Hiyo everyone ^^

Hiyo!!!! Im new to this site :3 it looks promising since iv been on here its made me more motivated to do more things! workout and such its just fun to log your activites and your food you eat! I came from here from sparkspeople but i like this site much better because its more simpler to navigate then sparks!

I came on here to get my dream weight!!! iv been wanting to be skinny for sooo long~ And one reason im loseing weight is because i want to be able to be a Lolita which is one of my major dreams~ Though lolita's they are primarly skinny so im loseing my weight because of that ^^ and a lot of things!!

I love anime, drawing, painting, crafts, knitting, danceing, music, creating things~!

Nice to meet you all ^-^


  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    This site has people from all over the world. I love seeing what a "village" our world is these days. Yeah Internet!! ;)
    Welcome. I agree that this site is easy to navigate. The people are very supportive and informative--which keeps me coming back each day.
    Enjoy your time with the rest of us folks. I'm a grandmother with a 5yo grandson--I use him as my exercise system. He had me speed-walking for about 2 miles day before yesterday! Have fun here, BJB
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Welcome and goodluck

    Yes this sigh is awesome...I love it so much

    It is a real eye opener, it makes you realize just where u were going wrong with your eating habit

  • crispycream
    Thanks for the welcomes and the wonderful comments ^^ i can tell this will be wonderful site for support~!!

    My boyfriend also motivates me to be fit since he started his diet we are both wanting almost the same goal he also wants to look good for me but really he should do it for himself insted of me.

    Im sure ill have a wounderful time on this site! and good luck with your guys weight lose as well ^^
  • ChiWaWaMaMa4
    Hello!!! So glad to meet you!! I have only been on here about a week & after keeping track & cutting back calories I lost 7 lbs!! I am thrilled!! Good luck & lots of blessings, Shannon