Nursing moms!!

I have a 6 month old. I would like to know what your doing to loose weight, what is working for you, how many calories you eat daily, and what you allow your body for breastfeeding on top of your daily calorie intake. Thanks in advance.


  • Pfeiffer24
    Pfeiffer24 Posts: 106 Member
    Im at 1450, diary open.. if I eat over its ok. I used to log my nursing as 200 calories, but I dont anymore cuz its more motivation to work out. I know they say 1600-1800+ for nursing moms, but I homnestly cant eat tnat unless I eat cookies. We eat pretty healthy. Bbqs, pulled pork, corn, broccoli, tuna wraps, grilled tilapia whole, far I lost 20 lbs... very slowly over a year!! and thats. With not being on a big diet and alot of the time splurging on cookies n etc.... feel free to add me
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    thanks. i'm the same way. i set my goal to 1200 but then i add in breastfeeding as -400 a day because shes eating like 6-7 times a day still or maybe more. That puts me at about 1600 and if i eat a little over, its ok. i've been able to loose about 1.6 pounds a week at a steadily pace. its all so confusing to me though. i've heard of people eating even 2000 a day and loosing weight. I know that if you eat to less, you wont loose weight and if you eat to much you wont either. So its hard to find where i will constantly. It seems like there is so much room for error. haha thanks so much!
  • I've lost little over 60lbs. At my heaviest I was 265 or so. I consume 1710 calories and pump about 32oz a daily. I eat oatmeal for breakfast almost every morning and eat a light lunch like a sandwich and for dinner I eat a bigger meal. I lost the bulk of my weight when I was staying home with my baby because I would do Zuma on the Wii 4-5 times a week. Now that I'm working full time and my baby is in day care, I'm lacking a little motivation to work out because all I want to do during my free time is be with her. She was born on Aug 1st and will be 6 months soon.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    I ate 2,100 when i was breastfeeding and i lost about 1lb a week.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    When I was nursing, I didn't eat anything artificial (that was when they had the craze about artifical flavors and the red and blue dyes causing ADHD) but the weight didn't jsut "fall off" like it did for the other nursing moms in my workcenter's nursing room. I gained almost 60 while pregnant, lost 20 over the next year with moderate exercie. I weaned him at 1.

    The rest of the weight came off over the next 2 years, and took a LOT of work- really being on top of my calories and exercising about an hour to 2 hours each day. Thankfully I had a job and (then) husband who could support me exercising like that. And a treadmill.

    Some people just have to work a little harder, but I encouraged you to keep nursing because it's WORTH IT!
  • keri3
    keri3 Posts: 60 Member
    First off you are amazing!! I love nursing moms its so selfless and incredible.....ok so yea I have a almost 15 month old who still nurses only at night time but when he was strictly breast milk I usually consumed around 1500 calories ...that worked for my body but its really about each body. I eat pretty much strictly " clean" whole foods so I think this is why it worked. I also work out 6 days a week and when I was strictly nursing I was doing insanity. I say just go with what feels good to your body and do t stress too much over calories just focus on calories that are worth eating!!! Good luck!
  • I have an 8 month old (we do baby led weaning so she eats some of my food from my plate but she's primarily on breast milk still). I was losing around 2lbs a week, now I'm closer to pre-baby weight/maintenence so I'm aiming for around a pound. My calories vary, right now I usually eat around 2000ish I'd say? I work out at home with Jillian Michaels and Leslie Sansone. I've lost 35lbs since last September.
  • When my lil' man was 6 months I did between 1400-1600 calories a day depending on if I was hungry or not and then usually ate a piece of whole wheat bread with some natural peanut butter instead of eating wasteful calories, now he's 22 months and eats about 3 times a day and I eat between 1200-1400 calories again depending on if I am hungry, I always try to drink before eating b/c sometimes it's dehydration so remember to get all 8 cups of water a day, sometimes I drink more than that b/c I am thirsty, so drink lots and eat until you are satisfied. And losing 1.6 lbs steadily a week is great, even though you should only be losing a lb a week if you are a bf momma so make sure you don't start losing your supply. Good luck momma!
  • I have a son who is 3 and I had to lose about 60 lbs with him and did so in about 12-14 months. I just had my daughter and she is only 2 weeks old but I have started logging calories. I am nursing fulltime and this time I only need to lose 28 pounds but I am STARVING all the time. I have put myself to start at 1800 calories daily and am finding it hard only eating that many! I haven't weighed in yet because I have only been logging since the start of the week but I will try and adjust calories if I don't lose any weight or lose more than one pound. I would really love to eat more right now. Urgh!
  • Oh and it will be so different for everyone. I didn't lose hardly any weight after my 1st and 2nd were born, even when nursing. My 3rd is the first kid I've lost weight nursing and I've lost almost all my combined baby weight as a result. The best thing is to eat to fuel your body and your milk and stay active!
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    When I was nursing, I didn't eat anything artificial (that was when they had the craze about artifical flavors and the red and blue dyes causing ADHD) but the weight didn't jsut "fall off" like it did for the other nursing moms in my workcenter's nursing room. I gained almost 60 while pregnant, lost 20 over the next year with moderate exercie. I weaned him at 1.

