Gave up pop



  • orangelobster
    diet soda = too many chemicals for me - it just doesn't taste "right" somehow.

    My rare soda pop has cane sugar in it (not corn syrup) and I treat it like a dessert item.
  • mrudick74
    i switch to diet coke because of diabetes years ago. i did lose wieght, but, it wasn't easy giving it up. i had been hooked on coke since i was old enough to say coke. but, its all in you and what you want to do for your self. when i was pregant i had to give up caffeine, but i missed that soda burn. so i started drinking fruit flavored sodas. do what feels right for you, is my only advise.
  • bluskies01
    bluskies01 Posts: 72 Member
    I agree about trying other carbonated drinks to help wean you off. V8 has some carbonated juices that tasted really great. Unfortunately carbonation in general irritates me so I had to give it all up completely, I only drink water now.