I need some help..

Hey there- I should start out by saying this is my first post on here. I use myfitnesspal on my phone and never really go on the website.. anyway here we go.

So I'm looking for a mix cardio and weight lifting routine. I am having a hard time finding one on the internet. Do you have any suggestions on websites I can check.

Lately this is what I have been doing and it seems to be working but I'm looking for a real routine:

Mon Wed Fri
10 minutes on eliptical
12 minutes weights legs
15 minutes on treadmill
12 minutes weights arms
10 minutes on bike
10 minute abs and cool down

Tue Thurs
10 minutes on treadmill
12 minutes weights chest and back
15 minutes on eliptical
12 minutes weights abs and back
10 minutes on stair master
10 minute abs and cool down

Obviously I need some help.. Any advice you can give? I like the circuit training because it keeps me moving and keeps me from getting bored. If you have a routine to share that would be awesome.

Key Question- Is this work out method a good way to lose weight? I have about 50lbs to lose in 2013. CW 196lbs SW 240lbs

Thanks for any help!


  • GoHard0rGoHomeAGW
    bump.. anyone out there?
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    What do you mean by a "real" routine? What's unreal about what you have, which you say is working?
  • GoHard0rGoHomeAGW
    That is a good question. I guess because I just made it up I want to make sure it's something that will work and not waste my time in the gym.. does that make sense?
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    Sounds good to me

    I recently had a 3 day plan drawn up for me by a personal trainer at the gym and the timings and activities look similar aswell

    He did say though try to do no more than an hour

    Also may i suggest breaking it up a bit - 5 days in a row seems pretty tough on your body especially when weights/strength are involved

    Perhaps every other day or have one rest day during the week?
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Well, what are your goals? Just weight loss or improving shape? What weights are you lifting - are you increasing those as you get fitter? Did you take measurements at the start and are you tracking your progress there? Is this in your home gym or is it somehwere there might be a fitness adviser to give you suggestions?
  • GoHard0rGoHomeAGW
    Okay awesome idea. I work from home and the key for me is making sure that I get out of the house on the days that I work (Monday-Friday) so the gym became my outlet. I drop my daughter off as school at 7 then I go straight to the gym. Just helps me.
  • GoHard0rGoHomeAGW
    Goals are to slim down and get in shape again. I was training for triatholons prior to given birth to my now 2 year old daughter. I weigh 196lbs right now and would like to be 150lbs by 2014.

    I have a scale that I use to keep track of my progress.

    I go to Sports and Fitness of Northlake in Charlotte NC.

    When I'm lifting I use machines and free weights increasing weight with each rep. Usually 3 reps of 15. (example: leg presses starting with 110lbs for 15 reps, 130lbs for 15 reps then 150lbs for 15 reps.)

    Let me know if this makes sense.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Looks fine ...... and if/when you do get bored, change it up !

    I aim for 5-6 days at the gym ..... average 60 minutes ........ sometimes it's cardio (elliptical, bike, TM) ..... sometimes weights (alternating "bottom" and "top" was suggested by my trainer) ...... sometimes Zumba or yoga ...... and sometimes for all the above ...... each day I try to better myself ..... and I've lost 45 lbs, so not complaining !

    Have fun :drinker:
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Personally I lift 3 days a week cardio on the other 3 days and rest on the 7th.

    I do stronglifts 5x5 which is a good beginner strength building program.

    On cardio days I either Spin or Do intervals on the treadmill straight running is just too boring for me.

    You could also incorporate bodyweight circuits if you wanted
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    Ok, normally I say if it aint broke, don't fix it. You like what you're doing, it's working for you, awesome. BUT I did notice something in your routines...

    Especially since you're doing this 5 days a week, I'd take a closer look at balancing muscle groups and giving strength a full day off between workouts. What I mean is if you do Arms on Monday - you're kidding yourself if you think you didn't use your back to work your arms (or else you're using machines that tout "isolating muscle groups" and need to stop that - it's junk that will get you hurt). So I'd just tweak what you have to make sure you're really resting on alternate days. Either focus on lower body / upper body division, or divide it up M-W-F strength training (with a nice warm up and cool down), and T-R cardio.

    There's all kinds of disagreement about whether cardio does anything - it will get you out of the house, and burn some extra calories, which seems to be in line with your goals. If you wanted to do tris again, you'd HAVE to do cardio, so it will also give you back a base to start from if you decide to add in a running or biking goal.

    Personally, I'd caution you against the nautilus machines at the gym, period. Whatever they claim you can do "safely" or "isolated", they're wrong. You don't use a machine to isolate muscles when you pick up your kid, haul groceries around, or lift boxes to help a friend move. You need to work the stabilizer muscles and learn good form for those movements - stick to body weight resistant training (there's tons of stuff on the web, nerdfitness.com has my favorite routines), or freeweights - but learn the form to do it safely. Nautilus will not save you from getting injured due to poor form - it will get you injured from poor integration and balance. Some of the machines actually force poor form and injury-inducing mechanics on the users. Ok, off my soap box.

    Last thing - don't forget it's true - fitness happens in the gym, weightloss happens in the kitchen.
  • GoHard0rGoHomeAGW
    Thank you all this is good stuff. I definitely have my reservations about using weight machines and have been trying to stick to free weights.. etc.