How Many Suspected or Already Knew This About Biggest Loser



  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    I think the show is okay. Just keep in mind that the show is for entertainment and isn't meant to be followed for weight loss. If it inspires you to eat better and start working out, then good for you. Just keep in mind that what they show is extreme and edited for tv.
  • lovemykids58
    lovemykids58 Posts: 195 Member
    I do watch the show and I do like it. HOWEVER, after the trainers came out with their own line of diet pills- it really brought the whle thing down a few notches for me
  • lovemykids58
    lovemykids58 Posts: 195 Member
    My problem with TBL is these people are at fat camp. It's unrealistic. If I was able to go away, have a personal trainer and all the time in the world to focus, then you would see drastic changes in me too.They have no external stresses, work, spouses, kids. I would like this show more if it were people living there everyday lives, making changes and losing weight. Show me the person who is working a full time job, picking kids up from school, going to soccer practice and finding time to go to the gym. Show me real world solutions working.

    The show extreme makeover weight loss edition does!
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Here's what former contestant Kai Hibbard has to say about the unhealthy practices (this one has a video link to her interview)


    They pretty much say the same thing...
  • cedman1
    cedman1 Posts: 104 Member
    Good inspirational show. Maybe not the best practices but not so absurd when trying to cut weight for a sport.
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    I had no idea they did that. And that is just terrible, just for ratings. It doesn't sound like they are really concerned about their health.
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    Doesn't really surprise me. Something always seemed exceedingly off and irritating about the show.
  • ShellysRoad
    ShellysRoad Posts: 95 Member
    I never suspected that naive as I am. I thought I would try going to an audition, but did not have 100 plus pounds to lose. Therefore I did not qualify. I was sad at the time, but what a silly reason to be sad!
  • ShellysRoad
    ShellysRoad Posts: 95 Member
    I have a love hate relationship with the show. I love that i get motivated while and after watching even if fake. It makes me want to go workout or be better. What is hate most is the backlash they give each other for not losing "enough" How many people you know would be UPSET about losing 9 lbs in a week?! REALLY?! I know its for TV and drama, but people in the real world are taking this serious and losing 2lb, heck losing .5lbs, every week for a long period of time is something that should be commended.

    Great point! I totally agree!!
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    I have a love hate relationship with the show. I love that i get motivated while and after watching even if fake. It makes me want to go workout or be better. What is hate most is the backlash they give each other for not losing "enough" How many people you know would be UPSET about losing 9 lbs in a week?! REALLY?! I know its for TV and drama, but people in the real world are taking this serious and losing 2lb, heck losing .5lbs, every week for a long period of time is something that should be commended.

    I agree with this. This show has motivated my husband and me. I am pretty proud when I see some of the out door scenes this year and they are using some of the same workout techniques as my trainer. As far as exercise, I know I am on the right track. I use cardio, weights and cross-fit. i have seen all 3 on this show.

    I don't agree with the low calories but that is the premise of the show. They wanted to prove obese people could safely lose weight quickly if that is their focus. For someone who is 500 pounds, you may need this extreme type of program to save your life.

    I like that they always have the doc there to monitor them. It's a good show but it is a show! It isn't a documentary. I am sure some of it is set up. This week, the only remaining member of the white team won a 2 pound advantage using a swimming challenge. I am positive the producers knew she was a competitive swimmer when they made it a swimming challenge. It's a SHOW!
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I did a half hour episode of a show on Animal Planet some years ago when I ran a dog rescue group. It was relating to a dog being adopted and was presented like a documentary, but everything was fake. There was a producer who told us what to say, we had to bring extra sets of clothes to change into so that we could pretend that things were happening on different days, I had to pretend to talk to people on the phone (my big acting debut lol) and we did everything in an afternoon but on the show it looked like 3 months had passed. I've never looked at those types of programs the same again.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Nothing on T.V. is real, regardless of whether it's called "reality t.v." or not....this would pretty much include any "news" network as well.
  • amberlynnsinspired
    amberlynnsinspired Posts: 438 Member
    Not trying to "knock" anybodies input/beliefs/opinions/etc. but this statement is false. My friends best friend went on the Biggest Loser a few years ago (Jessica Delf, red team, season 10; if anyone is wondering). Before entering the Biggest Loser, they are encouraged to continue their normal activity. And EVERYTHING about the Biggest Loser is REAL and REALISTIC. These people are working their *kitten* off, just like anyone else can do. The contestants that get eliminated and go home have jobs, have families, have 'LIFES' priorities and are STILL losing just as much weight as they were when they were on the Biggest Loser Ranch. Seeing random rumors about the show is disappointing because it is motivational for so many people out there and the Biggest Loser continues to inspire millions and has changed millions of people's lives.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    never suspected, not sure I beleive, don't really care.

