Looking for some twin buddies...5ft 2",CW 139lbs, GW 119lbs

Hey MFP,

I am looking for some twin buddies to help me stay focused and lose the last 20lbs on my weightloss/fitness journey.

I am 34, 5ft 2" and started using MFP last January. My starting weight was 172lbs :noway: and my current weight is 139lbs. I am aiming for a goal weight of 119lbs.

I try to stick to about 1200 calories a day during the week, but like to live a little at the weekends so use my exercise calories up then :laugh:

I am a full time working mum of three so have have to be super organised to fit in "me" time (i.e. exercise) and make sure we all eat good healthy food :smile:

I log in everyday and would would welcome any support you can offer and adds :flowerforyou:

Becky x


  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    We seem to have a few things in common, check out my profile and if you agree send me an friend request!
  • Hey MFP,

    I am looking for some twin buddies to help me stay focused and lose the last 20lbs on my weightloss/fitness journey.

    I am 34, 5ft 2" and started using MFP last January. My starting weight was 172lbs :noway: and my current weight is 139lbs. I am aiming for a goal weight of 119lbs.

    I try to stick to about 1200 calories a day during the week, but like to live a little at the weekends so use my exercise calories up then :laugh:

    I am a full time working mum of three so have have to be super organised to fit in "me" time (i.e. exercise) and make sure we all eat good healthy food :smile:

    I log in everyday and would would welcome any support you can offer and adds :flowerforyou:

    Becky x
    Twins.. aren't you kinky. I want twins too.
  • ChrissieP80
    ChrissieP80 Posts: 112 Member
    Well I'm not your twin but I could be your sister. :-)

    5ft 3 CW 123lbs trying to get the last 10lbs off... pesky things. Am focusing more on body composition than weight now though and eating a little more to limit muscle loss.

    Mum of 1 and part time worker and I find it hard enough with one so not sure how you manage with 3 and full time work!

    Feel free to add me!
  • tundebo
    tundebo Posts: 61 Member

    I am 34 also and mum of 1 Girl. I am working full time as well so I understand very well that you do not have to much time for the exercise. Me either. And the same here I skit to my eating plans on the week days but at the weekend hard to focus.:wink:

    Feel free to ad me as a friend! :smile:
  • Thank you peeps :smile: Have requested you as friends :flowerforyou:

    Any other shortie, thirty something's that fancy some support and motivation :smile: x x
  • Hey MFP,

    I am looking for some twin buddies to help me stay focused and lose the last 20lbs on my weightloss/fitness journey.

    I am 34, 5ft 2" and started using MFP last January. My starting weight was 172lbs :noway: and my current weight is 139lbs. I am aiming for a goal weight of 119lbs.

    I try to stick to about 1200 calories a day during the week, but like to live a little at the weekends so use my exercise calories up then :laugh:

    I am a full time working mum of three so have have to be super organised to fit in "me" time (i.e. exercise) and make sure we all eat good healthy food :smile:

    I log in everyday and would would welcome any support you can offer and adds :flowerforyou:

    Becky x
    Twins.. aren't you kinky. I want twins too.

    Ha ha! on second thoughts, I think my life is crazy busy enough without adding twins into the equation lol! x
  • Jokingamerica12
    Jokingamerica12 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey !! I joined in August and so far ive lost 28lb, im a busy working mum of 3 children ( 2 of them are twin girls !!! hahaha )
    I log in everyday, nice to get some support :) xx
  • Hi there! I'm 2 inches taller and 5lb heavier. I'd love to buddy up.
    I'm a busy wife working full time. No kids (yet). I moved country, felt stressed and gained 10lb! I'd like to get back down to 125lb, so about 20lb to lose.
  • Hi, im also 5ft 2', w 138lbs gw 115! busy mum of 2. struggling with the motivation to get to the gym so any support gratefully received! x
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    I could be a twin.. but umm no. I am 5'1 148 lbs- prob 146 now? waiting to weigh in. plan to lose 20 lbs.. but goal is set at 15 for now. I like to reach small goals faster :) I have an open diary of food.
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    I am 32.
  • slb_71
    slb_71 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'2" with a goal weight of 125. I started using MFP in January with a starting weight of 159. My current weight is 152. I need all the support and motivation that I can get as I've been struggling to lose the weight for 5 years now. Since joining MFP in January I have the most success and motiviation than anything else I've tried.
    I work full time than go home and am a mother to two busy teenagers and 5 furry kids. I find it difficult to add "me" time as well during the day, so have started going to the gym on my lunch break at work. So far it's working.

    Feel free to add me as a buddy. It helps me to know that this journey isn't impossible by seeing the results and progress of others. Good luck :)
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    You are welcome to add me if you wish.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Haha! We were almost separated at birth! 5'3" 149, goal of 130. Lost 60 so far, and also working on that last 20! Add me if you like! :happy:
  • Add me if ya want! 5'3" CW 132 GW 125...started off at almost 140--I had just kept gaining & gaining & had to do something! Holidays were hard but only gained a lb or so, this month I've gotten back in gear (like most of the world haha!). I use a Fitbit & it helps me track even more :)
  • Hiya,

    I've been on MFP almost two years and love it! I'm 5'2" high, SW 178, CW 133 and GW 119

    I work full time with expelled pupils, study part time for my degree, raise one son, now aged 11 and try and fit in homelife with hubby too!

    My exercise regime is based on walking (struggle to do anything different due to spinal op in 2011) so the weight takes a while longer to come off, but it is, steadily!

    Feel free to add :smile:
  • Wow! What a great response!! Thanks so much ladies, I've sent you all friend requests :flowerforyou:

    I've used MFP for a year now and never realised how motivating having a community of friends on here can be :smile:

    I've had a great week back on it and was rewarded with a 1lb loss on the scales this morning :happy:

    Anyone else who wants support, please feel free to add or post :flowerforyou: x x
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    Hi there!

    I'm 5'2" & started using MFP about 3 weeks ago & on every day. Currently 154 want to get back down to 110.
    I eat pretty healthy & usually about 1,250cals/day. Just started being able to exercise again this month so I try to most days for around 45mins.
    Feel free to add me too!