Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder

Hi all,

I have SAD, and am having a very, very hard time right now. Anyone else have this issue?

I'm so unmotivated, and craving all the wrong things. This is not helped by the fact that I'm having my first sciatica flare up in years and am stressed out in general....blah blah blah.

I want to feel like this: :flowerforyou:
but instead I feel a little like this:sick:


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi all,

    I have SAD, and am having a very, very hard time right now. Anyone else have this issue?

    I'm so unmotivated, and craving all the wrong things. This is not helped by the fact that I'm having my first sciatica flare up in years and am stressed out in general....blah blah blah.

    I want to feel like this: :flowerforyou:
    but instead I feel a little like this:sick:
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    You can do it. Just remember we are all here for you.
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    Hi there! I live in Portland, OR and, specifically in the Pacific NW, the rainy season tends to bring a lot of people down since it tends to stick around for so dang long. Lack of sunshine can actually do this to a lot of people. I've heard of a lot of people going to the tanning booths to get some fake rays and it tends to help boost your mood. I'm not a tanner, personally, but I don't think 5 minutes of mood boosting "sunshine" would do damage. Try it out. It's worked for people I know.
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    YES YES YES YES... and did I say YES!!!!! I have SAD in a BIG way... and it is VERY hard for me to get over it.
    NOT TO MENTION that this year it was made worse because we pulled our sailboat out of the water and she is sitting in dry sail till April first. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
    Otherwise there are little things that I do and have done to help this issue.
    1) Count the days back till what people like us call NORMAL time!
    2) Set up a goal for when the days are longer. IE lose so much weight till then Get ready for a marathon or something like that. If you are busy the lack of light is not as noticable.
    3) Keep at least ONE clock at SUMMER TIME! The clock in my car, and the clock that is in the room with my treadmill are still at DLST. So when everyone else sees the sun go down at 5:00, my clocks are telling me that it is 6:00.
    4) Vit D tablets! One at each meal. OR at least one each day.
    5) I have found that a plant or two help me out of the depressions
    6) A Manicure, or pedicure, or message can help if all else fails. Not to mention it gives you something to look forward to.
    I hope this helps!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    How much vitamin D in a dose? thanks
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Luckily I live in Arizona but have family in OR and WA and I can say I don't visit for long because I get in a down mood awfully quick in those gray skies.

    I would recommend getting a vitamin with more D in it, also, milk contains vitamin D and so do calcium pills, D helps you absorb calcium.

    Anyway, I have heard that there is a blue light that you can get, you may have to ask your doc or someone in your area, but apparently you put the light in your house in an area that you are in a lot and the light helps bring your mood up.

    worth asking about.
  • grvchk
    Good Grief!!! I hear ya sister. I dwell in ALASKA and there is not very much light right now at all. We have a lot of SAD in the winter here. Some people purchase the specialty lights to get a dose, but a lot of people (including myself) jump in a tanning bed 1-2 times a week. they have some called "Mega Beds"; say they cut out the bad UV rays (?) Anyway, getting the burst of light really helps. Some will argue this because of the skin damage and what not, but a little bit here and there (not cooking a tan) is not goingt o kill you.
    Goo dLuck from the North
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    How much vitamin D in a dose? thanks

    I am in Seattle - in the shortest days of winter, we have about 7.5 hours of daylight. Arrgh. And then rain, which tends to restrict outdoor activities. Everyone here says they have SAD. :sad:

    When on a restricted calorie diet you can't possibly eat enough food to get all your nutrients. (Even when on "regular" diets it's hard to do!) As a woman, you should take a Calcium with D (at the recommended dose) supplement anyway especially if you are small frame, since you are at risk for Osteoporosis. Insufficient calcium in your diet could cause calcium leeching from your bones.
    Calcium cannot be absorbed without vitamin D - so you need to take both.

    I have found that a B Complex supplement is also very good for the mood disorders. (B is a nervous system support nutrient). I have always taken a multi-vitamin as well.

  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    I don't have a diagnosed SAD but do believe I have it to some degree, I have found I like to actually hibernate come cold weather. All the windows get shut, I tend to huddle under covers and read a book. I'm moody. I feel like part bear. So now I force myself to go outside even if it isn't very sunny. Any sun is helpful. First time I have heard of the supplements, maybe I'll try some. I figure if i keep busy enough I won't mind it so much. :smile:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Oh, it makes all the difference to know that I'm not alone. Thanks, ladies. I think I'm part bear, too.

    I take calcium with D, but I'll try to up it a bit. Also, I've started taking fish oil, which I've heard helps with depression in general. We actually have sunlight today, so I'm going to try to get out in it.

    thanks again!:flowerforyou:
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    How much B complex supplement?And do you take both of them together? Does anyone know about Vitamin E and what it does?
    How much vitamin D in a dose? thanks

    I am in Seattle - in the shortest days of winter, we have about 7.5 hours of daylight. Arrgh. And then rain, which tends to restrict outdoor activities. Everyone here says they have SAD. :sad:

    When on a restricted calorie diet you can't possibly eat enough food to get all your nutrients. (Even when on "regular" diets it's hard to do!) As a woman, you should take a Calcium with D (at the recommended dose) supplement anyway especially if you are small frame, since you are at risk for Osteoporosis. Insufficient calcium in your diet could cause calcium leeching from your bones.
    Calcium cannot be absorbed without vitamin D - so you need to take both.

    I have found that a B Complex supplement is also very good for the mood disorders. (B is a nervous system support nutrient). I have always taken a multi-vitamin as well.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member

    I take the recommended dose. With B Vitamins, the body will excrete what it doesn't need. It will change your urine to yellow (tmi, sorry).

    Since supplements and their health claims are controversial, and the "Promises (claims of the manufacturers)" have not been evaluated by the FDA, take my advice cautiously. My doctor knows I take these supplements, though I don't think she pays much attention to them.

    Here is what the bottle says:


    (Brand)= Nature Made Nutritional Products 1-800-276-2878

    B Vitamins help convert food into energy - B vitamins are also necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system. Our Super B Complex formula contains high levels of B Vitamins and Vitamin C.

    USP dietary supplement verified. USP has tested and verified ingredients, potency and manufacturing process. USP sets official standards for dietary supplements.

    NO Artificial Colors
    NO Artificial Flavors
    NO Preservatives
    NO Chemical Solvents, Starch or Gluten

    Take one tablet daily with a meal.

    ::END QUOTE::

    ALSO: I am a child of the sixties so I grew up thinking that pills make you better; reinforced by Mom who gave me pills frequently. I take the B Complex with C at lunch time. My Multi-Vit I take with breakfast. Calcium with D is taken twice daily, so I take one in the morning and one at bedtime. I also take a magnesium supplement at breakfast. I take an Omega 3-6-9 supplement - if I don't I won't get CLOSE to the amount of Omega fatty acids I need - and then my skin and hair get dry. I don't take E, except in the mulit-vit. My restricted calories can quickly cause me to lose energy, and I know my body needs much more than I am able to give it with food.

    A good magazine to subscribe to is PREVENTION for ongoing information about supplements and diet and exercise.

  • tdroseler
    I have often wondered if i am afflicted with this dis-order. Basically, anytime there is 3 days in a row that are cloudy, i am depressed and lacking in energy, etc...

    don't know if this helps for people with SAD...but...when it is sunny...get out there!!!!

    I do, it makes a world of difference for me.:bigsmile:
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    thanks for the info cm, I appreciate it. I will go over it with my physician when I see him. I take a multi-vitamin now but thats all.