i don't want to be a fat bride..

angelofmedicine Posts: 6 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
My first wedding I was 184 pounds... I felt huge... I felt horrible... but I got married... the marriage ended 3 1/2 years later... I went on a diet, started working out and made it down to 148 pounds. I felt wonderful. I looked great. I had energy and everything was great... a year ago I found my new man. He was great, except he doesn't work out. He is very active and very hard working... but he never worked out before and trying to get him to work out was almost impossible. He hunts, fishes, hikes, gardens and works himself almost to death (the man never sits down)... so his weight is good.

After I met him I stopped going to the gym as much so I could spend time with him. I also started eating out on dates and he would bring me treats, snacks and chocolates... The weight slowly added back on, and I kept saying... next week... next week I will hit the gym hard..Well we just celebrated our 1 year anniversary.. and he proposed... and i said yes!! I was so excited! The next day I got on the scales... I went from 148 to 184 pounds in 1 year... It took me 3 years to get down to 148... I was heartbroken, sad, mad and frustrated... mostly at myself...

Now the wedding is in 6 months... I tried on dresses Saturday and I wanted to cry. I looked fat. My rolls had rolls... none of the dresses fit me right... And my best friend took pictures of me in some of the dresses. I wanted to cry when I seen my double chin, flabby arms a jelly belly... So I started back on myfitnesspal today... My wish it to get to at leas 160... But that is 24 pounds in 6 months.....
I don't wanna be a fat bride.....


  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    You can do it! MFP is such a supportive place. :smile:

    I'm not even in a relationship, but one of my biggest fears is feeling like a whale on my wedding day.
  • szieres
    szieres Posts: 97 Member
    You will be beautiful no matter what. 24 lbs in 6 months is DEFINETLY something that can be done... you just have to stay motivated (which I think you are) and remember the end results when you want that cookie, or taco, or burger. I have faith that you will be what you're hoping for.. and remember, no matter what, your husband will love you no matter what, and finds everything about you beautiful. Keep your chin up and smile. You're worth it :)
  • des10y11
    des10y11 Posts: 4 Member
    I know how u feel I am getting married to and tried on dress Saturday too and felt the same way. I won't even go dress shopping till I loose 60 lbs. You can do it.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member

    And I agree with the person above. You can do this with MFP. There are so many supportive people on this site it will blow your mind!!! Just take advantage of it's system and just get a support system brewing. Don't make this a diet for 6 months so you can fit in your dress...make it an EVERYDAY for the REST of your life change! Diets are temporary!!! You can do this and you will continue to do this before/after your wedding. Make yourself and working out and taking care of yourself your priority and you will do this!

    keep strong
  • You can do it...congratulations on your engagement...remember to believe in yourself and stay positive. :flowerforyou:
  • You're for sure in the right place. I'm in a relationship, the ring is coming soon, I don't to be a fat bride either!!! Add me as a friend if you'd like, I'm losing for my wedding also. :) I gained in my relationship also, and my boyfriend is very active, same as you! Congrats on your engagement!
  • alazarus
    alazarus Posts: 80 Member
    That's only 3 lbs. a month! You can TOTALLY do it!!!
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    24 lbs is very do able for 6 months you might be able to get more then that.

    though the issue you need to look at is why you stopped taking care of yourself because you had a man in your life. That is a major thing. Because it will affect the relationship if it already hasn't. Resentment towards him for being naturally in shape and having the time...and bringing you treats and self hatred for yourself. If he is doing all these things you could do them with him...or when he is off doing them you could be going to the gym or whatever, but if you are this unhappy with yourself it will leak into the realtionship and neither of you deserve that with the wedding so close.

    you can do this and I'm sure you will. You'll be beautiful on your wedding but probably not because of the weight you are at, but because you are happy to be with the man you love.
  • geri25
    geri25 Posts: 43 Member
    You can do it just stick with it nice weather is coming more walks outside. I lost 28 pounds in 2 1/2 months good luck and congrats on yur engagement
  • jeyoung03
    jeyoung03 Posts: 83
    You can definitely do this!!!! :)
  • Hi,
    I am 298.5lb (was 310 in December). I too am getting married in March 2014. I want to lose 9st in total.
    What I have done is buy a year planner and targeted 2lbs off per week. I hit January target soam looking forwards to Februarys!
    Take one day at a time, be realiatic, keep your go
    al in mind and just go for it. I have struggled to get going but with FitnessPal its easy to track food.
    I still have a lot to learn and I have massive hurdles to get over but its all a journey I'm going to reflect on and think "it was so worth it".
    Looking forwards to being a non-fat bride!

    P.s photo is not me- its a motivation!!
  • lythy77
    lythy77 Posts: 33 Member
    you can do it.. i have lost 19lb in a month and 2 days. by simply cutting out the junk food and going low carb.
    im also going the gym 5 days a week.. i believe you really can do this.
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