely help with that. Best wishes!
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 767 Member
    Welcome! Lots of really great people here. Feel free to add me. You will get lots of good support
  • lilmzritz
    lilmzritz Posts: 176
    Congratulations for taking the first (and most important) step to becoming a healthier you! I am adding you right now.

    I started a group called Sweaty 30 (Minutes) and our goal is to sweat it out for 30 minutes until March 31st. We are now at Day 23 and everybody is still welcome to join. We're a small group but give tons of encouragement and support.

    Good luck to us! :flowerforyou:
  • akm107
    akm107 Posts: 17 Member
    you can do it! slow and easy wins the race! welcome :) im newer too!
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Well congratulations on tackling the first hurdle. Not only did you join, but you posted in the forum. There is nothing to nervous about. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can work towards our mutual goals...to be come healthy and fit!
  • StellaHarmon
    StellaHarmon Posts: 34 Member
    Im a nervous newbie myself. Congrats on taking the first steps. You can do it!!:happy:
  • peckish_pomegranate
    peckish_pomegranate Posts: 242 Member
    Welcome you guys! MFP will really help you.
  • mauswood
    mauswood Posts: 137 Member
    You can totally do this! Just remember that it's a lifestyle change and not a race to the finish. Take baby steps at first so it's not overwhelming and just stick with it - even if the scale doesn't move one week, or you go over your calories - just keep moving forward. You've totally got this!
  • blood6338
    blood6338 Posts: 90 Member
    Congrats on taking the first step. Welcome to MFP! Its' a great place to get motivation and talk to people that share you situation. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Bunnycub

    I LOVE food and have no will power or self control. Im starting today. Im finally going to take control back :)

    I'm the same way, but it definitely gets easier once you start seeing changes in your body...don't give up! I'm at a point now where I can see a change and don't want to lose the progress I've made which is helping me say no to all those unhealthy foods that call my name! Every once in awhile though I think it is important to have a LITTLE treat. I've found when I completely deprive myself of the things I enjoy I eventually fall off the wagon and binge but when I work towards a little treat now and then I can stop myself after the littel treat and stick to my plan. Good luck!!
  • MrsHoback
    Welcome to MFP! Congrats on taking the first step. It's scary but you can do it! :smile: Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • katies2boys
    katies2boys Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome to MFP. You're going to love it. There is such a great support system here. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • laj2504
    laj2504 Posts: 17
    Welcome, Welcome!!! I just started this month to!!! Would love to have new friends, anyone feel free to add me!! I need all the support that I can get!!
  • metallicaspirit81
    metallicaspirit81 Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me, I have a lot of weight to lose myself. :)
  • metallicaspirit81
    metallicaspirit81 Posts: 16 Member
    And funny enough my quote on my page is "Time for some changes" lol so see we are meant to be friends on MFP! :D
  • ShellB8585
    ShellB8585 Posts: 42 Member
    WELCOME! we all need a little support so please feel free to add me as a friend!

    Good luck on your weight loss journey :)
  • nightdragon70
    nightdragon70 Posts: 94 Member
    Welcome Amanda,

    This group here is a great group. You will always get encouragement and support, and from what I've seen any question you have, no matter how crazy, will be answered.

    Enjoy your time on here, use the resources and just don't give up. With the help of everyone here you will do great
  • mrsstevenson99
    mrsstevenson99 Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome! You've taken the first and most important step in moving toward a healthier and happier you! I'm a newbie too, and have a little more to lose than you. We're on our way.

    Good luck and feel free to add me if you want!
  • Ready2Serve
    Ready2Serve Posts: 113 Member
    Welcome to MFC. Spend some time here and you will make some great new friends that will help you through this journey. It is ok to love food, just try to make it healthier foods and you are allowed to treat yourself, just remember portion control.

    You can add me if you like, always wiling to see new folks get started. Your new lifestyle will be so much more fun.