Primal Blueprint

I am a 45 year old profesional dieter. (king of the yo-yo) my latest "lifestyle" choice is called "Primal Blueprint" by Mark Sisson. The book is the most amazing read on the subject of nutrition that I have ever read (i call it "nutrtion for dummies"). If you haven't already read it, i suggest that you do. wether or not you follow it, is up to you. I guarentee it will change how you look @ food. The author has a website check it out. dont buy the book there, try amazon it cheaper. My theory in life is that all diets work, you have to find the one that you can follow without losing your will power. Its all about will power. I am in the middle of reading "good calories, bad calories. That book is like a graduate school text book, but if you can follow it, you will kick yourself over how you have been dieting for the last 30 years. Conventional wisdom is gone for me.


  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I have been thinking about getting this book. Guess I just need to go ahead and do it! Thanks!
  • onelegpat
    onelegpat Posts: 33 Member
    I was going to buy that book, but then I checked and my public library has just ordered it so I am first in line for it.

    Are you doing the Paleo diet then or what are you doing, and how is it going?
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    What is the difference between this and Paleo?
  • chairdr
    chairdr Posts: 8 Member
    I have known for a long time that carbs are my biggest enemy. What I didn't know was how bad low & no fat is. Read PB & kiss carbs goodbye. the adding of certain fats is going to change how you crave food. It blames out obesity crisis on the low fat theory. I dont know it is close to the Paleo, but I am not up on the Paleo rules. its like $17 on Amazon.. buy it, own it. meanwhile check out for the basics. I have dropped 15lbs. in 3 weeks. now I have leveled off. I had lost 95lbs 2 years ago, but I let carbs back in to my diet & went way overboard out of control ("recovering carbaholic")30lbs came back on & now I am back on track. What cool about the PB plan is it lets you know that there are no positive uses for processed carbs. all the carbs you need can come from fruit & veggies. this is a hard theory to let go of conventional wisdom. If you tell your mother she will shoot it down. Just read it & make your own mind up.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    What is the difference between this and Paleo?

    Originally Posted by Mark Sisson
    A fundamental difference? The role of saturated fats. Cordain and many within the paleo community continue to harbor a fear of saturated fats as the bogey that raises cholesterol and instigates heart disease instead of a critical source of nutrients for neurological functioning and other essential physiological processes. Partaking of only lean meats, eschewing butter and coconut oil (two Primal Blueprint favorites based on health benefits supported by extensive research), restricting egg consumption – this is not your Granddaddy Grok’s diet.

    Basically, primal allows saturated fat and dairy while Paleo doesn't (I think).
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I am a 45 year old profesional dieter. (king of the yo-yo) my latest "lifestyle" choice is called "Primal Blueprint" by Mark Sisson. The book is the most amazing read on the subject of nutrition that I have ever read (i call it "nutrtion for dummies"). If you haven't already read it, i suggest that you do. wether or not you follow it, is up to you. I guarentee it will change how you look @ food. The author has a website check it out. dont buy the book there, try amazon it cheaper. My theory in life is that all diets work, you have to find the one that you can follow without losing your will power. Its all about will power. I am in the middle of reading "good calories, bad calories. That book is like a graduate school text book, but if you can follow it, you will kick yourself over how you have been dieting for the last 30 years. Conventional wisdom is gone for me.

    We have another thread we are chatting together in, come on over and join us!!!

    Let me tell you I have been back on Primal Blue Print for only 5 days now and I have so much energy I was up at 4 am this morning brimming with energy. I took my dogs for a walk, fixed breakfast, took a shower, got dressed, and got to work pretty early.

    As you transition from a carby and refined foods eating plan to a more natural eating plan, your taste buds drastically change. Even strawberries and lemons are sweeter to me with no added sugar, sweeteners, anything, just plain.

    After a week or 2, you will no longer even want cakes, cookies, crackers, etc...............
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Don't be afraid of Saturated fats....................they are not bad for you. This is explained very well in the book.