Weight gain due to birth control?

I got on iud thinking it was not going to make me gain weight just like the implonon did as soon as I removed the implonon I lost 30lb. Then in August I got the iud thinking I wasn't going to gain weight but of course I did :( so I removed it and I'm taking the pill but now I'm 168 so I need to get back to 130!! Did any one have the same problem? Any suggestions of whats the best birth control other then absence? Lol


  • The copper IUD, Paraguard, is not hormonal and, as such, does not have the weight gain side effect. It is sometimes associated with heavier bleeding, though. I have a Mirena and have gained a lot of weight since I got it. I'm not sure if it's because of the IUD or because of my habits. I'm considering having it removed, but like you I don't want to use the pill.

    Of course, one can use a combination of condoms and cycle monitoring to avoid pregnancy, and they can be effective. You need to be very diligent, though.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I had the Mirena inserted in September, days after I started here. I'm now down almost 40lbs. No weight gain due to Mirena here!! The only effect I'm seeing is heavier periods, but I'm assuming that they will taper off as I have it in longer, it hasn't even been 6 months yet
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    COPPER IUD! best decision i have EVER made.
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    When I started depo shot I gained like 40 pounds, it sucks.
  • LLaceFace
    LLaceFace Posts: 101 Member
    I have tried several types of birth control and I HATE them all. I always seem to want to eat everything in sight, I get moody and mean, and I break out all over. I have tried IUD, Pills, and the Ring and I have chosen to just go with nothing because I cannot stand the side effects of BC. I hope you find some relief and are able to find a solution without having to deal with weight gain :-/
  • javi536
    javi536 Posts: 13 Member
    Please, please, please consider taking your Mirena IUD out!! Do your research, look online for Mirena side effects, go to the forums and facebook pages put together just for this reason. I can't emphasize how much I wish I had removed mine before the major problems started. I plan on posting my story in a blog soon, but here's the cliffs notes version:

    I had two IUDs back to back, and it took me 10 years to finally connect the dots that this horrible device was causing all kinds of medical problems. The weight gain was only a minor side effect, but for me it was a sign that something was wrong. Over the past few years I was putting on approx 10-15 lbs per year (50+ lbs total), despite cleaning up my diet and increasing exercise. At one point, I was running 10-15 miles per week, doing Insanity 3-4 x per week, and eating very healthy (mostly organic fruits & veggies, lean fish & chicken, and very little processed foods). My doctors couldn't figure out what was happening either, as all of my bloodwork was coming back normal. Actually, my results were really good- low cholesterol, low blood pressure, no imbalances, etc. But they were concerned about the weight gain, especially because it was mostly around my stomach. I gradually became much sicker over a 4 year period, with symptoms such as hair loss, acne, joint pain, severe fatigue, brain fogginess, depression, anger and agitation, uncontrollable sugar cravings, swelling of my hands for no reason, carpal tunnel syndrome, ovarian cysts, vision problems in one eye, heart palpitations (despite haing very low blood pressure), increased inflammation and so much more... I was in and out of doctor offices, where I was diagnosed with everything from depression and hypothyroidism, to fibromyalgia and lupus. The only treatment options I was provided were narcotics, and I didn't want to start drugging myself to numb the pain- I wanted to know what was causing the problem. I started researching whether Mirena can cause hypothyroid problems, and what I found online shocked me. This isn't a random side effect that only affects a small number of people. I've connected with hundreds of women online who are dealing with very similar situations. Their stories helped me know what to bring up to my doctors, what tests to have ordered, and where to go for treatment. Ultimately, I discovered that I had silicone poisoning from the Mirena, which leaches the toxic substance into your bloodstream along with the hormones it releases, as well as a severe imbalance from Mirena malfunctioning and dumping four years worth of synthetic progesterone into my body at once. These two factors combined to cause adrenal and liver burnout, and nearly shut down my endocrine system and thyroid production. Trust me when I say that prior to figuring this all out, I really thought that I was dying. The symptoms may start gradual (like with weight gain), because the Mirena slowly poisons you. There are numerous lawsuits and class action proposals coming out against Bayer for the problems with this device, and not just for perforations. Please look into what this thing really does to your body! I have found endless info on Curezone (online forum) and the Ban Mirena facebook page. You can also contact me if you want any more info... trust me, I have spent more hours researching this topic than I would have liked!

