Getting motivation after work

Hi I just wondered how people went about getting motivation to exercise after work? I am a teacher and always so tired after work that I literally couldn't bear the thought of working out - especially when I have to build up the motivation to do my marking and planning as well!

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated!


  • Catwoman1037
    Catwoman1037 Posts: 102 Member
    I think the thing that has helped my husband the most after work is to attend a regular workout class. This is very helpful if you plan to meet friends there who will hold you accountable. You will also see other regulars who start expecting you to be there. Lots of fun! My favorite is Zumba. His favorite is a muscle pump class.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    That's tough. I am in the same boat. I have to leave for work by 6:45 AM, so a morning workout is not happening. The key for evening work-outs for me is I don't allow myself to plop in front of the TV unless I have worked out. I enjoy some TV as my down time before I get into bed, so that 30-60 minutes is important to me.

    It's self-imposed punishment - no work-out = no TV time. Seems strange, but works for me.
  • codyinhawkie
    codyinhawkie Posts: 11 Member
    60 minutes just seems like such a long time! Sometimes I don't get home until near 6 o'clock and once i've made and had dinner, then fit in more work, after a workout and some down-time I would probably have to go to bed at 1am and I am already constantly tired!

    Being a fatty is a pain in the backside!
  • On days I work a full day, I think of my goal. Sure being healthy is number 1 for some, but I'm a thrill junky. When I think about just relaxing when I get off, I think about being told "sorry ma'am" and not being able to ride a ride. You're not a woman but when cramps hit, it's the same thing...remember the weight limit for ziplining NiCole, you can do this. Fight through. I'm a tv junky as well, if I can sit and watch tv, I can work out. One day I went as bad as line dancing for 40 minutes with the tv on....
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Take a pre-workout supplement. It will get you going. There's lots of them, I like Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy. Lots of people take stuff like Jack3d which is hardcore. Or just take some caffeine pills if you want to go cheap and simple. You will be anxious to go to the gym after that. Helps me a lot because I don't go to the gym till the evening/night (went from about 8:30-10:30PM last night).
  • codyinhawkie
    codyinhawkie Posts: 11 Member
    I like the idea of getting some extra energy. I suppose it's the time thing that I am having trouble working out
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Take a pre-workout supplement. It will get you going. There's lots of them, I like Optimum Nutrition Amino Energy. Lots of people take stuff like Jack3d which is hardcore. Or just take some caffeine pills if you want to go cheap and simple. You will be anxious to go to the gym after that. Helps me a lot because I don't go to the gym till the evening/night (went from about 8:30-10:30PM last night).

    I was going to say almost the same thing- I have a substantial snack in the afternoon about an hour before the day is over, usually with some caffeine, and it REALLY helps afternoon energy levels.

    As far as motivation- you just need to force yourself to do it until it becomes a habit. IMO motivation is something that happens as you get results, which you can't get without doing it.
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    I work full time and I go to college part time. I don't get home until after 6 pm, so as soon as I eat dinner I get changed & head to the gym. Then I come home and watch my classes online and do my homework.
  • Akumu
    Akumu Posts: 120 Member
    I eat a snack an hour before I leave work, then go home and work out, then make dinner. If I eat dinner first there's almost no way I'm working out after that. I would just want to relax the rest of the night.
  • codyinhawkie
    codyinhawkie Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks guys it's great to have the support. Will give your suggestions a try tomorrow!
  • trillion30
    trillion30 Posts: 13 Member
    Myself and the husband have found that we have done better now we have got a routine going... We both work full time, leaving the house at 0750 and getting home at approx 1800 so time is a premium for us. We have found we take the kit to work if we are going to a class/swimming and head straight there from work so we can't veg out. We have also invested in a Wii and if we can't get out i.e he has been called out and taken the car and we can watch the tv whilst doing the free step so that we are at least moving and doing something...
  • lisavirani
    lisavirani Posts: 117 Member
    I've had this issue for a long time. Most nights I work until 6-7pm, so all I want to do is go home, eat dinner, and relax before bed. I even drove past my YMCA with intentions of working out... then just going home instead.

    I have been blessed with a gym literally across the street from me now though. So I have NO excuse not to go. I don't even get in my car, I just walk out of the work door, into the gym door. This helped me get going.

