


  • mb1127
    mb1127 Posts: 36
    Today I packed a taco salad. Make lean ground turkey meat the same way you would beef. Top on a bed of lettuce with tomatoes and whatever else you want maybe onions or peppers. I put some mango peach salsa on top and a dab of fat free sourcream. I also make turkey stuffed peppers, baked eggplant topped with marinara and a sprinkle of parmesan, chicken stir fry with lots of veggies. Just some ideas.
  • I cook something in the crockpot like a pork loin or chicken breast on Sunday for lunches
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    greek yogurt and fruit-usually pint of blueberries. Sandwich. Leftovers.
  • Racquel1
    Racquel1 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks guys nice to have some new ideas for lunch. I love salad but don't want be having it every day as they say its good to have a variety :)
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
    i usually try to cook something on the weekend to take all week for lunches. this has been turkey meatloaf, turkey burgers, chicken sandwiches, pork sandwiches, lasagna, or i just bring left overs from the night before.

    i dont care for cold lunches, so if i have to throw it in the microwave for 2 minutes, so be it.
  • Tiggertaz2
    Tiggertaz2 Posts: 1 Member
    I usually cook enough for dinner to bring for lunch. Does the trick.
    Oorah, Looks like you are a Marine wife!! I'm a Marine Mom so the pic caught my eye.
    I'm with you though just cook enough at dinner time for lunch the next day. That seems to
    be the easiest.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    I usually pack a lunch (dinner leftovers).
    Jimmy Johns delivers so I do that if I forgot.
    Otherwsie I keep a stash of crackers and soup, tuna and pickles, low sodium V-8, and other random things I can eat for lunch if I forgot and don't want a sandwich.

    I made a large pot of the Eating Well Garden Veggie Soup on Sunday. That will be my lunch for the majority of the week, with some crakers today, and bread rest of the week (if I remember to make some tonight). We're not planning on dinners this week where we'd likly have leftovers.
  • carsonbaldwin
    carsonbaldwin Posts: 3 Member
    I've been making a large pot of soup every Sunday and ration it out through the week with a half sandwich. It's Mullagatawny this week.
  • mb1127
    mb1127 Posts: 36
    oh yah im not much of a cook either. I hate it. I cook once a week and store it. Preplan!
  • I cook and freeze my meals on the weekend. I make chicken, fish, or pork chops. Then I just buy frozen veggies and put a serving in with either some black beans or roasted potatoes. Its pretty quick to just grab one and heat it up for a few minutes.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    On the weekend, I grill or broil a couple boneless/skinless chicken breasts, freeze them and then reheat them with Green Giant boxed vegetables. Also sandwiches, left overs or frozen lean cuisine or smart ones pasta dishes. I always add a salad or soup on the side.

    I bought one of the desktop crockpots to heat my lunch at my desk and avoid the lines for the microwaves. I highly recommend one!
  • Racquel1
    Racquel1 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks everyone really appreciate all if you for giving me some new lunch ideas :)
  • special K has some really good breakfast sandwiches for 240 calories a piece ... and then I just add apples or yogurt etc.
  • slfordstthomas
    slfordstthomas Posts: 23 Member
    I like the salads at Which Wich. My fav is 220 calories. Black Bean Patty Bowl with Spinach, Avocado, Carmelized onions, Mushrooms, Tomatoes and Cucumbers. Then add your dressing. I like Honey Mustard. Lots of fiber and veggies in that one! It keeps me super full all day at work!

    I also like to bring raw veggies and hummus and have them along side these little souffles from Costco called Garden Lites. Those are only 150-170 calories each.

    It's not a bad idea to eat more calories than that at lunch, but that's what works for me. And it leaves a little cushion for a treat like dessert or a glass of wine with dinner.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    This needs more ideas and to keep the thread going:
    I do an avocado w/ a lime and some chile sauce.
    I make sandwich thin w/ roast beef and some horseradish dip light sour cream/yourt
    Always an egg
    Tuna or egg salad either w/ a sandwich thin or just lettuce w/ fat free mayo or yogurt or only 1tbsp of regular mayo
    My gallon bag of vegetables
    A piece of fruit
    Thermos of some kind of soup...last one was lentil yum!
    Cottage cheese w/ tomatoes
    Cucumbers w/ light sour cream and yogurt
    mini pizzas on a sandwich thin w/ mozzarella, turkey pep, veggies, and some spaghetti sauce
    Dinner left over, I ususally dont do this because my dinner is the most caloric rich meal
    Chicken salad w/ fat free mayo or yogurt or 1tbsp of regular mayo
    Veggie patty your choice of fixins sometime bbq sauce, or a taziki, or hot sauce on a sandwich thin or just lettuce

    Keep the great ideas coming...
  • mcesira
    mcesira Posts: 36 Member
    Grill veggies [spinach, zucchini, mushrooms, etc] with fat free feta cheese, sometimes I add tofu and a low cal, low carb flat bread

    1/2 cup cereal with milk and side of fruit

    cottage cheese and 5 or 6 stacey's pita chips and a fruit

    combine red chopped cabbage, some lime juice and greek yogurt with pita chips or crackers

    hard boiled egg, fruit and chopped veggies like peppers, carrots or cucumbers

    :smile: I agree- everyone's suggestions are helping me to expand what I eat. It's funny how you just continue to make the same thing until you hear ideas. This was a great question!