Fit Bit Users are you happy?

I am looking at the Fit Bit and wanting it badly. If you use it do you like it? How is the sleep tracking? Does it really work?


  • heymirth
    heymirth Posts: 448
    I love my Body Fit Media. Aka Bodybugg
  • kitteakat
    I really like my fit bit, you can link it to your MFP account and the extra calories showing up on your fit bit will come across to MFP (it counts calories you are losing even when not really doing much).

    I don't track my sleep any longer but it was interesting to see my sleep patterns and how often I would wake up during the night...lets you see if you are truly getting a restful sleep throughout the night.
  • bglisson
    bglisson Posts: 14 Member
    I've been using my Fit Bit One for almost 2 weeks now, and I really like it. It's not bulky or noisy -- I pretty much forget I'm wearing it.

    It's interesting to see how it tracks my sleep patterns and how many times I wake up at night (a lot, lol), but I'm not going to swear that's it's 100% accurate. I love the silent alarm feature, and have used it enough that I'm going to turn off my regular alarm, because it really works for me -- and then doesn't wake my husband who doesn't get up as early as I do.

    It links nicely with MFP, and I'm encouraged and motivated to try and increase my steps each day. I'm actually planning to take my dog for a walk tonight (which mostly never happens) so we can both add some exercise to our day -- and am looking forward to it.
  • kchang77
    kchang77 Posts: 76 Member
    I LOVE my fitbit. I used it for sleep for a few weeks, but stopped. I DO wear it everyday and cannot leave home without it. It has been one of the greatest tools I've have been able to use while losing the weight. I feel worse not having my fitbit with me than if I forgot my cell phone. I like it so much since it syncs with MFP. I use the Ultra, but really like the One since it will update through your phone, but if you can still get your hands on an Ultra for cheaper, go for it.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I got my FitBit Zip after DH got his- it's a backup in case my Polar FT7 gets crazy again. My company has a Wellness porgram that gives us substantial discounts off the health insurance for healthy habits and I rack up most of my points from workouts, but if the equipment doesn't record it, it didn't happen! So, right now I use both, but when I head to London at the end of the week I'm just bringing the FitBit so I don't have to get electrode gel (for the HRM strap) past the TSA.

    Anyway- I love it- it's simple, user-friendly, and works every time. Uploading is also very simple. I'm not interested in tracking my sleep- it gets interrupted by the occasional hot flash and I don't want to get obsessed with it. I oculd just picture myself staying awake longer worrying about how much sleep I'm losing!
  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member
    I love my Fitbit. Best little gadget ever. Super easy to use, very motivating. It's tiny and fits in my bra no problem. The sleep feature is nifty, but you might have to play with the settings a ittle (I have mine set to normal sensitivity, clipped to my shirt; that seems to be the most accurate so far). I really love that it counts stair steps as well because I go up and own ours probably a dozen times a day or more.
  • Ploogy
    Ploogy Posts: 115 Member
    I didn't like the Fitbit. It simply isn't accurate enough for me to find it useful. For example, take a 15 minute drive with the Fitbit, and with even tiny bumps here and there, you'll log a few hundred steps, which you can't erase.
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    I've been with fitbit since they started about 3 years ago. I love it! I have a Fitbit One right now which I'm extremely pleased with. I love being able to sync with my iphone 5 during the day; before that I would have to wait until the end of the day to sync. I love that I can "hide" it by placing it on my bra; I know some people don't mind their devices showing but I'm in the Navy so I wear a uniform.

    I've found that it's changed my habits, as I've heard from others too. If I don't get my steps or stairs I notice and will do my best to get them by the end of the day. This means I'm more active than I was before.

