Only lost 7 lbs in a month...



  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Congrats on losing 7 pounds! Something to consider is that, if you are exercising more, you may actually be burning more fat than you think, but it's masked by your muscles retaining water to heal themselves.

    Here are a few reasons why you should be happy that you are not losing extremely quickly:
    1. People who lose more slowly are less likely to gain the weight back after reaching goal
    2. People who lose more slowly are less likely to have issues with sagging skin
    3. People who start out obese usually have awesome muscles hiding under the fat, and losing slowly helps preserve them so you look really kick-*kitten* at the end
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    yea, give it time. I've been here 65 days and have only lost 3 pounds. 7 in one month is amazing!
  • mrsnecincy
    mrsnecincy Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Feel free to add me and look at my diary too as I'm in exactly same boat as you. I started this 6 weeks ago but didn't discover MFP until I was half way through. I've lost 5 kg ish up to now and have at least 15 to lose probably even 20. Am on 1680 cals and hit all macros and have been under cals every day. I had a setback last week which I believe to be from too many white carbs too much salt and a little bit of booze! I did loads more excersise than normal and put on 3lb of water just from that. This week I've done my 8 glasses a day and got rid of that and am down again this morning. I didn't want to get scale obsessed but have been weighing every other day this week just cos I want to get to know how everything is effecting my body. You are not alone by the way. And try watching the salt and drinking more water.
  • alexisu96
    alexisu96 Posts: 103 Member
    Hey I'll gladly trade my 3 lb loss to,your 7 lbs. Dont get caught up in the biggest loser crap of obese people losing 10lbs a week crap! 7 lbs is awesome. Wish my body would do,that !
  • DelilaLightfoot
    Well done! I joined in January and am around 8lbs down at the end of the month and I'm delighted :) For the first time I think I finally have my head around this and I know this is going to take at least a year for me and there are no quick fixes. I keep reminding myself that 11 more months is not that long in the grand scheme of things and the payback for this year will be a much better quality of life for the next 30 or 40 years!! It's so worth it and slow and steady will win the race :)
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    Only?! No not "only" :p That's really great! if you consider that losing 1lb a week is reasonable and ideal 7lbs in one month is almost double that!

    Ive lost 7lbs in like 3 months ( I keep getting slacky and forgetting to log and losing/gaining), so be happy ^^
  • kazmurphblin
    kazmurphblin Posts: 114 Member
    You have to DO MORE sweetie no matter what it boils down to do more eat less (of the right food) but yes you are doing well, it is healthier to loose the weight slowly, just do more every day and you will loose weight!! Comon you can do it! x
  • Sarah38Anderson

    I'm also extremely frustrated at my lack of weight loss when averaging 1200 calories per day (I have lost 5 pounds in 30 days). I have read all of the posts in this forum and found everyone's comments really helpful. Especially the sodium levels as I have a tendancy to retain water so its one to watch out for. I also copied the link to fat 2 fit ratio BMR and discovered my daily calories intake should be 1744, so I have taken off the 20% and worked out my calories should be 1395 per day. I'm going to try and eat a little bit more on the calories and watch my sodium levels, thanks for posting it really helps peeps like me. :smile:
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Everyone is different! U r doing great! Keep at it! :flowerforyou:
  • cielbee
    cielbee Posts: 62
    Just some suggestions for adding more veggies in (and hate them) put them into things like casseroles and soups. You can grate up things like carrots, zucchini and other veggies into soup, salads, spaghetti sauce and omelets. I like potage (there are tons of recipes with different veggies online) which is basically blended veggie soups. You could try something like a sweet potato and apple soup with a little ginger root grated in. Just cook it in your favorite broth and blend in the blender after. If you want a creamier soup, add in a can of lite coconut milk at the end. Depending on what kind of blender you have, you could pop a few veggies into your blender when you make smoothies. I don't like lettuce salads much, but I love chopped salad with cucumbers, tomatoes and green onions and some vinegar. I also think roasted veggies taste very different than those cooked other ways. Roasted green beans, root veggies, eggplant, cauliflower , peppers, onions and brussel sprouts are good to try. By the way, 7 pounds rocks. Good luck.
  • mklassy123
    Congrats on the 7 pounds. Mine says 8 pounds, but it's really 7.5. You have to FEEL a little different. I know I do. No, I'm not down a size and not one person has noticed (it's honestly not noticeable) but I FEEL better, I FEEL successful. Even though I joined in October, I only REALLY started on January 3rd. I had some bad days this month but that's real life. I refuse to make this feel like a diet, it's a lifestyle change. My realistic goal is to lose 3-4 a month from now on. It will take time to lose it, but it will be worth it. Every five pounds in my book is a huge accomplishment and something to be proud of, so your 7 pounds in one month is a HUGE accomplishment. Don't rush it.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    7 lbs? Excellent!
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    My BMR is 1968, and figured in the calculator to a 20% reduction to be 1889 cals. I changed my MFP calculator to 1865 cal/day.

