
Hi there,
I am 5'8, currently 170lbs. Would like to get to my happy weight of 153. I have been using insanity for 8 days now and have put on 3lbs. I got it basically on day 2 and it has stayed through to today. I didn't expect to see miracles in terms of weight loss right away but this weight gain is really bothering me. My measurements haven't changed either. I am following the meal plan about 70%. I cook for my whole family so snacks and meals other than dinner are from the book but I cook a healthy dinner for everyone that I eat. They have me at 1850 cals and that is what I am eating.

Can someone help me or encourage me? I am not stopping the workouts because I feel sore and horrible and great all at the same time but I need to lose this weight and it isn't just vanity weight. I want to get healthier.



  • rayrayrose
  • ealinn
    ealinn Posts: 38
    I am 5'5" and started Insanity about a week & a half ago. Starting weight 169.8. I've lost about 5 lbs so far, and probably about 4 inches total. But I am not using the calories I calculated per the Insanity guide. According to that I should be eating 2,200 calories a day to lose weight. If I ate that many calories, I'd gain weight for sure! I am using the guidelines here on MyFitness Pal for losing a pound a week, and making sure I am eating close to what my calories + exercise calories total, usually between 1500-1800 calories a day. On days where I notice feeling fatigued or weak, I make sure I eat a little more, usually a protein bar. I have only made a few of the meals in the book, but what I eat is very similar to what they have in there. Lots of fresh fruits & vegies, lean protein, whole grains. I too have a family and trying to cook all those meals, on top of working full time, would be very challenging. So maybe try dropping your calories down to 1500-1600? See if that helps???
  • noeasyweigh
    noeasyweigh Posts: 107 Member
    I haven't weighed since starting insanity. Don't feel the need to, don't want to let it discourage me. I am on day 29! THe butt in my jeans is sagging, the thighs are looser and lying in bed last night I can feel my abs! I took before pics and measurements. There is NO WAY a workout that intense is not going to make some kind of change for you. Give it time!
  • Hobbes922
    Hobbes922 Posts: 6 Member
    Your calorie requirement depends on height, weight, gender...etc. You also don't want to overestimate how many calories you are burning doing Insanity. For me, at 5' 3" I burn about 350 calories per video...though again it depends on you. I use a heart rate monitor that has my measurements to give a more accurate estimate of what I am burning. This website also helps determine what your calorie needs should be.
  • SherryGirl
    Keep going, don't stop. You could be under eating which makes you gain weight as well as your body kicks into starvation mode. if you are sore you could just be gaining more muscle. When do you work out? Do you eat something within 30 min of waking? 100 cal? Banana? Hard boiled egg? This kicks your metabolism into gear..... you need to have around 100 calories in your stomach when you work out or it will not use your fat for fuel but your muscels. You also have to make sure you get your sleep. It makes a difference too. Don't give up on something you want. Your worth it! Keep going! :happy:
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    It's perfectly normal to retain water (aka, gain weight) when start a new workout program. Your muscles are adjusting to new uses/work and in order to repair themselves they need extra water. So the weight gain is water retention.
    For example I gained 3 lbs when I started Insanity and now in the final week I'm down 5 lbs from where I started and nearly 2 pant sizes. So just give it time, keep pushing play and the water retention will decrease.

    Just make sure you are eating enough to fuel your body -
  • megmay2591
    megmay2591 Posts: 621 Member
    Don't weigh yourself everyday. I usually just ignore the scale for at least 5 days at a time and completely avoid it the 3 days before and 4 days after my TOM. I only take my measurements once every 3-4 weeks. Just space it out, and keep going. Be sure you're tracking your calories correctly, get a heart rate monitor to see exactly how many calories you're burning. Drink a lot of water.

    Take pictures of your progress, it helps a lot! Just try to be patient and keep at it. You'll get there!
  • kmorris246
    kmorris246 Posts: 312 Member
    Yep, I agree with the other poster about the water retention. Your muscles are iust repairing themselves. One of the best lessons I've learned along this long road is to not place so much emphasis on the number on the scale. Theres just way too many outside factors. Pay attention to how you feel and the way your clothing fits!
  • rayrayrose
    Thanks everyone, I have taken my measurements and I had my husband hide our scale :) I know in my brain that you are all right, it is just hard to take it to heart.

    I am honestly afraid to keep eating at the 1850 range because I have gained. MFP says 1250 plus exercies cals. I only burn about 280-330 per workout on my heartrate monitor, so, why would I need to eat so many additional cals.

    I am 35 years old and have never hated my body more. I never thought I would be so obsessed with this stuff once I was this old. So frustrating.