Cheap and easy recipies?

Im not much a good cook nor can i afford all the lean cuisines at the market soooo i was wondering if there is some real simple and cheap recipes out there for dieting something that will be filling as well ^^

Right now im eating fish and rice mostly i bought some vegetable soup in a can which are like 200 calories? i love veggie soup other then that im not sure what to eat except some veggies with rice i tend to go for the fish and rice but i know its going to get tireing after awhile x.X i also eat canned fruits that are on sale


  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    When you get canned fruit make sure it is canned in juice and not in syrup, which is all sugar and unnecessary calories. You could buy fresh seasonal produce for salads, just keep in mind that fresh produce is uaually less expensive when it is in season, think apples in the fall and tomatoes in mid to late summer. When they are too expensive, go for frozen veg's and make stir fries with a small amount of healthy oil, like olive or canola. Canola oil is very healthy and generally a lot less expensive than olive oil. Buy brown rice instead of white, it's a little more expensive, but not too much. Look for lean meats and fish on sale or check the stuff that is at its expiration date( not over) b/c often stores will reduce the price to get rid of it before it goes bad, then you can either cook it that day or freeze it. I look for shelf staples like canned beans and tomatoes and buy a lot when they are on great sales, so I don't have to buy them when they are full price. Make your own veggie soup by putting lots of cut up veggie in a pot with enough water to cover and simmer until they are tender. Season with herbs(dried are way cheaper than fresh) garlic, onions and a little salt. I make big batches of soup and freeze it in small containers to have on hand for healthy quick and easy lunch or dinner, canned soups are low cal, but extremely high in sodium. Good luck to you
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Ask the same questions at They have an area where you browse recipes and see if you can find some that call to your taste buds. I love the way you can find out how many calories are in a food by inputting the name of the foods, the amounts, and other questions they ask. Amazing! ;) Good luck. BJB
  • crispycream
    Thanks for the wonderful information!!!

    And yes i get the canned fruit not in heavy syrup

    I will be looking out for the sales and the new recipe ideas thanks so much both of you for the information.

    I was thinking of rice and beans? for a mean would be nice with some tomatoes'

    Thanks for the recipe site~ i havent looked there in a long time so ill be sure to look through sparks recipe list for some cheap recipes

    thanks so much!