    I just want to add that I am the last person to complain or ask for help- my family didn't understand what was happening for a long time because I didn't want to look weak or helpless, and I would push through and act like I was okay. Towards the end, I wasn't able to hide the pain or physical symptoms, and I know they were really scared for me. I am a single mom of two, I work full-time, and spend my days driving my kids around to endless sports, classes and groups. I have a great family and close friends, love my job, and an overall good life. I am not a hypochondiac who reads a list of symptoms on WebMD and diagnoses myself with a life-threatening illness. I do wish I had put the pieces together sooner and found out what this birth control actually does, instead of spending so many years (not to mention lots of money and energy) being frustrated and scared. Prior to realizing it caused my problems, I thought Mirena was great. No periods, no pain, 10 yrs of birth control. In hindsight, it wasn't worth any of it. Since having it removed 8 months ago, I'm about 80-90% better- losing weight, no acne, no hair loss, joint and muscle pain gone, fatigue and brainfog gone, vision problems nearly corrected... it's been a long road, but it's one towards healing. We can only do something about it once we know. I know everyone's body tolerates things differently, but there is a lot about the IUDs that is unknown long-term, so I really urge you to look into it and make the best decision for yourself!!

    Best of luck to all of you,
  • I got on iud thinking it was not going to make me gain weight just like the implonon did as soon as I removed the implonon I lost 30lb. Then in August I got the iud thinking I wasn't going to gain weight but of course I did :( so I removed it and I'm taking the pill but now I'm 168 so I need to get back to 130!! Did any one have the same problem? Any suggestions of whats the best birth control other then absence? Lol
    I gained 50 pounds on the Depo shot. I have taken the pill for years and I don't seem to have a problem with it regarding weight gain. I take a pill with a low hormone dosage.
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    I got Mirena in July 2012 and have felt bloated and swollen ever since. I am now thinking about getting it removed and getting the copper IUD. The Mirena is nice because some people like myself do not have periods. However I have side effects like breast tenderness and feeling sluggish, I did not have these on the pill.
  • saelre
    saelre Posts: 5
    Deleting the post and sending as a message...
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    I have a NuvaRing I am currently in the process of getting changed around. I have lost a grand total of 2 pounds in 2.5 months. I believe the Ring is at fault because the first side effect listed is weight gain, and listed several times when you look up the side effects. So, I have LOVED having birth control, but just not recently because of this one side effect :p
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Every time I change BC I gain a little (like 3-5 lbs) and it is really hard to get off. When I am off birthcontrol (the few times I have done that) I didn't lose anything.
  • Ginger_Gal
    Ginger_Gal Posts: 18 Member
    It's very difficult for me to lose weight, and I am thinking it is the Mirena. I go to the Dr in March because my 5 years is up, and I'm thinking of going back to the pill, or the copper IUD.
  • Filletsteak
    Filletsteak Posts: 85 Member
    I gained 20lbs in 3 weeks when I changed birth control pills, went back to the old one straight away but the weight is still here!
  • Dfracassa
    Dfracassa Posts: 318 Member
    I definitely have gained weight since I got back on the pill, and it's apparently impossible to lose. I have always had an easy time losing weight while off the pill, and so I know it's the culprit. I'm working really hard, but it doesn't seem to matter.
  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    I've heard horror stories about the depo shot. People gaining a ton of weight, bleeding constantly, etc. I've been on it for about a year now and while it's definitely harder to lose weight, I haven't gained anything, and the no periods thing is a huuuuuge yay. I think different BC's effect people differently.
  • brandyanne0204
    brandyanne0204 Posts: 45 Member
    When I started depo shot I gained like 40 pounds, it sucks.

    I know what you mean, I have been off it for a while and is having a hard time getting rid of the weight.
  • brandyanne0204
    brandyanne0204 Posts: 45 Member
    I've heard horror stories about the depo shot. People gaining a ton of weight, bleeding constantly, etc. I've been on it for about a year now and while it's definitely harder to lose weight, I haven't gained anything, and the no periods thing is a huuuuuge yay. I think different BC's effect people differently.

    You should do some research. I wasn't even on it for a whole year and had to get off of it. I was having bad headaches, hair was thinning, and I gained about 50 pds. I have a friend who was on it for years and she experience heavy bleeding and a possibility of bone deterioration.
  • AnniePenny
    AnniePenny Posts: 62 Member
    I take the pill with the minimum hormone dosage and I haven't noticed any weight gain or odd new habits.. It works well for me, Give it a try and see how it goes?
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Progesterone only BC, such as the Depo shot and the mini pill, make it much easier for me to gain weight.... even if my eating habits haven't changed.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    The Mirena made me gain about 14lbs in a matter of weeks. Evil thing. I'm going back to basics and using condoms. i hate them but i hate feeling fat more.