wine and weight lost



  • Gobline
    Gobline Posts: 3 Member
    To pick up on a previous point on this thread....alcohol is more than just calories.

    Alcohol has been shown to slow down your metabolism and triggers your body to store more of the calories consumed as fat.
    It affects your hormonal balance and makes you dehydrated and bloated.

    This will in turn affect your sleep which just aggravates the problem with reduction in growth hormone production and increase in cortisole production.

    End result: Belly fat.

    Useful read on the subject of hormonal balance is Jillian Michaels Master your metabolism.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    i say if you like booze, then have the booze,,,, make sure you can fit it all in,,,it works for me,
  • jezzi16
    jezzi16 Posts: 128 Member
    A bottle a night is most likely excessive and it sounds like you are aware of it. I also love my wine so during the week I have 1-2 white wine spritzers. Half the calories and still tastes good.
  • Faulkners407
    Faulkners407 Posts: 62 Member
    I decided, not on work nights. And it needs to fit into my daily calories. I had some tequila saturday and was over, so I ran extra la
    Long on sunday (73 minutes), and made up for it.
    It is hard. But the huge wine glasses make it too easy. Ours hold half a bottle per glass.

    Take the cash you save and put it in a jar, for new clothes when you hit your goal!

    One day. At a time, work on having 5 ounces first...then none.

    You can do it! You are worth it!
  • Dzambhala
    Dzambhala Posts: 149 Member
    I have the same problem. Me loves a glass of wine, or half/whole bottle. Or bourbon or... you get the picture....

    Before Christmas I was successfully losing 3lbs a week on average. I factored in 1 - 2 nights a week of drinking what I liked and for a time it worked. Always on the days that I drunk, I still worked out in the morning, slightly harder even than on the days that I didn't drink, just so I had a little bigger calorie margin.

    Now I'm on around 3 drinking days a week and i'm not losing very much, currently 1lbs a week. Still losing yes, but not very fast.

    I think as long as you factor it into your calorie allotment for the day and still workout as much as you can you'll be fine.

    I read somewhere that calories from alcohol get burnt before calories from fat, so it isn't ideal, and personally I do notice the difference in weight loss when i'm not drinking.

    I will be however cutting out alcohol completely for a time just to shift the last few pounds. I find I have to get rid of all the booze from home and ignore the wine aisle in the supermarket to avoid temptation and after a day or two of not drinking I don't even think about, until someone offers me a glass that is:)

    If a bottle of wine is 500 cals and their are 3500 in 1 pound of fat...just by not having that bottle of wine for a week will help you shift that 1lbs....
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Since I started 2 weeks ago I have only let myself have some on Saturday night. My cals are spiked 1000 higher that day so it works out well so far. If my loss stopped or slows to a crawl I will try cutting it out that one day a week.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Yeah, when I really want to crack down and lose I have to stop drinking. It takes me 3-4 days to get rid of the alcohol bloat and I tend to make poor food choices the day of and the day after drinking, and I usually miss one or two workouts lol. Then again, I was drinking more like a half a bottle bottle a week, not 3-4. So maybe you could try cutting back to just drinking on one day of the week at first?
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    I only ever drink when I go out in the evening, never at home. I normally only ever go out for dinner once a week so I have 2-3 glasses of wine with my meal, or from time to time if I go to a bar (an additional night per week) then I'll have 3 or 4 drinks but I try to stick to low calorie drinks like wine.
  • kendunn579
    kendunn579 Posts: 392 Member
    I found recently that if I keep busy in the evening then I don't reach for the bottle nearly so easily. But sitting down with a book or the telly and out comes the vino.

    And I believed too readily that red wine has benefits, one glass is good, so 3 glasses must be 3 times as good. Wrong!

    But in the end it's all about moderation.

    I still eat cream cakes, just rarely, I still drink wine but am conscious I need to make that more rare too.
    So I'm going to keep busy.

    Going to bake a cake tonight.... (Not for me though)
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    On a lighter note.... A skinful will dehydrate you so have a bottle or three then get on the scales in the morning! Weight drops off dramatically! (Unfortunately it comes back all too soon).
    Of course I'm only kidding, drinking that much is irresponsible.

    HAHAH! Funny, because after a night out drinking with the girls, I ALWAYS weigh in, can you say -4 lbs AT LEAST! ..EACH time!! It's funny..

    However, yes it comes right back as soon as you rehydrate.
  • Davina_JH
    Davina_JH Posts: 473 Member
    I love wine, but the calories I have to log because of it really freak me out! When I have a few too many cocktails, I tend to make poorer decisions regarding food and I eat more as well.

    Although...when I do choose to have a glass, I have taken to enjoying the Skinnygirl vodkas. They have cucumber (my favorite:)), tangerine, coconut, and regular. Each shot has around 76 calories and no carbs. I mix with Sobe 0 calorie flavored waters, which are naturally flavored and sweetened and have vitamins too. I like to think that helps ;)

    Good luck!
    Feel free to add me for support, anyone!

  • NatalieHassett
    NatalieHassett Posts: 26 Member
    I only ever drink when I go out in the evening, never at home. I normally only ever go out for dinner once a week so I have 2-3 glasses of wine with my meal, or from time to time if I go to a bar (an additional night per week) then I'll have 3 or 4 drinks but I try to stick to low calorie drinks like wine.

    Wine is hugely calorific! A glass of wine would set you back 200 calories whereas a rum and diet coke is only 53!
  • jennifox63
    jennifox63 Posts: 44 Member
  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    I've stopped drinking on the weeknights and also switched to these TINY wine glasses that only hold 4 oz. That way I can have "two" glasses if I want...but I find that I'm usually good after one.

    DH does laugh at the tiny glasses, but it works for me.
  • cazzahi
    cazzahi Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you for the replies, going to go tea total for a week and see how it goes, lots of advice if i do fancy a drink, huband been joking about bolting the door so i don.t nip out for wine, going to relax in a bath and a early night for my 1st night tonight
  • kbru64
    kbru64 Posts: 16 Member
    I used to drink about 1/2 a bottle of wine a night. decided to cut it out during the week, not so much because of the calories from the booze, but because of the poor choices it lead to. I'd adapt the "I'll be fat and happy attitude" and eat way too much. But, now, do not try to take my wine (or margaritas) away from me on Friday and Saturday night.
  • suzely0530
    suzely0530 Posts: 150 Member
    ok so i'm going to give up the booze to help weight loss, i'm find it ok to control my diet but i do like half a bottle or up to a bottle each night of wine . i know this going to be hard tonight, has anyone gone through this and any advice, thankyou caz x

    I used to LOVE my wine ! Drank a min of 2 glasses at least 3 -4 times per week. But since I've started working out a lot more and eating healthy, I noticed I no longer "crave" red wine like I used to. I also feel I work too hard to burn calories that I didn't want to waste it by drinking half (often more) a bottle of wine. Perhaps allow yourself 1 or 2 nights per week to's all about moderation.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    My advice is to fit it into your calories and be happy. Sustainability is the most important factor of your diet. If you hate it, you're not going to stick with it.
  • Sweetbelle159
    Sweetbelle159 Posts: 31 Member
    I look at a wine glass and imagine it full of white sugar and I say to myself, "we'll I wouldn't eat that so why would I drink it".
  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I have this problem big time!
    I'm use to drinking a bottle every night almost, but that calculates to almost $80 every week down the drain.
    As well I hated waking up early to feel like crap.
    Try to limit it greatly and my best advice: Keep yourself occupied so you don't think about it.
    Everyday now I write a to-do list and this keeps me busy and by the time usually I have finished this I'm tired and its late at night.
    Add me if you want more help. :)