Insanity or..... ?

So I have a good 15-20 lbs I'd like to lose by the summer and I'm a fairly healthy 30 year old. I'm considering sinking my money into "Insanity." I have some space in my living room and a TV. Pros? Cons? Experiences?


  • holly9088
    holly9088 Posts: 4 Member
    I am doing insanity now and I like it! The whole workout is uploaded on so if you have a laptop or gaming system you can hook it up to your tv and do it for free! :)
  • LisaMia66
    I found a free 15 minute workout video on Dr. Oz's website. Shaun T, who makes the Insanity workout videos, is the one who's running the workout on the video. It's intense for this newbie and I love how much I sweat! It's at least worth a try and you can't beat FREE!
  • urglewurgle
    urglewurgle Posts: 224 Member
    Maybe test drive the workouts first? Google for the insanity work out calendar and see if you can find them to view online. It's only worth spending all that money if you're gonna stick to it but it does work. I lost 20lbs over two rounds of insanity and 7 inches from my waist!

    Good luck!