May Cardio Challenge: 360 Minutes/Week!



  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    may I ask what you do specificially. I would love to burn that many cals?
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member

    10 Eliptical
    24 walking at incline and fast pace
    5 minutes of jogging quickly (this was major for me)===========gaaaaaaaaassssssssssppppp
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Everybody,
    Nothing but running around the office like crazy , so far but Turbo Jam Punch, Kick and Jam (60min) on for after work! Possibly something else - i am running way low for our challenge - I've only done 60 minutes ... didn't count Monday's catastrophe:laugh: !!

    I was thinking about my diet today and I was wondering if any of you restrict or limit your carbs at dinner or have a kitchen cut off time
    any thoughts?

    Have a great day all,
  • OnieBee
    OnieBee Posts: 67
    I got in 60 minutes on the elliptical... going to try and switch it up tomorrow.
    I have a cut off time for my kitchen and it is around 7pm.... I try to give myself 4hrs of no eating before I crash. I also soon will be trying the "no white at night" to see if that helps my progress at all. I've heard its a good idea to limit carbs at night.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Count me in. So far this week I've done 136 minutes on the bike and 40 minutes walking. So 176 so far.
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Just got back from a mix of walking/running the dogs and biking carrying a 55 lb dog in a 25 lb trailer, up I think that it should count as double minutes. lol...but I won't cheat. I took 20 minutes off to allot for sniffing/bathroom/water breaks and a few minutes of walking the injuried dog from the trailer (had to have knee surgery 5 weeks ago). So 60 minutes of mixed cardio, though I can't say it was all heart pounding work, the biking part and the running part really got my heart going but not the walking.

    Total this week is 236 minutes.

    I don't have a kitchen cut off time. I actually have trouble eating enough calories on the raw/living food "diet" I've been on for the last 5 weeks. So I eat until bed time almost. In fact, it's 10:41 and I'm about to have my last snack of the day before I conk out.
  • OnieBee
    OnieBee Posts: 67
    that is amazing!!! hopefully one day I can post the same workout!
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    I'll join too :) I have been bad the past 3 weeks from University exam and a terrible cold, so I need some motivation!
    I did about 40 minutes of cardio today, though I go VERY hard (180 heart rate) then did close to an hour of different weights and exercises (mostly arms and stomach and a bit on my quads and bum) - I sweat a lot when I do weights (does anyone else?)

    I'm planning on another session tomorrow afternoon, and I can't wait!

    Though 360 minutes - say 6 sessions - is a lot to fit in, though I'm sure we can all do it :)

    edit: I did interval training on the treadmill for 20mins, about 15 mins level 8 - 17 on the bike (standing is painful :[ ) and 5 mins on the crosstrainer - overall the machines said about 350 calories which was pleasing :)
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    I did another 60 Mins of cardio yesterday! Mix of run/walk/bike/swim! 164 minutes so far!!! This is going to be a tough goal. I really want to try tho!!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    What do you mean, Oniebee? If you're talking about my workouts, you already have me beat. You workout for 90 minutes.
  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    Did another 45 yesterday, so I am up to 98.
    I got 53 in, between the elliptical and stationary bike!
  • elizabennett
    Janet, I am back and so in! Philly was insane, and I did not do well, but I am here and ready to get back on the wagon. What exactly do you classify as cardio? My HR maintained at a certain %, so I couldn't count my yoga too? This will make me have to work so I don't get bored with just Jillian's stuff and my spin bike. I missed you guys and your support and I am excited to get going again!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Between the dog walk/run this morning and a level 1 30 day shred just now my total is now 276.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    You are all Rock Stars in my book!

    I got in 50 min of Punch Kick and Jam (Turbo Jam) and 20 min Ab Work out - 70 min fo me yesterday. Got in 25 min fast waking this am for 2mi before work and plan on outdoor walk/jogging when I get home for an hour - so far thru this am on 155 in for the week!! I need another 205 minutes by Sunday just to break even:laugh: That means at least an hour per day thru Sunday!!
    This is challenging and you all sure are keeping me on track!!!!

    :laugh: :laugh: Now which one of you all is going to come lock my refrigerator??????? :laugh: :laugh:
    Please insert motivation words of wisdon here!
    Keep Moving,
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I'll join too :) I have been bad the past 3 weeks from University exam and a terrible cold, so I need some motivation!
    I did about 40 minutes of cardio today, though I go VERY hard (180 heart rate) then did close to an hour of different weights and exercises (mostly arms and stomach and a bit on my quads and bum) - I sweat a lot when I do weights (does anyone else?)

    I'm planning on another session tomorrow afternoon, and I can't wait!

    Though 360 minutes - say 6 sessions - is a lot to fit in, though I'm sure we can all do it :)

    edit: I did interval training on the treadmill for 20mins, about 15 mins level 8 - 17 on the bike (standing is painful :[ ) and 5 mins on the crosstrainer - overall the machines said about 350 calories which was pleasing :)

    Hi, welcome! Yes, I sweat too when doing weights... much more than I would expect. Not sure why...:ohwell:
    Also, I noticed that you said 180 is VERY hard for HR during cardio.... seems to confirm what my HRM says. I have it set to "automatic, hard" and when i go for a run, my HR is too high for the zone during about 80% of it. I can't figure out why!!! The upper limit is about 166 but no way could I run and stay below that... any advice?
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    got 40 minutes of fast pace up hill walking (7 of which was jogging)gasssssssssp
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Janet, I am back and so in! Philly was insane, and I did not do well, but I am here and ready to get back on the wagon. What exactly do you classify as cardio? My HR maintained at a certain %, so I couldn't count my yoga too? This will make me have to work so I don't get bored with just Jillian's stuff and my spin bike. I missed you guys and your support and I am excited to get going again!

    Hey girl! We missed you. :) Glad you found us. Can't wait to hear what you've been up to...
    You should definatly add strength training to your workouts, this way you can have nice toned bodies for summer. Goodluck I hope everyone reaches their goal.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hi All,

    Major construction is done!!! The egress window is in...the new patio is awesome...the furnace, water heater, air conditioner aren't that exciting to look at; but, will help with the bill$ in the winter...that will be exciting to see

    Went to kettleball class yesterday...drank too many margaritas and jello shots yesterday...danced a bit...have to celebrate the Mexican culture.

    So, I will take my sorry *kitten* to circuit training and try to work off some calories.

    I think I will actually start loggin my calories again tomorrow. It's just so time consuming. It's necessary tho. If I were logging calories, I probably wouldn't have eaten that cookie. Oh, well. I might just do the logging in an exercise book I bought. Otherwise, I am on this computer so much of the day.

    So, Monday (worked 12 hours, pooped)
    Tuesday, 12 hours of contractor in and workout...oh, drank wine while watching biggest loser
    Wednesday, 45 minutes kettleball class
    Thursday, 60 minutes circuit training (feeling the cinco de mayo flu-bug...should count has double)
    Friday, 60 minutes, wine yoga (does that count?) Should be interesting
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: Now which one of you all is going to come lock my refrigerator??????? :laugh: :laugh:
    Please insert motivation words of wisdon here!
    Keep Moving,

    I need one on the liquor cabinet as well!!!

    I work the next three days; so, I should be good (right?)