Starting insanity today!!

Hey folks!

I need some major motivation help! I'm starting insanity today to help get my butt back where I need it to be. I'm looking for buddies to take this challenge with me and any support anyone can give! I will do my best to give it back! Please add me if you are up for the challenge too!


  • noeasyweigh
    noeasyweigh Posts: 107 Member
    I am on day 29 and I am honestly in LOVE with the program! I love getting my sweat on! Good luck!!
  • nelsieanieves
    nelsieanieves Posts: 10 Member
    Awesome!!! I'm starting day 3 today. Would love to motivivate and get motivated ;) This program honestly makes me want to work out more!
  • Shenanagins85
    Shenanagins85 Posts: 116 Member
    Wow!!! Thanks folks!! I'm glad you guys are loving it. I'm afraid I might die ha! Hopefully I end up loving it too!!