Having a hard time staying around 1200cals/day

Mom2Emery_Liam Posts: 149
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Lately I've been having a tough time sticking to the 1200 calories a day. I did really great the first 2-3 weeks on here, then bumped it up to 1300. That lasted for a week or so then I moved it back to 1200. I've been at about the same weight for 3 weeks now. I still have a good 15lbs to lose before getting down to a healthy weight for my height (5'2"). It's a little frustrating being "stuck" b.c I can feel myself getting stronger but the fat doesn't seem to be coming off like I want.
Anyhow, MFP has me set at 1200 based on my height, sedentary lifestyle (stay at home mom), and working out 30 mins 6x a week (it varies and is more some days). I've noticed with my diary I've been eating more carbs than usual and giving into temptation with the kids snacks (goldfish and cereal!). I seem to be "munching" b/c I'm always hungry. My meals just don't seem to hold me over for long. I don't have my diary public but most b-fasts consist of cereal w/milk and coffee with silk soy creamer. I usually have a 100 cal snack like almonds around 10:30. Lunch I keep under 300 cals most days. The toughest time is btw lunch and dinner. Sometimes I'll consume 400-600 cals in snacks b/c I'm so hungry. We don't eat until 8 most nights b/c my husband works late. Dinner I try to keep around 400.

Anyways, any tips would be great. I hate to bump my goals up but I may have to. I only go over by 100-200 calories and have one "cheat" day where I don't track at all (usually Sundays). I know I'm eating much better than my past habits that caused me to gain 15 lbs in one year. I just hate feeling stuck and unable to meet the 1200 on a regular basis.


  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Listen to your body. You my need more than 1200 cals if you are busy with children. What is your BMR. Someone recommended that I reset my cals to my BMR. I am so much more satisfied. I am still losing. I don't care if I won't lose as fast. It is more likely to last if you take it slow and keep it steady. You might also make yourself a salad with light dressing to eat around 5 or 6 while waiting on hubby. And don't forget to chug that water girlie! You can do this!:flowerforyou:
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Seems to me you're not eating enough calories earlier in the day. When Mom and I do this, we're ravenous and eating too much by the end of the day. (I constantly fuss at her to eat more calories for breakfast. Ha.) My breakfasts are ALWAYS over 300 cals and at least 20g of protein minimum. In fact I never go below 300 for any meal, and I rarely dip below 200 for snacks. I also tend to eat my snack in the afternoon. Just works better for me. I know that if I ate the breakfast you describe, I'd be starving by noon, even with the almonds.

    Oh, and if you're exercising, that will give you some more calories to eat. You may want to consider eating them.
  • LaurenDykstra
    LaurenDykstra Posts: 2 Member
    I have trouble staying at 1390. I only jog about 15-20 minutes 3x's a week. One thing that has helped me has been drinking a TON of water. Also I eat 1 or 2 detour protein bars (15g protein each). Starting the day off with egg whites and turkey bacon also helps me stay full. I've lost 20lbs since February and I dont work out as much as you ...Just load up on that protein. Go get em!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    From what I know, being a stay at home mom isn't really "sedentary"... I can't speak from personal experience, but it seems that it's one of those "don't really realize how active you are until you're exhausted" lifestyles... I have a job that involves a fair amount of getting up, walking across a room to do something, then walking back and sitting for another five or ten minutes (never really just sitting for an extended period of time), and I consider that "lightly active". Maybe try setting yourself on the lightly active setting and see if the extra calories you'd be allotted help at all. Maybe you're in the dreaded "starvation mode" and your body just needs an extra hundred calories here and there.

    Other tips: protein and fiber! Low fat yogurt is my best friend because it has enough protein to keep me full and it also has calcium (which women really need!!), and pre-cut veggies can act as healthy munchies (try giving them to the kids as well!).

    Of course, you've said that you feel stronger, so you're probably gaining muscle and losing fat, and it's balancing out... keep track of your measurements and see if those go down too.
  • Buy some trident layers gum. I have both green apple pineapple and strawberry citrus. When you feel like an afternoon snack pop in a stick of gum. It's sweet and only 4 calories per stick. :0) Hope this helps!
  • ChristinaMyers
    ChristinaMyers Posts: 1 Member
    Try to eat whole grains and fiber! It helps you stay full and energetic longer. Also, if you want to bump up your calories, just spend a little bit more time exercising.
  • Seems to me you're not eating enough calories earlier in the day. When Mom and I do this, we're ravenous and eating too much by the end of the day. (I constantly fuss at her to eat more calories for breakfast. Ha.) My breakfasts are ALWAYS over 300 cals and at least 20g of protein minimum. In fact I never go below 300 for any meal, and I rarely dip below 200 for snacks. I also tend to eat my snack in the afternoon. Just works better for me. I know that if I ate the breakfast you describe, I'd be starving by noon, even with the almonds.

    Oh, and if you're exercising, that will give you some more calories to eat. You may want to consider eating them.

    I almost always eat my exercise cals. Most days I burn around 200-300. So I'm usually at 1400 total.
    Thanks for the b-fast tips! I did notice two eggs in the morning helped me eat less one day. Gotta remind myself it's worth it to dirty some dishes and take the time to cook eggs!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Seems to me you're not eating enough calories earlier in the day. When Mom and I do this, we're ravenous and eating too much by the end of the day. (I constantly fuss at her to eat more calories for breakfast. Ha.) My breakfasts are ALWAYS over 300 cals and at least 20g of protein minimum. In fact I never go below 300 for any meal, and I rarely dip below 200 for snacks. I also tend to eat my snack in the afternoon. Just works better for me. I know that if I ate the breakfast you describe, I'd be starving by noon, even with the almonds.

