Has anyone dealt with costochondritis?

Which is a fancy medical term for the swelling and inflammation of the muscles between your ribs.

Yesterday I had such horrible pain under my right breast, shooting through to my shoulder blade. I really thought I was having a gall bladder attack. But the x-rays showed my gall bladder was fine, and the doctor diagnosed me with cosochondritis.

I've found that ANY physical activity right now aggravates it. I can't even get on the treadmill, not only for the pain but the shortness of breath that it causes.

So, if you've dealt with it, please let me know if it gets any better, and what you did to help it. Thank you.


  • Athena4E
    Athena4E Posts: 13 Member
    I've had it. I got it because, well, I was a smoker for years and years. But-when I got it it was because of heavy lifting. It does get better. Doc gave me prescription Advil to reduce swelling. If it hurts to exercise, then don't! Rest!

    Exercises you could probably do would be like, holds. For instance, try lying on he floor with your hands under your bum and lift your feet off the ground like 4 inches. Hold for as long as you can. Also, lie on your back and lift your bum and bend your knees, hold for as long as you can. Do flutter kicks. Things like this might not irritate your condition. Otherwise rest.
  • pamwhite712
    pamwhite712 Posts: 193 Member
    Thank you. I will try those. I hate to rest. Feels like I'm undoing all the progress I've made.
  • MileHighScott
    MileHighScott Posts: 35 Member
    I used to get it a lot years ago. I would rest for a few days (2-3) and take ibuprofen.