Wedding in May

I just bought my wedding dress yesterday, to small. . . I can do this :)


  • Yes, you can! You have 4 months and with the determination that I know a bride can have (went through the same situation myself in 2011) you will look perfect in your wedding gown! Best wishes and congrats on the wedding! :love:
  • foxchick40
    foxchick40 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you! :)
  • mazzasweet
    mazzasweet Posts: 266 Member
    Congrats on getting married!!! That's SO exciting and a great motivator to slim down! You can do this girl!!! OXOX
  • A wedding dress - WHAT AN EXCITING GOAL! Girl, I wish I was in your shoes, I hope to be there soon myself. I recently read an article in Oprah mag that said "every choice you make either enhances your spirit or denies it". I suppose that could be said about eating or exercising:

    -Having the loaded baked potato with dinner (DENY)
    -Having steamed broccoli and raw carrots again for dinner while everyone else is having a loaded baked potato (ENHANCE)
    -Skipping the gym to stay home and watch Dancing with the Stars (DENY)
    -Going to Zumba class (ENHANCE)

    Hope this made you chuckle! You should track how many inches until you can get the dress zipped - inquiring minds want to know. AND of course - what does the dress look like?
  • That's pretty exciting! Youc an do it!
  • foxchick40
    foxchick40 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you!

    The dress doesn't have a zipper lol it is just a slip on dress nothing fancy!
  • PhilipByrne
    PhilipByrne Posts: 276 Member
    I'm getting married on 5th march and refusing to buy my suit until the day before. I want every possible pound gone, so totally get where you're coming from. I only wish I had until May. Lol.
  • good for you girl. Awesome motivation to do it. I am getting married in January of 2014 so i feel ya. luckily i have more Good luck to you and you CAN do it!!
  • You'll do great!!! One thing I did was to completely avoid cake. I didn't eat a single bite of cake (or cupcake) leading up to my wedding. It helped me lose weight AND it made my wedding cake taste that much better. It was like celebrating my weight loss triumph and my marriage all in one bite.
  • foxchick40
    foxchick40 Posts: 40 Member
    That is such a good idea!
  • Rochelle_Burroughs
    Rochelle_Burroughs Posts: 15 Member

    I also brought my dream dress in a smaller size :-)
    I get married in June! I am here to support you and help you reach your goal! We will be beautiful brides!!!!
  • How exciting, you can do this!!!! It's a wonderful goal to set for yourself.

    Congrats on the up coming wedding. :smile:
  • agh846
    agh846 Posts: 14
    I got my wedding dress a few months ago (ordered it online) and I thought it would fit -- imagine my humiliation when IT WOULDN'T GO ON. Ugh. Horrid. Trying to lose 25 more lbs by May so I can look and feel awesome.