Desperate for change

I have always been on diets mostly unhealthy ones because they seemed to be the easiest for me or so I thought, My weight
has been up and down mostly up and I know I need to make changes to my way of diets so I am here today in hopes of that. I am 32 years old but I feel much older my birthday is around the corner and so is summer and I refuse to live another summer miserable.


  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    Welome babyamber. I know what you mean! I have never been on a formal "diet" before, but I kept making ideas to do this more, do this less, watch this and stuff like that.... I have tried over and over again and no real results. I lost quite a bit of weight one time(19lbs or so), but dont really know how... it just kind of happened and I didnt even notice it til it was done. Now, I have been trying over and over and still not seeing much change in the scale. I will say that I feel better. I know I am eating better. I have been told by several others that they can see the change, even though I have only lost about 7-9lbs in 5 months.

    So, I know how frustrating it can be. I will say that MFP has been helping me to see how bad somethings really are for me. It makes me stop and contemplate the choices I make. It also helps me to know what I have to do to try and get rid of my indulgences.

    Feel free to add me and view my diary. I am also in group called High heels & Fishnets. They are a wonderful group of women that keep me motivated and help pick me up when I am down. We get weekly challenges that you can choose to do. And we are a great support group. Hope to see your name on our list! Welcome to MFP!!!!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I have been successful at weight loss for the first time in my life and will tell you that if you faithfully log in your food intake every day and stick with the calorie plan set up for you based on your weight and exercise, you too will experience a success in your weight loss efforts. This is a very encouraging group of folks, so you are not alone in your efforts! Take baby steps and don't let one misstep throw you off. I wish you well! Feel friend to "friend" me if you are seeking encouragers.
  • Aoide
    Aoide Posts: 6 Member
    welcome babyamber! I am convinced that just by tracking what you eat and seeing how it stacks up against other foods will so totally help you make better decisions. My meal at Longhorn last night was over 800 calories - one meal - and I tried to choose what I thought were healthy items and I only ate about 1/2 of each thing on my plate. I'm pretty sure the next time I go there, I will order differently! With me, I think it is more how much I eat rather than what I eat. I've only been tracking for a couple of weeks now but things look promising
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Log your diet faithfully, It helps you make good choices.

    I am going to dinner tonight and have already chosen my menu and realized that I need to bring my own dressing and get a potato rather than rice with only 2 tablespoons of fresh bacon bits in order to stay within my limits and still get to pig out on prawn cocktail and prime rib!

    I am following the 52 in 52 rule.

    A pound a week is what I shoot for.

    That may seem slow but here it is the 17th week of the year and I have lost 17 pounds.

    It is easy to follow and easy to maintain when I meet my goal.

    And if I foul up, I just push my goal out.

    I want to have a good time and enjoy food and life and booze and wine and lose weight at the same time.

    it is possible!
  • Kath15
    Kath15 Posts: 165 Member
    Welcome! You'll love this site and the supportive community. I think that you'll find counting/limiting your calories and tracking your exercise far more realistic and doable than any fad diet. It's really about making a lifestyle change. MFP really makes people take a look at what they are putting in their mouths and being accountable for it. You can do it as long as you stay positive and committed. Good luck as you start your journey here!
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    I hear you on that one! I'm about to be 32, been dieting since i was in 6th grade. I'm finally just sick of it! So the first of April I made the decision to eat healthy and I joined a gym. I make myself go to the gym 5-6 days a week and I go hiking at least 2 days a week. In the beginning I was asking myself, What am I doing?! But I hung in thier and now I love the gym! It took a good 3 weeks before I realized this! I saw changes in my attitude and in my body that I loved! That is my motivation! I feel better than ever!!! Make summer great!!! You can do it!!!
  • wb2glp
    wb2glp Posts: 5
    I refuse to live another summer miserable.

    That's all it takes! The hardest part is making that commitment to yourself not to give up.