exercise and no results

Hello everyone.

I am a little frustrated. I was doing 30DS and 6W6P for a while, at least 3 times a day, i felt i needed more cardio to lose weight, so i joined gym 3 weeks ago. I burn between 600 and 800 calories at the gym. my diet hasnt changed but i dont ovvereat because i gym. But i thought that number of calories would show on the scale. I use the bike, the treadmill and the elliptical, for 30 to 45 minutes. which means, 15 to 20 minutes each on a machine, then i use 7 different circuit training machines, i alternate between upper body and lower body by days. on mondays i will do 3 x 10 sets on 7 machines for uper body, on tuesday i will do 3 x10 sets on lower body, i do abs everyday on 2 machines.

So far i gained 4lbs since i started gym. I gym monday to friday and rest on saturday and sunday.

Why am i not losing anything? and instead gaining. and i wont blame it on muscle because i measured my tummy and hips this morning. I gave up there because i have already gained an inch on my thighs.


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen, fitness happens in the gym. Don't count on exercise to take weight off, you have to manage your food intake for that.
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    Without being able to see your food diary its hard to say...If, as you say, you haven't changed your diet and only added exercise you could still be over eating or eating the wrong foods...

    There is a saying out there that I have found to be true: You get fit in the gym and lose weight in the kitchen. If you're just adding muscle under the fat layer then yes your weight and measurements will both go up. Sorry if this sounds harsh, I don't intend it that way at all.

    I know that my ticker only shows 12 lbs gone, but that was after I started here...so far my total is 42 lbs. so this is what has worked for me.

    Good luck and open your diary!:smile:
  • nerchk
    nerchk Posts: 136 Member
    Without being able to see your food diary its hard to say...If, as you say, you haven't changed your diet and only added exercise you could still be over eating or eating the wrong foods...

    There is a saying out there that I have found to be true: You get fit in the gym and lose weight in the kitchen. If you're just adding muscle under the fat layer then yes your weight and measurements will both go up. Sorry if this sounds harsh, I don't intend it that way at all.

    I know that my ticker only shows 12 lbs gone, but that was after I started here...so far my total is 42 lbs. so this is what has worked for me.

    Good luck and open your diary!:smile:

    You dont sound harsh at all. I will open my diary and start to reduce my intake. So im only exercising only for fitness and not weightloss? then whats the point of all the huffing and puffing at the gym killing myself if it will not even help with weightloss. Are we doing all this hard work so our skin can be nice and tight? I know i sound stupid right now
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    If this is a dramatic increase in the amount of exercise you do, you will gain weight from water retention. It goes away with time and proper hydration.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    If this is a dramatic increase in the amount of exercise you do, you will gain weight from water retention. It goes away with time and proper hydration.

    This. relax
  • Controversial
    Controversial Posts: 157 Member
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen, fitness happens in the gym. Don't count on exercise to take weight off, you have to manage your food intake for that.

    This. Also, don't discount the very real possibility you are actually under-eating, especially given all that exercise. Have you calculated your TDEE? I recommend IIFYM.com's calculator, then subtract 20%.

    Open your diary and you'll get more specific advice.
  • nanavickig
    nanavickig Posts: 30 Member
    how many calories are you netting daily? (calories eaten minus calories burnt exercising) are you below your goal calorie allowance for the day? If so you don't need to cut down your food, but if your net cals are higher than target then you need to cut down on food. Exercise will help, if you are burning 500 cals in exercise a day, it is the same as eating 500 cals less a day! If you have recently started exercising your muscles may be retaining fluid which happens during muscle recovery and can cause temporary gain on the scales of a few pounds!!
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    So im only exercising only for fitness and not weightloss? then whats the point of all the huffing and puffing at the gym killing myself if it will not even help with weightloss. Are we doing all this hard work so our skin can be nice and tight? I know i sound stupid right now

    you lose weight by creating a calorie deficit. you can do this either by exercising, eating less, or a combination of both. most people advocate for a combination because it has a dramatic impact on your overall health. if you're JUST working out or JUST eating less you're going to have some holes in your health - like your heart strength, or perhaps not getting all your vitamins and minerals. try not to think of your workouts or your diet as *just* avenues to losing weight - they're also helping to make you a better, healthier person overall.
  • momwhosbusy
    momwhosbusy Posts: 154 Member
    Without being able to see your food diary its hard to say...If, as you say, you haven't changed your diet and only added exercise you could still be over eating or eating the wrong foods...

    There is a saying out there that I have found to be true: You get fit in the gym and lose weight in the kitchen. If you're just adding muscle under the fat layer then yes your weight and measurements will both go up. Sorry if this sounds harsh, I don't intend it that way at all.

    I know that my ticker only shows 12 lbs gone, but that was after I started here...so far my total is 42 lbs. so this is what has worked for me.

    Good luck and open your diary!:smile:

    You dont sound harsh at all. I will open my diary and start to reduce my intake. So im only exercising only for fitness and not weightloss? then whats the point of all the huffing and puffing at the gym killing myself if it will not even help with weightloss. Are we doing all this hard work so our skin can be nice and tight? I know i sound stupid right now

    You don't sound stupid at all! If we can't ask questions how can we learn? As for the point of all the exercise...heart health, more muscle will actually increase your resting metabolism, it feels great, its an amazing stress reducer, you'll sleep better at night, you get to eat more calories, increased muscle mass also leads to stronger bones...and on and on it can go.

    If you want a great reference search in the forums for "in place of a road map" He breaks down the basics so they're easy to understand and has great advice in general.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Weight loss is 100% about creating a calorie deficit. If you are excercising without making sure you are controlling your food intake you may be compensating and be on a nice maintenance plan.

    If you aren't losing weight over time (3-4 weeks) then you are not creating an energy deficit.
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    I was doing 30DS and 6W6P for a while, at least 3 times a day,

    I really hope that this is a typo and meant to read 3 times a week! Like other people have posted, to achieve weight loss you really do need to track your calories and ensure that you're in a calorie deficit. MFP creates the deficit for you based on the goals that you've set up (i.e. lose 1 pound/week = a 500 calorie/day deficit), and given that design you should eat your exercise calories back to ensure that you're getting enough calories to fuel your body.

    I've stopped logging food or exercise for the past 3 months and it shows on the scale and in my measurements. I thought that I could maintain with maybe a slight gain over the holidays but it's turned out to be a 15 pound gain and I realize that I have got to get back into logging my food so I can see what I'm consuming...

    Good luck!
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen, fitness happens in the gym. Don't count on exercise to take weight off, you have to manage your food intake for that.

  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    When you say 'No results' you really mean no weightloss, right. What about your measurements? Waist size? neck, arms, etc? How is your strength? Aerobic condition? Resting heart rate? You get the picture....

    Obviously, need to monitor your inputs (food) and outputs (exercise). In balance, your body can't help but respond.

    My advice is to pay attention to these but fitness/lifestyle s NOT just weightloss.

    Have a great day and good luck!