Active life = lonely life?



  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    lol sadly this is true for me too. But honestly it doesn't bother me that much. On the weekends I have more time to stay in the gym longer. I do try to go out to the movies or dinner with friends every now and then but I got tired of always having to make the plans or have to change them around for others. I have two dogs and one especially is my best friend too. It's amazing how loyal they are compared to people.
  • Most of my friends are very active, so I don't have much of a problem with that aspect. However, my boyfriend is a lump on the couch, surrounded by beer and burgers, glued to a television. While I respect his lifestyle choice, sometimes it is a source of friction when I want to be more active. I'm an energetic person, and I hate sitting in front of a TV all day. I normally just pop a work out DVD in my laptop or pick up my weights and workout while he watches TV. He doesn't have a problem with it, we can still hang out and talk (we live together), and I get to release some of that pent up energy I have. It's been working pretty well so far, and once he even got up and did the last 5 minute of my work out with me. :laugh:

    I think that going for a walk in the park with a coffee is a great idea, especially if you're not in a freezing Canadian winter like I am. Or make some low calorie snacks like a fruit or veggie tray, or pretty much anything off, and drink a black coffee and munch on healthy treats. Make the food together, even more fun. Go shopping, at least you'll be walking around. There seem to be plenty of resources online to meet people with similar interests, or take a class like dance, martial arts, walking group etc. to meet some new friends. Maybe suggest taking a class together, something low key like yoga so it's not overwhelming for them.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I've never realized how blessed I am - three of my best friends are my boot camp / gym workout partner, my every day running partner, and my "let's travel to faraway places for a weekend of marathon running and debauchery" partner. I'd say continue working on those friends of yours (gently) to get them more active. Don't be overbearing, but maybe if you start out with easy fun activities they'll see how enjoyable an active lifestyle is.
  • stetienne
    stetienne Posts: 560 Member
    Don't ditch your current workout buddies (dogs). They are probably more genuine and caring anyway :)
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    My training partner is my Dog.

    'Diesel' .....'WALK'?

    Go to the front door....'WALK'?

    Go to the back door...'WALK'?

    Go to the toilet.....'WALK'?

    Make eye contact....'WALK'?

    Do a 10km walk...."WALK'?
  • VitVit18
    VitVit18 Posts: 103 Member
    Like someone else said, workout time is "me" time, going out for dinner or *gasp* to a bar and having a few drinks with friends is "friend" time. There is a way to separate them and make them work together. Yes, busy days/lives, but when it comes down to it, if your friends aren't supportive of your goals (ie- losing weight, becoming more active, what-have-you), then how good of friends are they really? And, really, if you go out to eat or go for a Starbucks run or something, there's nobody forcing you to order one thing or another. I don't think a good friend would judge if you passed on what was your previous usual of a latte and going with a plain coffee.

    That being said, there are definitely friends that will be active with you. And if you're looking into getting friends to start going to work out with you, maybe invite them along to a yoga class or something? It's something to ease them into what you usually do, or heck, maybe say to a girlfriend or two "There's a x [social activity class of some sort] going on, I think you'd enjoy it too, how about we go together?"
  • I know how that feels. I wish I had friends to workout with me too I know what you me.
  • I'm experiencing that same situation right now, actually! I feel you 100%. In highschool, I played softball...but never lost weight due to horrible dieting. So when I came to college three years ago, I set out to make that CHANGE and begin dieting.

    My freshman year was hectic. I lost so many friends, mostly because I didn't "have time for them." I spent a lot of time studying and working my butt off in the gym. They told me I was "being distant" and I couldn't understand why they weren't happy that I was trying to lead a healthier lifestyle.

    Now, two years later... needless to say, none of them are friends with me. And I'm PERFECTLY fine with that. I have new friends, friends that respect my grind! Who are encouraged & inspired by my weight loss.. and they RESPECT me.

    Inspire your friends, the gym can be fun! Walking doesn't take much effort, and if they're tired explain that there are other options. YOGA! It's relaxing and it makes that fat cry at the same time! lol

    For me, GYM TIME is ME TIME. I enjoy going by myself. And when i'm done, I feel pumped! And that's when I hang out with friends. And while they're chowing down on chips and cracking jokes about my SALAD - i smile to myself... because I'm HAPPY with my choices. Don't let your health goals weigh down on you.
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    When I started to walk, I decided when and where I would do it, around back bay in Portland, Maine. I told my friends when and where I walked and invited them to join me. Sometimes Laurette, Linda, or Lara would join me. I did not want to depend on someone else to be there for me. I was going to walk. I was afraid that if I made it a duo, whenever she would back out, I would have an excuse to as well. So I put the invitation out there and enjoyed their company when they joined me. It was my decision to walk and up to me to move.
  • MallorieGreiner
    MallorieGreiner Posts: 135 Member
    I was actually thinking about this the other day. I have a really good friend that I go to the gym with but other than that, I work full time and go to school.

    I've decided though, that yes, I do make time for other friends....but on the same token...I LOVE focusing on myself. Something I haven't done in a really long time.