Need mom friends for support! Losing baby fat!

Hi, I am a first time mom looking for other moms who are struggling losing weight while taking care of a little one and trying to figure this whole balancing act out. I have 29 pounds before I am at my pre-pregnacy weight!

I am having a hard time, finding time, getting motivated and getting my energy level up. Any and all advice is welcome.

I am reaching out and asking you to add me! We can support each other, the more the merrier!

Thank you for reading my post!



  • DaisyJane
    DaisyJane Posts: 147 Member
    Hi! I put on about 3 stone when I was pregnant. I like to call it 'baby weight' but in reality it was just food food and more food! I managed to shift about 40 lbs by walking 4-5 miles every day. I started when LO was about 2 months old and if i could roughly co-ordinate with nap times, he would just sleep in the pram. I had a few different routes I would do, each with somewhere I could go at the half way point- (even if it was just to the supermarket to get a drink!). I had no time to do anything more organised like workout dvds or the gym. For me, this was the only practical way of getting me out the house and exercising at the same time!
    I also got a pair of shape up trainers (not sure how much difference they made) and a nike plus bracelet and shoe chip for measuring distances/calorie. I would really recommend getting some sort of pedometer like this, or you could install runkeeper app which does the same thing provided you have reliable coverage whilst out and about.

    As soon as LO was into more of a routine and couldn't tolerate long stints in pram, I started 30 day shred. As soon as he went down at night, I would grab 20 mins for this and hubby would be on baby monitor watch.

    Hope some of this helps!
  • DaisyJane
    DaisyJane Posts: 147 Member
    Hi! I put on about 3 stone when I was pregnant. I like to call it 'baby weight' but in reality it was just food food and more food! I managed to shift about 40 lbs by walking 4-5 miles every day. I started when LO was about 2 months old and if i could roughly co-ordinate with nap times, he would just sleep in the pram. I had a few different routes I would do, each with somewhere I could go at the half way point- (even if it was just to the supermarket to get a drink!). I had no time to do anything more organised like workout dvds or the gym. For me, this was the only practical way of getting me out the house and exercising at the same time!
    I also got a pair of shape up trainers (not sure how much difference they made) and a nike plus bracelet and shoe chip for measuring distances/calorie. I would really recommend getting some sort of pedometer like this, or you could install runkeeper app which does the same thing provided you have reliable coverage whilst out and about.

    As soon as LO was into more of a routine and couldn't tolerate long stints in pram, I started 30 day shred. As soon as he went down at night, I would grab 20 mins for this and hubby would be on baby monitor watch.

    Hope some of this helps!
  • Ely0418
    Ely0418 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, I understand you in every way. I gained 50lbs, with my pregnancy. I turned to food for comfort, and gained an extra 20lbs. pounds. I put my all to my family, and i forget about myself. I look like a mess, but i lost 10lbs, these 2 weeks. So im in a good start rite now. It's hard but nothing is impossible.
  • tyhayden
    Hello, well I'm probably the oldest one here. I had my third child in Oct 2011 at the age of........(drumroll)..... 42. There is a 6 yr gap between each. Yes i spaced them out pretty well but not my intention. Being in my 40's it is so much harder to lose the weight than when i had my first child. I am struggling so much and at times it gets a bit depressing. i went from modeling in my younger years and staying fit to having a desk job and not having time for myself. I'm out of the home, for work, 12 hours a day. I come home and prepare dinner and take car of the little one. Yes my husband and my other two girls help with her but as we all do we put everything into our families and we come last. When do i exercise?? I dont want that model body back but i do want to get in shape and be healthy and of course look good in my clothes. My husband wants to take me shopping but i refuse to buy anymore clothes at this size. I am looking to lose about 50lbs as well. Congrats to Ely0418 on your weight loss so far! Does anyone have any advice on how to sqeeze exercise in when i dont have the time? Good luck to you all!!
  • imiles8
    You're doing great, Millybjump! I took off 70 lbs when I was approaching 30 but it's come back on through two kids, one just a year ago (like tyhayden, I'm now 42 with a six-year gap between kids) who is the survivor of identical twins, so believe me, I was packing in the calories during my pregnancy to keep them going and then after with some struggles with depression. ANYway, all that's to say, that through my experience with weight loss in the past and now the present, I find that if I just count calories, squeeze in 20 minutes a day of some kind of exercise (add a couple of perimeter laps to the Sam's/Costco shopping trip; do the stairs a few more times; get out and walk with the stroller during the morning nap) and (and here's the real key for me) weigh only once a week, things move along. I think the other key for me is that I have to stop thinking about it too much. It's kind of like finding your partner in life; the minute you stop looking, BAM, it happens. I also wonder if, as a first time mom, you might be interested in the MOM's club in your area? It's an international organization that divides its chapters up by zip code and then that group of moms (usually great women although sometimes you do get the insecure/competitive mom; just ignore that; she's struggling and overcompensating) plans outtings and play dates and activities and everybody or just a few get together. You might find a group who wants to do stroller walks with you, etc? I love my group and have been with them since my daughter was about a year old. Here's the website if you're interested:
    And just hang in there! Like I said at first, you're doing great! Just keep on trying!
  • debgoomey
    debgoomey Posts: 28 Member
    I gave birth to my 8th baby in November! I totally understand how hard it is to find time to exercise and calorie count while taking care of little ones! I would love to encourage and be encouraged too! Feel free to add me as a friend!:smile:
  • mrspeavs
    I'm with you!! I was way overweight to start with, but I dropped almost 50lbs before getting pregnant (using MFP and a nutritionist through work). I gained 30 back during pregnancy, lost 23lbs by Christmas (BabyPeavs was born 10.10), and now am suddenly up another 10. Well, not suddenly. I ate like CRAP during my maternity leave - I was wearing sweatpants and baby barf all day. Why would I care what I looked like?? :) But now that I'm back at work and finding that I just look like junk, I'm getting back into this whole weight loss/better life thing. I definitely need more motivators in my life. I'm like you and just trying to figure out how to do it all. The worst is understanding how my caloric needs are different because I'm breast feeding, and trying to figure out how to exercise without it killing my supply. For now, my plan is to just start tracking my food and doing light working out to ease myself back into it. I miss the pride I felt after dropping those 40+ pounds!