    20% off of 1968 = 1575

    Don't eat below your BMR, the 20% should be below your TDEE.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    Just some suggestions for adding more veggies in (and hate them) put them into things like casseroles and soups. You can grate up things like carrots, zucchini and other veggies into soup, salads, spaghetti sauce and omelets. I like potage (there are tons of recipes with different veggies online) which is basically blended veggie soups. You could try something like a sweet potato and apple soup with a little ginger root grated in. Just cook it in your favorite broth and blend in the blender after. If you want a creamier soup, add in a can of lite coconut milk at the end. Depending on what kind of blender you have, you could pop a few veggies into your blender when you make smoothies. I don't like lettuce salads much, but I love chopped salad with cucumbers, tomatoes and green onions and some vinegar. I also think roasted veggies taste very different than those cooked other ways. Roasted green beans, root veggies, eggplant, cauliflower , peppers, onions and brussel sprouts are good to try. By the way, 7 pounds rocks. Good luck.

    I love vegetables and eat a few daily, but these are great suggestions....try cooking them in a different don't just have to peel and boil vegetables....roasting with olive oil is yummy, steam, add them to everything....I never make a casserole without adding veggies....made chili last night with 2 cups of veggies for 4 servings of chili....tonight I am cutting up chicken into bite size pieces, cooking in olive oil and adding cut up peppers, onions, cauliflower along with a teaspoon of bbq sauce for flavor. Experiment, you will find a way to eat them. Muffins are also a great way to sneak in veggies....carrot, pineapple, zucchini all come to mind.
    Congrats on the 7 pounds, you are on the right track. Be sure to eat enough based on your BMR and drink lots of water.
  • AvsFreak
    AvsFreak Posts: 152 Member
    1-2 pounds a week is a healthy rate to lose. Plus the faster you lose the more loose skin you could have at the end.

    Slow and steady.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I don't really know what the problem is...7 Lbs in a month is darn good. Generally speaking, nice, safe, and healthy weight loss is 1-1.5 Lbs per week...seems like you're all good OP. You didn't put that weight on over night, and it shouldn't come off over night. Also, the faster you lose, the more lean body mass you lose...and less fat.
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    Hi I can relate to "ONLY" 7 lb lost in a month .....I also started logging in and exercising Jan 2nd and I have lost 7lb.....but wait was all in the first 2 weeks then since then ,....NOTHING!!!!!
    My options are to
    -recalculate stuff ( which I have done)
    -check accuracy of food and exercise ( which I have done)
    - moan a lot (tick)
    - measure inch loss ( no change there!)
    - try clothes for size( oops still too tight!)
    - give up and look at some other diet ( no way no how!)
    - continue with added patience (which I am doing)

    Why? Because generally I feel better and am fitter than I was a month ago AND I am 7lb lighter and I know my body is healthier for it!
    Aluta continua!
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    Only? You lost the weight of an average newborn baby. I would say thats pretty good!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    just from a quick peek at your diary..for the past 3 have gone way over on need to curb that!.. I dont see any vegetables..and you are eating a decent amount of protein.which is awesome..keep at didnt gain all the weight in a cant expect to lose a ton in the first month..

    I have about 10 pounds to lose..and I am lucky if I lose a 1/2 a pound a have to think of it in a more holistic way..eating right..having a better view of food..ect..its more than just the number on the scale.

    oh and the laziness..its awesome you know this..but you have to figure a way around it...

    If losing weight was easy...there would be no obesity in our kudos to you for losing 7 pounds!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    You 'only' lost 7lbs?! That's an amazing loss for a month!

    It has taken me 18 months - yes, 18! - to lose nearly 60lbs. I am 5'6 and started at around 220lbs in July 2011 and I am now 163. I workout 5 times a week, 1 or 2 of those times with a personal trainer, I run round after 2 small kids, and I work part time as a teacher, on my feet all day. My diet isn't perfect, but it's pretty good with barely any processed food and no junk.

    Have you taken measurements? That is where I've done most of my losing! Over 10 inches off my waist, and the same for my thighs and hips.

    I haven't looked at your diary since others already have and seem to have given you good advice.