    I actually live close to the location for shoots and I had some really good experiences there in person off the show being treated by one of their health specialists. He was a real practitioner healed my body part that was in pain and there was nothing fake about that.

    Try visiting one of the locations see if you still feel so hateful of it all. The guests do real workouts, eat real food, (I've passed the dining hall), get real lectures on food/calories/whatnot, I've overheard the lectures specifically comparing satiety and calories of white breast of chicken versus dark meat. It's a fine place that is helping lots of people. It's sad when I go because they always wonder what I'm doing there and when I say I'm here for a treatment then it's okay. But walking through the dining hall everyones eyes are glued to me in like envy or awe or something like if I'm a movie star or something and I'm not even at goal weight. It's a truly inspirational place and let's stop judging something that is saving peoples lives and giving them something they might never have elsewhere acceptance and motivation.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I think I watched one episode and couldnt stomach it. And I'm one who loves weight loss stories, but the whole scripted feel of it just turned me off. Doesnt surprise me though TV isnt about health its about drama and ratings.
  • jill7wilson
    jill7wilson Posts: 5 Member
    What is "derptitude"? LOL!
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Ahhhhh the media portrays weight loss. Makes it seem so unobtainable to most of us! Probably why so many of us struggle with it so much. If they would just portray the truth, and quit trying to make such a profit on it, we would all be thin! They make it seem as though you have to go hungry, eat perfectly, and all while killing yourself with ridiculous workouts! Don't get me wrong, I love BL, and it really motivates me to exercise, but still. From commercials, to TV shows, to the ridiculous prices of healthy foods at the grocery store, it's really gotten out of hand.
  • futurestarz
    I agree with DavPul. I already knew that biggest loser is a very unhealthy weight loss game show (and all the many unhealthy things they put people through).

    And I've also seen the video that a fit guy did showing how body builders can do before/after shots of themselves with fakery for selling weight loss scams. Here it is:

    wow. this video was really eye opening.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Bump so I can read the links and watch the videos later.

    I'm not surprised that things are wonky with this show though.
    I've never really watched any of it tho
  • findingfab
    Not trying to "knock" anybodies input/beliefs/opinions/etc. but this statement is false. My friends best friend went on the Biggest Loser a few years ago (Jessica Delf, red team, season 10; if anyone is wondering). Before entering the Biggest Loser, they are encouraged to continue their normal activity. And EVERYTHING about the Biggest Loser is REAL and REALISTIC. These people are working their *kitten* off, just like anyone else can do. The contestants that get eliminated and go home have jobs, have families, have 'LIFES' priorities and are STILL losing just as much weight as they were when they were on the Biggest Loser Ranch. Seeing random rumors about the show is disappointing because it is motivational for so many people out there and the Biggest Loser continues to inspire millions and has changed millions of people's lives.

    I made a somewhat brief appearance during an episode a few years ago when they did the very first BL 5k here at the Cottonbowl. I can tell you that everything that aired from that day was 100% real. As for the article....I read it a while ago and we all at one time or another have done things that are questionnable regarding our diet and health. I'm not surprised, but at the end of the day we are all adults and have a voice. If you don't approve of what they are asking, then don't do it. Period.