    There's a fitbit users group where you can get more opinions :)
  • ChristinaBarnhouse
    ChristinaBarnhouse Posts: 274 Member
    Bump :)
  • losingweightfindingme
    I love my fitbit to death! I actually have minor withdrawals when I leave home without it. I like that it keeps track of distance and I can know approximately how far I go when I walk laps around the unit at work. I also love that it is discreet enough to wear with anything...clipping it to my bra is my favorite...especially at work. I love the sleep analysis because as a night-shift's been interesting to see my usual sleep patterns (in the living room, with the tv on, and the blinds open) and how well I sleep and then I have implemented changes to my sleeping arrangements during my "days" sleeping and it's neat to see how my sleep efficiency has improved. I love that my fitbit links easily to mfp and it's a one-time payment...just buy the fitbit and go. My roommate and I both have fitbits so it's fun to compete with eachother to see who can burn the most calories each week and who can log the most steps per week. Mine also links with my phone and then sends me phone notifications about how close I am to my step goal for the day, how close I am to my calorie goals, etc.
  • lucysmommy
    i have the fitbit zip and i love it :-)
  • kazdav
    kazdav Posts: 62 Member
    I didn't like the Fitbit. It simply isn't accurate enough for me to find it useful. For example, take a 15 minute drive with the Fitbit, and with even tiny bumps here and there, you'll log a few hundred steps, which you can't erase.

    All you have to do is go into your account and pick driving as an activity (think it comes up with light truck, but you may have to put automobile). You input the time the journey started and how long the drive was and it will then adjust you total. Now you can get back to loving your fitbit.

    For me I love it although like other people have stopped using it to track my sleep, not that bothered about that really. I find it fairly accurate when I have counted my steps and compared.. I thought it wasn't counting properly as the walking app that I used had me at many more steps than the fitbit but each time I have done a check the fitbit has been accurate.

    Love it
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    For example, take a 15 minute drive with the Fitbit, and with even tiny bumps here and there, you'll log a few hundred steps, which you can't erase.

    Ah- that explains the peaks in the activity graph around the time of my commute. Thanks for solving that mystery!
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    I'm not sure if I like mine yet. It's showing that I burn 1900-ish calories on non-workout days and up to 2400 calories a day on workout days (adding in adjustment from HRM). I also do correct it for driving.

    I'm only 5'0 (if that) and I weigh 116....oh...and I'm 31. There is no way I burn that many calories in a day.

    It's also adding in way too many "exercise" calories into MFP then I think I've eaten enough, and it syncs again and tells le I'v eonly net 940 calories or something, when I've eaten like 1700 calories.

    I think it's inaccurate.
  • kazdav
    kazdav Posts: 62 Member
    I'm not sure if I like mine yet. It's showing that I burn 1900-ish calories on non-workout days and up to 2400 calories a day on workout days (adding in adjustment from HRM). I also do correct it for driving.

    I'm only 5'0 (if that) and I weigh 116....oh...and I'm 31. There is no way I burn that many calories in a day.

    It's also adding in way too many "exercise" calories into MFP then I think I've eaten enough, and it syncs again and tells le I'v eonly net 940 calories or something, when I've eaten like 1700 calories.

    I think it's inaccurate.

    Your body needs approx 2000 cals just to exist and for your body to function so I think you will find it is accurate. I have my fitbit synced to my iPhone and every time I open the fitbit app it locates my fitbit and then updates and by the time I look in MFP that has updated itself.

    Somebody more knowledgeable will probably come along and explain how to get a more accurate calculate on the calories you need to just exist.
  • kazdav
    kazdav Posts: 62 Member
    Have just done a quick calc for you and your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) is coming out at 2277 calories and your BMR is 1333. The BMR is based on the calories you would need for your body to function if you stayed in bed all day.
  • laurathepower
    Could anyone possibly help me? Im on my first fit bit day, and i just cant see how 3600 steps equates to me burning 1100 calories?! Surely that's too much? Also, I can't see a way to remove driving calories from my log just using the iPhone app? How do I do this?

    Many thanks!

  • kazdav
    kazdav Posts: 62 Member
    It doesn't, what you are seeing is a combination of calories burnt for exercise and calories burnt so that your body can function. Think about it, a hunger striker would eventually die if left without food, your body needs to burn calories to function.
  • kazdav
    kazdav Posts: 62 Member
    Forgot your second question.

    Go into activity on your app and press the + then search for automobile or light truck, you then input the time you started driving and how many minutes you drove for.

    Only use fitbit to log this, if you do any other exercise ie swimming then log that on MFP and only MFP.