looking for other big people with big goals like me

Hi all,

I'm a big guy, 250lbs. and I'm also a little guy, 5'1 tall. yes, I'm really really short, which make my weight all that worse. Anyway I'm looking for other folks who want to lose a larger amount of weight and have big fitness goals (I want to compete in an Iron Man Triathlon) Follow my blog, friend/message me, support one another.



  • polo_sal
    Hey there...

    I can relate to you on your quest but i have not gotten to that point yet. At my heavest i was 255 pounds, but then i started to walk and watch what i eat from day to day. I had lost 54 pounds. I could not get under 200!! That was 2 years ago, then stuff happened and then i got lazy. Now i am at 220 and really need to get back on track. I am not much taller than you at 5'6" so you know how it sit on me as well.

    I would be interested in keeping up with your progress and may we can hold each other accountable to reach our goals... send me a friend request. Believe me the more poeple you have cheering you on, the better it is!!
  • Runninglibrarian13
    Runninglibrarian13 Posts: 57 Member
    Hey there... 5'6 lady here 217 lbs (so definitely bigger than I want to be, but less than my heaviest of 253.2)

    Anyway, my big goal is a full marathon.... the Marine Corps marathon!
    I will be following you and sending a friend request! :)