Hello, Officer, NSV

on my blog, had to share it with the world <3
okay, so to give you snoopers a little back story, 2 weeks ago, my uncles van was stolen by a bunch of teenagers and taken to seattle (350 miles away) for a little joy ride, and when he called it in to the police station, an officer came down.

when the officer showed up i was just about to leave to head to the post office, but instead of leaving i got out of my car and walked up to his and asked him what i could do for him. he explained that he was the responding officer so i took him inside and he talked with my mom and i, while my daughter nini was trying her hardest to she her new ponies with the officer and get him to playyyy.

he then left, no harm no foul. =]

today, i was having soooo much trouble with my sprint phone, so i went down around 2, and then had to go BACK at 5. When i was standing inside there were 6 people working and 3 customers including me, and then two officers walk in, low and behold its the GUY.... we will call him Jerry. Jerry and his coofficer walk up and tell them that a silent alarm is going off, and that they had to check around.... i jokingly told him that i was silently robbing the joint... and he laughed then went off with the manager. He needed to talk to said manager before leaving after clearing the store so the other officer left... about 10 minutes later he walks out of the office, and says "where do i know you from", and i laugh and tell him i was the family member of 'the old guy who got his van stolen"... and he tilts his head and tells me 'ohhh, yeah, the one who was more worried about his beer that he left in the car than the actual car."... so we chatted a minute, and then the guy who was helping with my phone tells me its all ready to go.

so i bid Jerry ado, and went on my merry way out to my car...

Now i will let you know that i had JUST worked out, AND i was still in my work out clothes, no shower, no makeup, and like victoria secret sweats and ****.... i go out to my car, and he walks out behind me... i jokingly show him that i am exaggeratingly buckling up... he walks up to the passenger window... and ask 'what on earth are you doing'. i laughed at him and told him i was making sure he knew i was buckeled up...

he asks my name, and i tell him Cheyanne....

he tilts his little cop head and says "well cheyanne, you, are so cute". and kinda waits a minute and just walks off.

yes, he was in uniform. BLEEPING NSV.


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