*Nervous Newbie*



  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    Welcome I am fairly new and anyone can add me this is a long journey and the more support the better
  • melbogg
    melbogg Posts: 135 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You're gonna do great!!
    Add me :)
  • jennij1984
    Welcome to MFP!!! Great job on deciding to take control of your life! Feel free to add me.
  • Gno514
    Gno514 Posts: 3
    Welcome! I started last week - it has really helped me keep track of what I'm eating. I've already started losing weight! :happy:
  • katimama
    katimama Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome! I'm a "newbie again"! I first joined after I had my 1st baby and through healthy eating, exercise, and daily food and exercise tracking on MFP I was able to lose all my baby weight. I had my 2nd baby 9 months ago and I am back on the wagon to lose the weight again! Even though I had success before I'm still just as nervous and anxious that I won't be able to do it again. MFP is a great place to get motivation and encouragement.
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    Hello "MFP is a great place to get motivation and encouragement. " it surely is :bigsmile: you wont regret it!! I love it here and I'm hoping to make big changes with all the lovely support here xx
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    That's all right honey, that's what we are all here for, to support and to be supported. You are more than welcome to add me.
  • Sammiebird
    Sammiebird Posts: 15 Member
    Good luck! You can add me if you like. I recently started and am looking for support community as well!
  • Ashlilee
    Good luck!! Don't be nervous. We are all here b/c we are in the same boat and have the same goals. Whether it's 10lbs or 100lbs it is still a goal to be healthier. :)
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    Good for you coming on MFP! Welcome welcome... The "friends" make a nice difference and it's a process... good for you to take control back.. I know when it comes to sugary sweets who is in control is always the question!
    Good luck and happy health to you in 2013!
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    Welcome to MFP! No reason to be nervous. Everyone is super friendly here. I just started losing weight a couple of weeks ago. I too am losing weight for health reasons. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    I started 3 weeks ago and the plan is finally making sense to me. Experiment with what works for you as you follow the plan. The only rule I can think of is, "Never give up"!!! Welcome and good luck:)
  • lotusspark
    You can do it. =) Add me.
  • StormyQC