    Oh, and if you're exercising, that will give you some more calories to eat. You may want to consider eating them.

    I almost always eat my exercise cals. Most days I burn around 200-300. So I'm usually at 1400 total.
    Thanks for the b-fast tips! I did notice two eggs in the morning helped me eat less one day. Gotta remind myself it's worth it to dirty some dishes and take the time to cook eggs!

    Yep, I think that's really gonna help ya! :smile: I typically eat 2 extra large Eggland's Best every morning with NutraGrain Organic wholewheat toast. It packs 5g of protein a slice by itself. If you're worried about dishes and cooking time, head over to Wally World and get a microwave egg poacher. They're little plastic doodads with two cups. My SO calls mine my "egg bra". :laugh: Use it, rinse it really well, and throw it in the dish washer. Poached eggs are pretty good on English muffins.
  • amtrust
    amtrust Posts: 178
    From what I know, being a stay at home mom isn't really "sedentary"... I can't speak from personal experience,

    I agree....I'd bump up your lifestyle from sedentary. You probably DO need more cals.
    1200 is hard to meet anyway, in my opinion! :happy:
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    I don't think you're eating enough. I was on the 1200 cal diet for 2 months and then hit a 2 MONTH plateau. Turns out I needed to be eating at LEAST 1500 cals plus my exercise cals. Now I'm losing 2# a week. I'm a stay at home mom with a 3 yr old and would not consider my lifestyle as sedintary, but then again my daughter keeps me running (literally....tag is her favorite game). Try upping to 1400 for a week or so and see how you feel. Also try eating 5x a day. I usually eat about 400 cals at b-fast, 200 in the am snack, 350 cals at lunch, 300 in the afternoon and about 250-300 for dinner. I'm never hungry and actually have to remind myself to eat! Just make sure b-fast is your biggest meal of the day and dinner is your smallest. Good luck!
  • NaturalMom
    NaturalMom Posts: 85
    I have the same problems and a similar lifestyle. However, I would not call being a SAHM sedentary! It is anything but! I know I am constantly on my feet - cooking, chasing the toddler, playing games, walking with the stroller, "helping" on playground equipment, etc... You may just need more calories during the day. Are you making sure to get enough protein and a carb at each meal? Even though high in calories you need the carbs to satiate hunger. Today I managed not to eat my afternoon snack at all but I think it was because I was out of the house alone with my husband. (Usually I am ravenous in the afternoon.) Honestly I think that my problem is usually that I am bored by then and I sit with my daughter as she snacks and I just ... snack. But that may just be me. Either way, good luck!
  • LilMissAngi
    LilMissAngi Posts: 127
    Ive heard foods full of fiber will help keep you fuller longer.
  • Listen to your body. You my need more than 1200 cals if you are busy with children. What is your BMR. Someone recommended that I reset my cals to my BMR. I am so much more satisfied. I am still losing. I don't care if I won't lose as fast. It is more likely to last if you take it slow and keep it steady. You might also make yourself a salad with light dressing to eat around 5 or 6 while waiting on hubby. And don't forget to chug that water girlie! You can do this!:flowerforyou:
    My BMR is 1357. And I definitely don't stay in bed all day so I must burn more than that without exercise. I am not super active as my kids are pretty good about playing with each other and not getting into things- I get a lot of "down" time every day on the computer. However there's still the chores I keep up (mostly) and the prepping of meals, playing outside, taking to the bathroom, etc. that adds up more than I probably give myself credit for. Every Sunday I am on my feet for close to 2 hrs at church volunteering so that's why I allow myself that "cheat" day.

    Anyways, I will try 1400 cals for the next week after I weigh myself tomorrow. My guess is I lost a lot at first b/c my body wasn't used to such a low intake...now it is and doesn't like it lol.
    Thanks for all the great ideas! I will have to remember buying myself healthy, filling things is more important than saving a few bucks at the grocery store.
  • jurgitafit
    jurgitafit Posts: 112
    I almost always eat my exercise cals. Most days I burn around 200-300. So I'm usually at 1400 total.
    Thanks for the b-fast tips! I did notice two eggs in the morning helped me eat less one day. Gotta remind myself it's worth it to dirty some dishes and take the time to cook eggs!

    Exactly! I was gonna say-- have real meals! Don't worry about the dishes! :wink: I believe that cereal and milk is one of the worst breakfasts ever!!! Too many carbs and not enough protein, which makes you want to snack all day long. I noticed this on myself- I'd get hungry in an hour if I had cereal. Have a warm oat or other grain porridge with some added nuts or nut butter, or sunflower seeds for protein. Or have eggs with veggies and a toast. Have something warm- your body will definitely appreciate it! :smile:
  • JimROCDS
    JimROCDS Posts: 23 Member
    I agree cereal and milk turns into mostly sugar. You'll spike your insulin and within a short time you'll be craving for more.

    Instead, have an egg with whole wheat toast.

    Believe it or not, saturated fat keeps you satisfied. If you reduce your carbs to a reasobable level and add some fat, you won't feel like you need to gourge yourself.

    I eat a single egg, scrambled, or poached, with a slice of whole-grain toast and I'm fine for 2.5 hours. Then I have a mid-morning snack of fresh cut up vegies, and it carries me into lunch.

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