Working out while sick--YAY or NAY?

Hopefully I am posting this in the right forum! So I woke up this morning feeling less than 100%. Sore throat, stuffy nose, dry cough. I did just up my workouts an intensity level so I wonder if that could be the reason for feeling crappy? Or I may just have caught what my kids and husband had all last week. Anyway, what do you guys do when you're feeling like this? Do you continue working out or take a rest until you are feeling better? Is it bad or good for the immune system to keep going? I finally got into a good groove with my routine and don't want to lose that! Opinions please and thank you :)


  • im feeling extremly crappy today (just about to leave work early) i love the thought of pushing through my workout as i think it will make me feel better but i actually dont think ill make it my body it soo weak, i am goin to bed with a hot water bottle to recouperate and go twice as hard tomorrow, one day off wont do any harm.
    feel better
  • I feel like when I run when I feel the onset of a cold that it helps me kick it faster. Don't know if that is the right answer or not.
  • rachietuk
    rachietuk Posts: 308 Member
    I have felt like you this week. I decided not to work out until I feel good again.
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    For myself, If I have a "tickle" in my throat, a slight sore throat, or a stuffy nose, I'll work out (I get these symptoms during huge temperature swings that occur here in Houston). If I feel that I may of caught something (flu for example) then I'll rest. Obviously, if I am sick (throwing up, nauseous,dizzy, etc) I would not work out. The reason is that I need to rest in order to overcome whatever I have caught and I dont want to pass it on to others at the gym. Given that we share treadmills and other gym equipment, they would appreciate it if I stay home and not expose them to what I've caught.

    Rest up. Get healthy. Then resume your exercise plan. The gym will always be there when you return (if you use the gym).
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I say if you take it easy for a day or two it's not going to derail everything and you will get better faster. Best cure for illness IMO is to sleep as much as you can stand.


    Keep your germs at home kthxbai
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    Nay if you're dealing with respiratory or are feverish. Rest and hydrate.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I think it depends on how sick you are really. I have been battling minor colds and sinus issues for almost a month now, off and on. I did take a week off when I felt lethargic, but have otherwise been at the gym, sometimes at a little less intensity. You have to listen to your body though. Sometimes working out makes you feel better and sometimes not so much. Also, I would never work out with a fever,

    Be kind and wipe off your machines and anything you touch at the gym though, just in case you are contagious. Hope you feel better!
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Depends on how severe, but normally its a big fat NO for me. Every coach or doctor I have ever had said to get better first (actually their exact words were always something along the lines of "Are you stupid? You don't look stupid, why are you asking me stupid questions?"). Your body is fighting off an illness, don't push it to repair muscle at the same time. You'll end up prolonging the illness. Lots of people feel better for an hour or two after working out, then feel worse.

    Whats the big hurry? A day or two off won't make that much of a difference.
  • Thanks for the advice all :) I don't know if it is the flu or not, I do have a slight fever (99ish) and just feeling weak. I would LIKE to push through and do my workout but don't wanna crash either! And I do my workouts at home, so won't be spreading anything at the gym, not that I would anyway. I guess I will have to see how the day goes and maybe just do something light like some pushups, situps etc. Sigh. This seems to ALWAYS happen to me when I get into a good groove! Curse you Winter and your germs! lol
  • Dawnhasajeep
    Dawnhasajeep Posts: 180 Member

    Rest and water.

    When not feeling well I boil cut up ginger in 1 liter water with whole pealed lemon and little honey. Take ginger and large lemon skin out and drink it down.
  • Depends on how severe, but normally its a big fat NO for me. Every coach or doctor I have ever had said to get better first (actually their exact words were always something along the lines of "Are you stupid? You don't look stupid, why are you asking me stupid questions?"). Your body is fighting off an illness, don't push it to repair muscle at the same time. You'll end up prolonging the illness. Lots of people feel better for an hour or two after working out, then feel worse.

    Whats the big hurry? A day or two off won't make that much of a difference.

    Haha yea I am not stupid!! I laughed at that one :) Definitely makes sense to rest and not make your body do more than it has to!
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Depends on how severe, but normally its a big fat NO for me. Every coach or doctor I have ever had said to get better first (actually their exact words were always something along the lines of "Are you stupid? You don't look stupid, why are you asking me stupid questions?"). Your body is fighting off an illness, don't push it to repair muscle at the same time. You'll end up prolonging the illness. Lots of people feel better for an hour or two after working out, then feel worse.

    Whats the big hurry? A day or two off won't make that much of a difference.

    Haha yea I am not stupid!! I laughed at that one :) Definitely makes sense to rest and not make your body do more than it has to!

    I'll always remember those words being said to me...snapped me right back to reality! I did once run a marathon with the flu....Worst. Decision. Ever.
  • cmon49
    cmon49 Posts: 2
    Absolutely no.
    You just end up feeling worse the next day, if not the same day. And you won't progress.
  • Depends on how severe, but normally its a big fat NO for me. Every coach or doctor I have ever had said to get better first (actually their exact words were always something along the lines of "Are you stupid? You don't look stupid, why are you asking me stupid questions?"). Your body is fighting off an illness, don't push it to repair muscle at the same time. You'll end up prolonging the illness. Lots of people feel better for an hour or two after working out, then feel worse.

    Whats the big hurry? A day or two off won't make that much of a difference.

    Haha yea I am not stupid!! I laughed at that one :) Definitely makes sense to rest and not make your body do more than it has to!

    I'll always remember those words being said to me...snapped me right back to reality! I did once run a marathon with the flu....Worst. Decision. Ever.

    I think I will remember those words now too! And wow, you are a trooper to marathon while sick with the flu. I can't even imagine being able to run to the bathroom, let alone a marathon!
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    I've learned for me, the line is at a fever, dizziness, vomiting, or gastrointestinal upset to the point that I can't get my calories and liquids in easily. Pain (headaches, body aches) that gets in my way enough to the point that I can't cook and eat a meal for myself also benches me. Running during all of that is not only counterproductive for me, but dangerous, and at that point I REALLY don't want to.

    So sinus issues, scratchy throat, sneezing, coughing, runny nose: I get my shoes on and run my miles. Running helps all those things by getting mucus flowing (but I run outside, and spit and snot-rocket to my heart's content - couldn't treadmill that). Running during these kinds of issues... I don't totally want to, and I don't focus on performance, but I always am glad I did it. Between the run and the hot shower after, often my symptoms are way better if not gone afterwards.
  • Dawnhasajeep
    Dawnhasajeep Posts: 180 Member
    If you workout in a gym it’s a DEFINIT NO. No one at the gym wants your germs.
  • Ya, just took my temp and am at 101.5. Sooooo rest day it is! Now if my kids will let me sleep this afternoon....hmmmm may have to ply them with Wii games lol. Thanks guys, I really appreciate it all. And not making me feel like I am just lazy! Hopefully I will start to feel better tomorrow. And for you all that are like me this week, rest up and feel better soon! Chicken soup, hot tea and a nap are in my near future :)