    The rest of the weight came off over the next 2 years, and took a LOT of work- really being on top of my calories and exercising about an hour to 2 hours each day. Thankfully I had a job and (then) husband who could support me exercising like that. And a treadmill.

    Some people just have to work a little harder, but I encouraged you to keep nursing because it's WORTH IT!

    Its been pretty hard for me also. it takes alot more than i thought it would. for others around where i live, the say it falls off but of course, its hard for me! I will definitely keep nursing, hoping for another 6 months! thanks so much
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I ate 2,100 when i was breastfeeding and i lost about 1lb a week.

    wow! thats so great!
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    First off you are amazing!! I love nursing moms its so selfless and incredible.....ok so yea I have a almost 15 month old who still nurses only at night time but when he was strictly breast milk I usually consumed around 1500 calories ...that worked for my body but its really about each body. I eat pretty much strictly " clean" whole foods so I think this is why it worked. I also work out 6 days a week and when I was strictly nursing I was doing insanity. I say just go with what feels good to your body and do t stress too much over calories just focus on calories that are worth eating!!! Good luck!

    Thanks for that! it really is about each body because i find that even if i splurge one day, i still manage to have a great week,. Which is awesome to have the room for that kinda stuff!!
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I have a son who is 3 and I had to lose about 60 lbs with him and did so in about 12-14 months. I just had my daughter and she is only 2 weeks old but I have started logging calories. I am nursing fulltime and this time I only need to lose 28 pounds but I am STARVING all the time. I have put myself to start at 1800 calories daily and am finding it hard only eating that many! I haven't weighed in yet because I have only been logging since the start of the week but I will try and adjust calories if I don't lose any weight or lose more than one pound. I would really love to eat more right now. Urgh!

    Ugh those first couple of weeks were so hard! even now i find that im still hungry alot. Much more than normal. Good luck!
  • shaywallis
    shaywallis Posts: 165 Member
    I have a 5 1/2 mo old who is exclusively breastfeed. I am currently doing crossfit and living a paleo lifestyle. I eat around 1600cal plus an extra 400-500 for breastfeeding. Here is my progress pic so far. Long way to go but I'll get there! Noelle/?action=view&current=fitnessjourney.jpg
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I definitely make sure to get enough water. Loosing 1.6 a week has certainly not messed with my supply. I find that i still end up engorged if she doesn't eat on time. which is great to know i have a great supply. Hoping it will help me loose 40more pounds in the next 6 months or so.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I have a 5 1/2 mo old who is exclusively breastfeed. I am currently doing crossfit and living a paleo lifestyle. I eat around 1600cal plus an extra 400-500 for breastfeeding. Here is my progress pic so far. Long way to go but I'll get there!

    You look great for having a baby so recently. I have about 45 pounds to go. Nursing has definitely helped me. Good luck!!
  • shaywallis
    shaywallis Posts: 165 Member
    I have a 5 1/2 mo old who is exclusively breastfeed. I am currently doing crossfit and living a paleo lifestyle. I eat around 1600cal plus an extra 400-500 for breastfeeding. Here is my progress pic so far. Long way to go but I'll get there!

    You look great for having a baby so recently. I have about 45 pounds to go. Nursing has definitely helped me. Good luck!!

    thanks momma = ) I've been pregnant 4 years in a row so I'm deff working my butt off to get back to pre preggo status
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I have a 5 1/2 mo old who is exclusively breastfeed. I am currently doing crossfit and living a paleo lifestyle. I eat around 1600cal plus an extra 400-500 for breastfeeding. Here is my progress pic so far. Long way to go but I'll get there!

    You look great for having a baby so recently. I have about 45 pounds to go. Nursing has definitely helped me. Good luck!!

    thanks momma = ) I've been pregnant 4 years in a row so I'm deff working my butt off to get back to pre preggo status

    That would be tough! You got this!