Jamba Juice

RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
Any thoughts on smoothies from here?


  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    I love their All Fruit smoothies. They are just made from whole fruit and fruit juices. Their smoothies are all going to be very high in carbs and sugars, if either of those things are a concern for you. Personally, I've never worried about sugars from fruit, so I have a smoothie there once a week or so and don't stress about it. Their website has pretty extensive nutritional information.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    They taste delicious but sure do smack you with high calorie counts. That being said, I haven't had one in years.
  • amyann2
    amyann2 Posts: 69 Member
    I've enjoyed them in the past but now I find they have a bit more sugar than I'm comfortable with.