    However, even if my gym weren't across the street, it is now in my routine and I feel like I HAVE to go. It is just part of my schedule. I no longer plan on getting home by 6:30-7:70, I plan on getting home at 8. It's just how it is. I think once you do it for a while, maybe a few weeks or a month, then it will just be a routine and you might even enjoy doing it. I LOVE going to the gym now. When I work late, I actually leave work, workout for an hour, then go back to work. It is a nice mental break. I also work a desk job, so it's nice to get up and move.

    Anyways, thats my rambling answer. For me, it was location that gave me no excuse. But ultimately, it had to become a routine.

    Good luck!!
  • lustergirl
    lustergirl Posts: 123 Member
    Once you get into a routine it isn't too bad. I know Tuesdays and Thursdays are my zumba night so I plan accordingly. Plus I have met many friends there so that is a plus. There are times when I get home from work and just to crawl into bed but I stay focused instead.
  • lisavirani
    lisavirani Posts: 117 Member
    Oh, and I also prop my ipad on the treadmill and watch my favorite show on Netflix. That definitely helps. That way I am still watching TV, just while moving :)
  • I am also a teacher and together with some girls from work we just plan on a certain time each day that we are in my room doing DVD's for 45 minutes. I have one constant friend that is to be there everyday with me and the others join when they can If we have a meeting after work we do it after that. No excuses. So far it is working....and it a great stress reliever. I used to come home and then drive 30 minutes/workout/ then drive home - way to much time on the road! Make it a scheduled event and you won't miss it!
  • larnocky
    larnocky Posts: 8 Member
    I work full time and am also in school completing my professional designation.

    What I do, is stay at work late to finish all my work - whether it be a report, planning, etc. Because you'll want to get out of there, you will work more efficiently than you will at home (saving time). Next, I always bring my gym gear with me, and head straight to the gym from work.

    That way, once you're home, it's YOU time (even if it's not until 9 pm some days). I also try to hit the gym on Saturdays, so I can take a day during the week off.

    If I went home after work, and working out was an "option", I wouldn't head back out half of the time, especially in the winter.

    Good luck - once you're in the routine it will come naturally.
  • cwill33
    cwill33 Posts: 15 Member
    I work long hours as well, 8 AM to 8 PM including commute, my motivation comes from looking better and feeling better about myself. I also have a great support system at home that will encourage me to work out rather than watch TV, etc. If you can listen to music or an audiobook or even TV/ Movie while working out it might help.
  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    I usually have to come home and change into work out clothes immediately and not really sit down. There have been a few nights where I ended up on the couch in my work out clothes for the evening but 99% of the time if I change and don't sit down, I make it to the gym.
  • I teach, too, so I totally get the feeling that an hour is just too much to carve out. However, I don't even think about going. I don't give myself the chance to talk myself out of it. I have my gym bag packed the night before (and even in my car, if I remember), I leave work as soon as I can, head to the gym, then head home, shower, make dinner, eat, and grade. Usually, when I leave FOR the gym, I'm so tired that I have trouble keeping my eyes open (that terrible sleepyface feeling), but going to the gym wakes me up and gives me 3-4 extra hours of energy. I then sleep better on days when I have an evening workout, so I actually need less sleep (can go to bed at 10, for example, to get up at 5:00 and still wake up happy). But it's so tough when you know you have to go home and grade or read or plan. Sometimes, I'll take a cardio class like Spin, so I can plan in my head.

    Good luck! Time spent on your health is NEVER time wasted, only time invested!
  • marqcutie80
    marqcutie80 Posts: 68 Member
    I eat a snack an hour before I leave work, then go home and work out, then make dinner. If I eat dinner first there's almost no way I'm working out after that. I would just want to relax the rest of the night.

    This is a great idea. I am a School Counselor and find the gym a great stress reliever after a long day. I usually eat some Greek yogurt or a banana w/ peanut butter an hour before and it gives me the energy I need to complete the workout. I bring my gym back with me in the morning so I don't have to stop home first, which helps me stick to it. You'll find out you have more energy for grading/paperwork later on too once you get a routine established. Good luck!